SS8 and BS8months
SS8 is here and driving me up the wall. He wants my approval. He really does. But the way he goes about it is just not working for me. And I don't know what to do or say.
Whenever I am in the room with him, he immediately runs over to my BioSon (8 months old) and starts coo cooing baby talk at him and saying "Kissy Wissy" and kissing him all over. Meanwhile, he is glancing back at me to make sure I am watching. It is really driving me nuts.
I feel like I can't even get near my own son. SS is allllllllll over him whenever I'm in the room. The minute I walk out of the room, SS goes back to the Wii or whatever it is he was doing.
See, this is why I try to disengage. He WON'T LET ME BREATHE!!! And I am just very much the type of person who really likes my own space. But how do you get onto a kid who is not even being "bad"? SS is just A N N O Y I N G. I almost wish he was just straight up bad so I could just yell at him and be done with it, instead of fake smiling and trying to dodge him.
- LauraHelton331's blog
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Kissy Wissy....
I know what you mean about being a person who likes their own space because I am very much the same way. For me I think it's just due to the fact that I am an only child and come from a family that very much emphasis individual space and privacy. My room is my space and the step brat isn't even allowed in the door. I need one room in the house where her nasty little fingers are not all over everything and her putrid BO isn't stinking up the room!
Using the baby to try to get attention for himself is just straight manipulative and yes, annoying. I can't stand manipulative people regardless of their age. I would probably just call him on the behavior for what it is..If your not comfortable doing that then perhaps just tell him to stop getting in the babies face, to leave the baby alone, or just ignore the attention seeking behavior. I would be concerned about all the "kissy wissy" if SS has a cold because it could make the baby sick.
Step brat is an attention seeker like that and she will use people or any situation to try to get attention for herself..I just ignore it entirley or tell her to knock it off...
In a perfect world their would be retroactive abortion capabilities. ~ disgusted
My own son does this with my
My own son does this with my 6 month old too, its not uncommon for them to want to show they are being a good big brother. If I were you I'd probably be thankful that he is accepting of the baby & not trying to hurt him! If he does it too often just try to gently tell him to back out of the baby's face or once in a while take the baby with you into your own room to play, if its some alone time you want.
"Nobody will ever win the battle of the sexes. There's too much fraternizing with the enemy"
I agree
My SD9 did this when she was 8 to my BS when he was a baby. She wanted so bably for me to tell her she is a good big sister. I just constantly told her she was a good big sister, and that good big sisters need to give the baby space too. Now that he is @ she is always hurting him--enjoy this stage while it last.
Melis hit the nail on the head with this one.
Her and I have been known to disagree,
but she's right.
I have a 16 month old baby and my BS 13 makes sure that I see him loving her. I do think it's for approval from mommy ya know. He's trying to say, look, I love the baby to!! I want to be loved and be a part of this family to!
Not that you don't love him and make him feel like a part of the family. It's just something they do. But sometimes I have to tell my son to get off her, or get out of her face, or just leave me alone for a minute so I can show her some affection! He understands though, and it's never hurt his feelings. He just wants to make sure I know that he loves her to.
My SS7 sorta of does the
My SS7 sorta of does the same thing. Whenever i try to take pictures of BS1 (mainly for his baby book) SS gets in the way at the last minute. It's like if anyone is taking pictures of anything he has to be in them. this annoys me because when he does that I have to say SS7, please move so I can get a picture of just SS1 and of course SS7 whines about why he can't be in the picture. I guess in his warped little mind he should be in every single picture in SS1's baby book! But yeah he does the "I love you so much" and hugs and kisses SS1 all the time, but only when I am holding him. Not when his dad is holding him or anyone else, just me. It makes me uncomfortable but I really know what to do or how to respond or make it stop. sorry no advice here...just letting you know you're sittin' alone in this boat!