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Why must BM's be so malicious..

Sweetness's picture

I just need to vent here.. it has been a while since I've been on here. But I just don't understand why the BM needs to be so malicious.. it is not my problem if she did not want her husband when she had him.

I am so sick of her blaming me for the demise of her own marriage. I had NOTHING to do with it. I only came into the picture after they had separated.

And she constantly tells her 3yo daughter that I don't love her and that I am not a nice person. The distress she is causing for her own daughter is heartbreaking. Why can't they see past their own selfishness?

Unfortunately, at the expense of the 3yo SD, I did get a taste of some sweet satisfaction. BM came to pick up the SD over the weekend and SD got into the car and yelled out good bye to me and I said good bye back and then I went inside. Did not speak a word to BM and never have actually. Then from inside the house I hear SD screaming out at the top of her lungs and crying for me as BM was putting her into the car. I wish I could have seen the look on her face as SD was calling out for ME to comfort her!! How BM despises me. But on the other hand, it was heartbreaking to have SD calling out for me and feeling powerless to go out there and console her. Who I am go console her daughter even though, clearly, she cannot do it herself!?

BM is hilarious. Then once she gets home she calls up BF and tells him that he should go and have an AIDS check because he may have caught something off of me! As petty as this is, she has slept with AT LEAST three times the amount of people as BF and I put together!! It's laughable that she would even suggest such a thing. And then tonight she rings up BF telling him that she basically wants to get back together and that their marriage would have worked out had BF not gone running to me! Mind you, their marriage was on the breakdown long before I was on the scene, even before I got together with my previous partner who I dated for about 3 years and actually met BF through.

The situation is so unbelievable complicated. On top of this petty rubbish, my BF's parents don't like me and think I am a "slut". In BF's father's words, "I'm not having that slut in my house".. Mind you, these people call themselves "Christians" and attend church regularly yet can't see past THEIR OWN FAULTS.

I know that BM is just trying to get to me because she is intensely insecure but to be judged unfairly, considering his parents haven't even met me and don't even like BM anyway, I find really unfair. I am not a slut or a whore. I'm an educated young woman, who has made some mistakes - sleeping around is definitely NOT one of them.. BM was already in the midst of house hunting at least four months before I even started dated BF. She has serious mental issues. All of a sudden they had a good marriage.. she fails to remember all the times she actually did leave - for days on end.. to say the least.

Anyway, it's not my issue. I just wish BF's parents would give me a chance, especially since BF's two older girls live with them at the moment.

Ciao for now!


BabygotBack1988's picture

u sound so fed up have a vokda Smile

life is a box of choclates you never know what your going to get (i always pick the coffe of the box what about you ) Blum 3

Sweetness's picture

I just can't believe how immature these BM's are!! Especially since BM is more than ten years older than me and she is carrying on like this. She has already pushed her 14 year old son away. He can't stand her, which is another story.

Then she suddenly put a stop to BF seeing his 14yo SS and all of a sudden started getting SS's own BF who had not been involved in his life for years and years just because she wanted my BF to stop having contact with him. It's not about what is best for the children. It is what is best for her.

And unfortunately for my 3yo SD she is pushing her away too with her antics.

BM has an inability to recall the past or comprehend the current situations. BF has told her time and time again that he really wants nothing to do with her and there is no chance in hell he would ever get back into that hell hole of a marriage.

Sure, she can hate me if it helps her sleep at night, but please get the hell off the MORAL HIGHHORSE!

BabygotBack1988's picture

thats its not ur fault shes a crazy bitch and most probly an ugly cow 2 if my BM is anything to go off
or just give her the look down the nose looks as if to say u ever do that again i will kick ur aarse my BM just walkied into my house and demanded her kids go no where near my cig whch i had before the kids even come in it made me so angry i think she noticed my evil i will put my cig out in your eye if u ever do that again and has never been a pest since

must be my red hair hahahaha

life is a box of choclates you never know what your going to get (i always pick the coffe of the box what about you ) Blum 3

ColorMeGone2's picture

Unfortunately, there are just some "mothers" out there who hate their ex-husbands and their ex-husbands' new wives more than they love their own children. They will find any excuse they can to try to justify their actions, but at the end of the day, that's what it boils down to... hating the other parent/stepparent more than they love their own children. I have a BM like this, too, and it's sad, because the only person her children will ever have to blame for the lack of relationship with their father and their half-siblings is H.E.R.

♥ Georgia, the un-stepmom ♥

"Good men don't just happen. They have to be created by us women." (from ROSEANNE)

bellacita's picture

she has done so much to us, now she seven hurting members of his family. they were never married, and she lied to get pregnant and now she strying to make him choose between his daughter and his life and everyone in it, including his other kids. why cant she just let him see her and give her CS and leave us alone? and the thing that kills me is she acts like shes such a good mother and loves her kid so much. if she did she wouldnt be trying to push her father away just out of vindictiveness and spite, and to collect a bigger paycheck. UGH!!!!!!!!!! but karma comes back around and when shes old enough to be told why her father couldnt be part of her life, she will have no one to blame but BM.

steppie1999's picture

I never thought of it that way before....BM's hatred for us being stronger than the love for her own children....I'll remember that one Wink


smurfy1smile's picture

Oh the things I have to look forward to. My FSS is only 4 1/2 months old. So far so good with BM. I have, unknown to BM, had my say on many things regarding FSS through BF. I am helping BF get together what he wants for parenting time and emailing them to BM. She takes forever - several days - to respond and so far has been pretty agreeable but won't offer anything. BF has to suggest everything.

Sweetness's picture

That is a really good way of putting it. Well, I thought about telling her how silly she was but knowing me, I would say a whole bunch of really hurtful below the belt things and end up looking like the fool! So better to just walk away and let her push her daughter in to my arms!