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He's a moron!!!

disgusted's picture

So, Step brat who is "grounded" until she makes up all her missing home work assignments is having it cart blanche again....Two days in a row DH took her along to the department store and then out to lunch with him and our son...Some grounding...

Last night, I notice that she is out and about roaming through the house ect...So when we were getting ready for bed I asked him what was up with that...He informs me that she "completed the missing assignments" so she is no longer grounded to her room but she is still grounded from outside (hanging with her friends) and electronics and "isn't allowed to watch television" until she turns in said missing assignments... Did he ever bother to inform me of the change in her grounding status?...NOPE..She is just roaming around the house...

At the time we were getting ready for bed and having this discussion it was 11:15 pm....Where is step brat??? Down staires sitting right next to my daughter watching my daughter play world of warcraft where she had been for about two hours...Whats the freakin difference between watching TV or watching my daughter play WOW??? None in my opinion!!! So, I just asked him that very question..."Whats the difference between watching video games and watching TV?" He thinks about it for a minute and says, "Now that you point it out there really isn't a difference?" (Ding...Ding..Ding...!!!)

She gets up this morning comes down staires and spends over an hour sitting in our gaming room watching DH and our son play a video game on the Playstation 3...Whats the play station three hooked up too?? Right...A television!! I bite my tongue and ignore it...Finally, DH steps out of the room and Step brat is sitting right there telling our son how to play the video game..I mean giving blow by blow on how to play it...GRRRRR...

After about 15 minutes of this, I finally chime up and tell her..."Why don't you just play it for him (insert name of step brat here)?"...Her dad says "No"...So I said, "Why not, she might as well be anyway"...

Now, we had just had that discussion last night that there is no difference between watching a TV show and watching a video game on it...And yet, her snotty little ass is right down staires this morning watching DH play a video game as if we never talked about it at all...

In my parenting world..Grounded from electronics..Means grounded from electronics..Period!!! Seems that DH was doing nothing more then appeaseing his "princess" and blowing off our discussion last night...The guys an idiot!!! I don't think this marriage is going to last much longer because I just can't take it anymore...

It's been very difficult raising her for 15 months while he was deployed only to have him come back and undo everything I did with her while he was gone..Undermine me..And treat me like decisions he makes about her punishments are none of my business...Not even enough common courtesy to inform me that the rules of her grounding have changed...

It would be sooo nice to have a husband who wanted to be a parent rather then being more concerned that his "pricess" likes him...I'm sick of it...

Ps...Update on the printer/memory stick situation...He asked her if she copied her homework from the memory stick at school...NOPE she didn't and provided him some lame excuse as to why...I could have told him that...I knew she wouldn't follow through with having her assignment printed out...It's a good thing I stood my ground and didn't spend hours fixing the printer ect....She wouldn't have done her part of her homework anyway??? Did she get into trouble for that??? NOPE...He's is an F-ing moron!!!!!


disgusted's picture

Oh no...Our son is six and autistic and he expects more from our son then he does his 12 year old "princess"...He treats her totally different then my bio kids or our son that we share...Everything with step brat is "honey, darling, sweet heart" even when she is in trouble...Her mother abandon her when she was 2...And he acts like she is the only child in the world who ever had a parent walk out...He feels sorry for her because her mother bailed and so every one is expected to treat her with kid gloves...It wouldn't irritate me nearly as bad if he was equally a moron with all the kids..His daughter is treated "special" and always has been by him, his parents, and his entire family...That is why she is also known as "The Golden CHild"...

In a perfect world their would be retroactive abortion capabilities.~ disgusted stepmom

now4teens's picture

Too Funny!! We have one of those, too.
SD16 has always been referred to as the "Golden Child"- even by her other sisters. Never to her face, of course, but EVERYONE knows that when it comes to her DADDY, she's the "Golden Child" who can do no wrong.

So funny (ok, sad) to see someone else is going through it, too and it's actually written out.

I feel your pain.

"If you have never been hated by a child, you have never been a parent."
-Bette Davis

Not My Real Mom's picture

Sounds exactly like my DH. Scary, isn't it?

“When all else fails, get a dog.”

disgusted's picture

Whats the deal with these "men"???

In a perfect world their would be retroactive abortion capabilities. ~ disgusted stepmom

Sia's picture

And I honestly believe that they only want us to cook, clean, and play taxi cab driver for their kids, nothing else. We cannot discipline them b/c then we are being too least that's the stupid excuse I get!

disgusted's picture

Whats really disgusting is that in our family:

My dad abandoned me when I was 2 and has never been apart of my life..
My oldest daughters dad bailed on her and has never been a father to her.
My second oldest daughters dad evenutally bailed out on my oldest and our daughter together...
Our grand daughters dad bailed out on her...

The Golden Child is far from the only child in the world. Let alone our own household and family that has had a parent walk.. Yet he just goes along with his "poor golden child" crap...It really makes me sick..

BLM....Step Brats bio mom has three bio children and has lost all three of them..The step brat is her middle child and the only one that is DH's..The oldest and younger were taken by the state and adopted out....BM is an drug addict and bi polar..Though I understand from a few reliable sources that she really got "bad" into the drugs and alcohol after she married DH and had the Step Brat...Small wonder huh??? LOL

In a perfect world their would be retroactive abortion capabilities.~ disgusted..