Where do I start??
Ok...Im new here. here is my background. I met my DH almost 5 years ago-we married about 2 and a half yrs ago. We were both in the first stages of divorce when we met. At that time, i was told how well he got along with his ex which may have been the case until she found out I was in the picture. He moved in with me a few months later. He adopted SS17 when he was 6 after marrying BM (his BF was a deadbeat). SS17 came to live in my home about 7 months after I met DH due to the fact that BM could not handle him and he had flunked the 7th grade and was going to have to repeat. He has lived with us full time ever since-seeing BM every other weekend. DH also has SD11 and SS9 with BM. I have a son with my ex who we get along with really well now. We share half custody (week on week off) and neither one of us pays the other any money. We split out of pocket medical/dental bills (if they are large enough too). We live our own seperate lives. Why cant I escape BM? My DH and I have our daughter (3) and since she was born, I have stayed home full time. We have a week on/off schedule with my SD and SS. However, I also take them before and after school on BM weeks (doing ALL schoolwork with them-taking them to activites, every dental appt every doctor appt) and ALL day long during the summer while she's at work. I am not the confrontational type. She is-LOL
She never graduated high school and has no GED. She always stayed home and my DH supported her. She is on her 2 live in boyfriend who is always on/off-moving in or moving out...the typical story it sounds like from reading other enteries. When SS17 came to live with us 5 yrs ago, DH lost his job. I was the soel support. He gave BM half of his unemployment check and was constantly hearing how he was in the rears...although she had NO court order. I got credit at stores so that DH and I could buy clothes for the kids. I even gave 2k from MY tax refund (1k to her for "back" support and 1k to her landlord cuz she wasnt paying rent) I have gone above and beyond. been called every name in the book. been talked shit about to my DH etc etc. And I guess I thought eventually it would stop. Like....once the divorce is final and everything is said and done...she would stop being such a nasty bitch. Guess I was wrong. Just the other day, I got an email from her telling me that she told SD and SS that they are to shower EVRY day at our house wether DH and I TELL them to or not. It was very condisending as she stated she doesnt blame me-blah blah blah...WTF? How is it ANY of her business what we do or dont do in OUR home? But I get that all the time. We got a loan on our 401k in April to pay for SS17 to get his wisdom teeth pulled. My DH is having money taken out of his paychecks now to repay the loan. She said she would help pay for it-I even have the emails. But, now she is putting us off. Her and her boyfriend say they aren't in agreement with the bills? WTF? What is there to agree on? He got his teeth done and here is the freakin bill! Of course Im pissed that DH wont stick up for himself and/or us and tell her to f*** off.
My DH and I got into it yet again. he said he is tired of me obsessing about her all of the time-he is tired of hearing me bitch about her. That I just need to ignore her. He said Sat nite that I need to make the decision of wether or not I can handle it-or move on. Cuz she is just a bitch and that is the way she will always be. SO.....that's wher Im at. I have all this guilt. My DH and I are the one stable thing the kids have had in their lives. I dont know if it is CAN I handle it but do I WANT to handle it? Im looking for a job right now. I guess we try counsleing? Any advice?
- number1sm's blog
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i feel so bad for u
the thing that sticks out to me is ur Dh saying handle it or move on...OUCH. what is HE doing to make the situation better for not just u but for the whole family??? yes, BM will prob always ne a bitch but he can try to make it better and saying taht to u shows me that u and ur daughter will never be first and he will always let her play him like this and not do anything about it. i would seriously decide if u want to be w a man who doesnt back u up and try to work w u to make it better. im so sorry u are in thsi situation..good luck...and hugs
"Given the right reasons and the right two people, marriage is a wonderful way of experiencing your life."
~the late great George Carlin
Counseling is a good start.
Sounds like he needs to grow a pair. My Dh was the same way when we first got married, I honestly think he was "scared" of her and didn't want to confront her. Eventually, he grew a pair and told her to go to hell. She stills stirs shit all the time, but I think I have learned to let it go and not worry about it. Both Sd's eventually moved back in w/her and BOTH of their lives are now in the crapper. It used to bother me a lot about that, but I have my own boys to worry about, and honestly, our home is a much more peaceful place w/out them there. Sad, but true. Get some counseling for yourself as well. You need to be able to deal with this step parent stuff before you end up very resentful.
Welcome to the site!! Good luck!
