did any of you go to counseling prior to getting married to get help with BM issues? the issues of how your SO deals with BM?
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did any of you go to counseling prior to getting married to get help with BM issues? the issues of how your SO deals with BM?
I didn't, are you talking
I didn't, are you talking you and hubby going to counseling, or counseling that includes BM?
"The beauty of life is, while we cannot undo what is done, we can see it, understand it, learn from it and change, So that every new moment is spent not in regret, guilt, fear or anger, but in wisdom, understanding, and love."
We are going for all reasons
We are going for all reasons that apply to our situation.
To every thing there is a season.
Yes! We did.
And it really helped us both see one another's points of view (and here I was expecting that it would only help HIM see MY point of view - haha!).
I felt that he was giving into anything she wanted - not just financial stuff, but everyday stuff. She would invite HIS parents over for dinner with her and her FH (who she LEFT my DH for!) and he would tell his parents to go, even though they preferred to decline. "To keep the peace." And I'm like "WTF!" Another issue was that his dad had an email list that he used to share family news, travelougues, etc. He told his dad NOT to take her off the list and NOT to add me until after the divorce was final. I felt this was a huge slap in the face. Here I am getting forwarded messages from him while "the one that threw him away" was on the original distribution! His family did nothing but complain about how awful and rude she had been to them all these years and here he is bending over backwards to NOT offend her. I became livid - I admit it.
However, when we met with the therapist, he listened to what we both had to say (a lot of which was my husband explaining how he just didn't want to deal with her wrath, nagging, emotional rollercoasters, etc. that he knows will come if she's told "no"). And while the therapist didn't totally take his side, he did explain that in DH's view, he was "streamlining his path to me" (clever wording) by keeping the peace in order to get the divorce finalized as soon as possible. After that things did get better, and we BOTH understood each other better on this issue. And I know that helped us to talk about the situations when they arose. And he immediately corrected the email situation! And he kept his word - once their divorce was final the appeasement died down.
No, we didn't.
But then, we'd known each other all our lives, so there were not many surprises.
♥ ANNE 8102 ♥
i mean bf and i going to counseling
i feel at this point an outsider might need to point out to him why boundaries are so important...either for him to go alone or for us to go together. at this point he's setting boundaries because of me but i want him to do it for himself and know why he's doing it...does that make any sense? i'm not even sure anymore..
In Counseling Now
I started my first session last week and my FH goes to his appt tomorrow. I think if you find a good therapist counseling would be great for you. I have gone in the past for other issues and there are a lot of quacks out there like the one Cruella went to. I am having major problems with the BM - she treats my FH like he is her husband or something even though they have been broken up for almost 16 years. My therapist heard what was going on and she said that all ties must be broken except if there is an emergency with the child. The "child" is 15 1/2 and when my therapist heard that she practically had a cow. No more 40, 50 calls a mth, if there is something important she can send an email. Now the issue is if my FH follows through on this which I am hoping he will. He agreed to go in therapy ASAP (I was ready to boot him :))so he can have someone tell him what to do. Which I find hysterical because I can tell him til I'm blue in the face and choking on the floor but if he is paying for a professional - well OMG they must be right! I still am pissed about the whole thing and I told my FH and my therapist that I was disgusted that we even had to go to therapy because my man was so weak but it was MY suggestion as a last ditch effort to see if we can make our relationship work. BUT as I said this woman is awesome and she specializes in blended families and she came highly recommended and now I can see why. I just what the bio-biatch GONE and out of our lives. This woman has beaten him to the ground for 15 years and my FH is so desensitized to the whole thing - its normal for him - which I can understand in a twisted sort of way. I am just a completely different person so I do not understand "his way of thinking. Good luck to you in your situation. Maybe you can let us know exactly what kind of trouble you are having with BM? Take care!
that is exactly
what happened with us. it's a last ditch effort. i used your exact words to him about a week ago. i can talk to you til i'm blue in the face and it's like charlie brown but maybe if someone else tells you the same thing it will be accepted differently. i finally realized that he doesnt understand why not only him but BM and FSD would benefit with more boundaries in place. he thinks he pleases BM and then something wonderful will filter down to FSD because of pleasing BM but it doesnt work that way. no matter how often you may want to say yes there will be a time when you just simply cant do something and those times she turns into a child and throws a tantrum because she's not getting her way and does this in front of FSD. her requests are unreasonable and inappropriate and she believes that he owes her something even though the marriage ended because of her. and like your situation they have been divorced long enough for this crap to stop. it's hard getting him to see that she's this way with him because he allows it. i get more angry at him than i do at her because she owes me nothing. we can discuss something and make a plan and 5 minutes later everything has changed and i wasnt's like i feel like i'm an outsider sometimes...nothing i say is getting through to him and we have a wonderful relationship other than this. we have so much in common and this man cooks, does laundry, helps me with the house and everything...i have no complaints except for this..but to me this is BIG and if it continues, marriage is out of the question and he wants nothing more than to make me his wife. we're going to start counseling just need to get some phone numbers together and start calling. and from all the posts, thank i know i need to ask for someone who has experience with blended families. i guess after you deal with someone for long enough it's like you become desensitized to all of their foolishness.
she thinks
CS is base pay just for having FSD and everything else she needs or SD needs she should call BF for. even stupid favors like call your friend and see if they can hook me up with a phone..u know things she should be asking her man for not mine. can you send child support early? can you double up this month and not pay next month? the list goes on and on and on. then she's had some super big requests that were beyond unbelievable. cant really get into those cause she'd know i was talking about her. she's a special kind of crazy. no one that i have ever met compares. then ofcourse if BF says's because his head is so far up my azz. she chose this life...SHE CHOSE THIS LIFE...that's what i keep repeating to him. she chose to go out and cheat..she decided to get pregnant by someone else before their divorce was even final. her other ex doesnt pay for anything..he hasnt seen his kids in YEARS and she doesnt pull this crap with him cause he's simply not having it. but my bf oh yea..he'll do it..just call him up...where's the dignity and self-respect???