First let me welcome you,
First let me welcome you, and say I am sorry that you are feeling this way.
From my experience, DHs don't react like us cause they have already lived/dealt with these women for far longer than us- they have had time to build an immunity to their BS- as we are just wondering why these BMs aren't acting responsible or are so vindictive and trying to figure out why they are like this- - it took me a long time before I finally realized-There is no reason where logic does not exist- and it's true- we think logically as adults should and sometimes we forget that not everybody does(BMs- or others really).
I was also fighting with DH about BM on and off for years- it was frustrating but what I really wanted from him was for him to understand where I was coming from and why I felt these ways, we finally learned to communicate alot better- I stopped expecting him to know what I needed and started to figure out that much on my own and then talk to him about it.
In our case BM is really still an irresponsible, deadbeat, selfish B, but i can't change her so I decided to change how I react to her for the most part and with that I took away her power to frustrate me, piss me off, ruin even one more minute of my life- I do still get suprised sometimes by her actions, and disgusted alot but by me trying to figure out how to make things better, or why she was this way- I wasted alot of my time and energy.
Do what you do, keep records and reciepts for every dime you give her,every thing you spend on medical, all things she says in case she pulls something,and try not to give her that company she wants while she's miserable.
oh and welcome!
didnt say that before bc i was so mad FOR u! glad youre here though...this site will be your savior!
"Given the right reasons and the right two people, marriage is a wonderful way of experiencing your life."
~the late great George Carlin
I think that luvdagirl hit the nail on the head. Our H is so use to the BM crap that they can let it roll but we are not and it tears us up and when you think about it if BM knew it tore us up as bad as it did she would jump for joy cause she is causing rift btw you and your H.I commend and am envious of the time you have with your skids and yes boy howdy does it hurt and bother knowing what you do for those kids and then have their BM talk trash about you when you don't have to do anything for them. Head up young person let BM's crap roll off your back like water. yes that is easier said than done but remember if she were not so unhappy she would not be causing the crap she does! On another note how did SS do when he moved in full time with you and H?
THANK YOU ALL SOO MUCH!!! Your support helps so much! I had a good talk with my H today. From now until the end of summer, the skids are going to stay at BM's house on her weeks. They are definitely old enough to do that and take care of themselves. H was very understanding and said he agrees with me 100%. we need to work on us and I cant do that when Im constantly stressed and have kids here all the time. he also apologized for waht he said It was a huge relief. It has been tough having my SS live with us. the little ones didnt understand why they were made to go back and forth btw houses and he wasnt. But, as they get older it gets easier. The BM always talks about how much she misses him and how we have no clue how hard it is for her to spend such little time with him. But we have actually begged her to spend more time with him. To come and take him to dinner once a week or something. But nope. She doesnt even call him during the week to talk and see whats going on with him. When H has had to call her at work to say that SS got suspended or something she says she is at work and cant deal with it. Of course she is so manipulative that the kids worship her-think she is the greatest thing ever. Whenever she cant or wont do something for them-it's always poor mom. LOL Like how she doesnt make dinner for them when they are with her. It is always top ramin, hot pockets etc. and that is because "mom is SO tired from working all day long" If they only knew! My H and I look at it as 1 more year with SS. I know it sounds harsh but we are pretty much fed up-the getting into trouble, being an ass (which I know is partly just being a teenager) and the shitty grades. We even bought him a truck for incentive to get decent grades and be able to get his license. But it didnt help-his BM doesnt care or even ask us about it. She doesn't follow our punishments-let's him do whatever he wants when he is with her. Then when something happens she asks why we didnt tell her. As if its our job to inform her about her sons life... Anyway, i feel better already being able to vent. Reading some of things that people write and their thoughts helps me to not feel so guilty when I have these bad thoughts..Im not such a bad person. guess alot of it is being human. thanks again...Im sure you'll being hearing from me often!!
Yes welcome "home"
You said something that really registered with me.
"...he is tired of me obsessing about her all of the time-he is tired of hearing me bitch about her. That I just need to ignore her."
I think even with a super supportive DH (which I'm lucky enough to have) who doesn't come right out and say what your did to you, I can see it register on his face every now and then when I'm venting, more so about SD than BM. With BM he has equal anger to mine, so he would chime in if I vented.
With SD, he agrees and agrees and agrees, and then, if I have been venting to him "too much" he gets angry. Not AT me per say, but he's ticked and I can see it in his face. It's his daughter. And I am so fortunate that he accepts my thoughts on her illness without being defensive, but sometimes he just can't hear one more thing that she's done to me. OR he will go and ream her out in an unhealthy way that accomplishes nothing except her getting more upset with me over him yelling at her.
I just think what your DH said illustrates how men handle stress, especially emotional/relationship stress by ignoring it, or compartmentalizing it, and most women can't. We just can't handle unresolved issues like they seem to. I'm not saying that there way is better, I personally don't think it is. BUT one thing they can do better is let go of it when they want to. For instance when I'm super stressed I keep going on and on about it, if not out loud then I'm having an internal dialog that I'm keeping to myself to keep from upsetting him.
But in his brain? If something more interesting is going on, like sports, or entertaining friends, or playing with the kids, then he completely turns off the part of his brain that's irritated with BM or SD or BS 13, etc.
I sure wish I could do that. I do think it's healthier to be able to stop obsessing.
I've only been able to do it the past month because SD has been out of town with my BIL and SIL. I am so concerned about what it will be like when she comes back.
I'm already trying to come up with some structured time and a game plan to keep her busy/tired/stimulated enough not to get into trouble for when she returns.
"Om Tare Tutare Ture Mama Ayurpunye Jnana Putin Kuru Svaha"
~Sita Tara Mantra
It sounds
to me that you're doing a really great job. However, you let this woman push your buttons. She told your sk's to shower everyday at your house. This upset you. While it is insulting, is it really worth taking offense to? Is it really worth all the energy? Is SHE worth it? It sounds as if she's playing an immature game, & since you have your hands full, you've got better things to do. And how frustrating it would be for her to try to push your buttons & fail! (HAHA!! I love doing that to mean people.) I think what you need to ask yourself is...
...Is this silly woman worth your marriage?
your right lace lady
I know I know..You are totally right. And for the most part I have been able to ignore her for the last 5 years. When she yelled in front of the kids that we were living in sin (which she continues to do-LOL)or when my husband missed our daughters baby shower because BM had her power shut off and flat out refused to pick the kids up from day care and deal with her own situation screaming at him that she doesn't care how many kids he spits out his **** etc etc. It wasnt so much that she told the kids what to do. But that she told me what to do. I have also been told how to do their laundry, what kind of detergent I should use. I have been told when they were younger that they were too old for naps and that they shouldn't be having to take them at my house just because I was pregnant and grumpy. There have been other issues lately and I guess when that happened...my lid blew. My husband and marriage mean everything to me. Making sure that our daughter doesn't have to live with 2 seperatd parents means the world to me. Once the dust settled, my H and I know that we will fight and do everything in our power to stay together and have the future we always talked about. We keep telling eachother...only 9 more years!!
Oh I understand
If there is one thing I can't stand, it's someone telling me what to do when I didn't even ask for their help to begin with. Well, my mother is that person. I think moms tend to do that already, but my mom is pretty bossy. I'm bossy too, so I know where I get it from. I know our situations are different... when it's your own mom, you have a little more patience. What I've learned to do is just smile & nod... and then do whatever the hell I want. It's easier said than done, but most times it works. If you need to have a genuine smile, just picture yourself choking her while keeping your words sweeter than honey. It might help.
thanks I needed that!!
In the past 11 years, I have
In the past 11 years, I have been a homewrecker- the reason he left them, a b*tch, slut, BM accused me of sleeping around tried to convince DH and SD of it, my son was SDs "replacement"(awfully cruel thing to say to a four year old!), I have had to prove myself a trillion times over to everyone, now I realize- BMS OPINION DOESN'T MATTER- I HAVE NO RESPECT FOR HER OR IT, after all she's done SD has minimal respect for her- loves her but respect no.
BM tried to make this a competition as she felt threatened, theres no way to change how she felt- I know I did not try to make her feel this way and it was her insecurities- she nit picked every thing I did as a parent, gf, wife and employee(she didn't like my job- although tried to get the same job later)because she wanted to think she was doing something better than me- let her think what ever makes her happy- you KNOW you are a good parent and step, you are a good wife(hell you are here to get help with this situation and that says alot) and you don't need her approval to reinforce this for you- you have DHs, and yourself- most importantly!
There is no reason where logic does not exist