"Base pay"
That's the most perfect term regarding certain money grubbing BMs and CS that I have ever heard!
So there's "base pay" then "bonuses" for all the extra things they pry from their exH's!
"Om Tare Tutare Ture Mama Ayurpunye Jnana Putin Kuru Svaha"
~Sita Tara Mantra
except you can't quit your
except you can't quit your job...or can you? well no in most cases (although cru's BM quit her job), but you definitely can just suck at it cause they didnt give you a bonus that you felt you were entitled!! that sounds insane..oh yea i forgot who we were talking about. the special crazy lady...oh cant use that word either. lady would mean she actually behaved that way.
"...the special crazy lady...oh cant use that word either. lady would mean she actually behaved that way."
Which word can't you use? Are you sure it's just lady? Maybe "special" isn't accurate, unless you're using it in a politically correct way, like they do for other non-mental disabilities. And "crazy" though appropriate, may be too vague and not nearly strong enough. At least in my SD's BM's case.

"Om Tare Tutare Ture Mama Ayurpunye Jnana Putin Kuru Svaha"
~Sita Tara Mantra
trying to be a lady myself
there are some terms that would definitely be more appropriate but i try not to say them out loud. hey, what goes around, comes around and all things are brought to light in due time. if the counseling doesnt bring about some change we may no longer be together but i guarantee one day he will grow to literally hate her. and strange enough, that's not what i want. hate is so powerful...
"hate is so powerful..."
Boy did you say it!
It's all consuming and so detrimental to your health, you know?
I really try not to "hate" BM. I hate her BPD behavior. THAT's for sure. I actually feel pretty sorry for BM though. What a miserable existence.
"Om Tare Tutare Ture Mama Ayurpunye Jnana Putin Kuru Svaha"
~Sita Tara Mantra
the consuming part
is what gets me. it really does take more energy out of you than loving. now i won't say that i love BM, although the Lord up above calls me too, but i don't hate her. no one becomes this way for no reason. she does have a pretty messed up childhood story and all of that, not that that should excuse her behavior, but like you at times i feel sorry for her. but now she's an adult and has to realize she has to be responsible for herself and her children (50%) BF didn't cause her problems so why should he suffer for them...argghhhh!! and the majority of her adult issues she has brought them on herself. she's the drama creator. ooh maybe i should have a shirt made? lol "THE DRAMA CREATOR" with a "MUAH HAHAHAHAHA" after i like that one..sorry at this point i'm totally entertaining myself if i dont laugh, i'll cry. ooh ooh...and another one that says "ENTITLED" and another that says "I'LL USE MY MACE IF I ONLY GET BASE"...HAHAHA..sorry i'll stop now. oh wait i thought of another one..."I'LL GET IN YOUR FACE IF YOU ONLY GIVE ME BASE"..ok i'm stopping for real now...
Try thinking of her craziness this way
If she was a nice, normal, SANE BM...
Then your DH would still be her H.
I have to remind myself of THAT one daily sometimes.
So let's all say it together-
" I am GRATEFUL that my SD's BM is crazy."
"Om Tare Tutare Ture Mama Ayurpunye Jnana Putin Kuru Svaha"
~Sita Tara Mantra
I agree with counseling
I would go first. If the therapist seems biased against validating your feelings, then find another.
They should not make you feel wrong for how you feel at all.
We took SD to a counselor before we were married, but I didn't go to one for me until the custody case was so stressful on me.
I highly recommend it, especially if a DH needs an unbiased professional opinion that his head needs pulled out of his ass when it comes to putting his marriage first
Oh- but a GOOD therapist will say that much more professionally than I did
"Om Tare Tutare Ture Mama Ayurpunye Jnana Putin Kuru Svaha"
~Sita Tara Mantra
Sorry...pardon my french...
Just noticed from reading through more of your responses (I'm a little so given your screen name) but I should have used the more socially acceptable form "arse" when referring to your DH's derrière, and where his head currently seems to be residing.
That is all
"Om Tare Tutare Ture Mama Ayurpunye Jnana Putin Kuru Svaha"
~Sita Tara Mantra
G - how old is your SD and how long has your husband been divorced. Sounds to me like we are going through a lot of the same problems. Counseling is my last ditch effort and it is actually going along really well right now. My therapist even stated that she thought my FH was doing really well. It has made a big impact on him in just a week and he has already taken some big steps in handling BM and you can already see the weight of the world being lifted off his shoulders. As long as we continue to go to counseling and he sticks to his guns then hopefully we will be okay. My FH is a great guy and is wonderful to me, has done a lot of work on my house, is loving, attentive, caring, brings me little presents, takes me to do fun things, does dishes, laundry you name it but BM threw a wrench in to it all. I will tell you I am also a BM and when my son was younger I very very rarely spoke with his father unless it was about pick up and drop off and THAT WAS IT. No chit chat, no nothing. I am a grown woman who is comptent enough to handle my life. Your FHs ex is STILL relying on your FH and she needs to understand that he has moved on with his life and SHE is not a part of it only the child/teenager and that the ONLY reason he gives her the time of day is because of your SD. WE all know it but these men always roll over like dogs and use the same ole line "just trying to keep the peace for the kids". Well as my therapist stated to my FH - you are not setting a good example for your BD15. She is going to grow up thinking that she can treat men like that and she will be in for a rude awakening. Let us know what is going on. Email me if you want to talk more - it really sounds like me have a LOT in common. Take care of yourself!