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in-law drama

wickedstepmom's picture

My oldest SIL has had ill feelings towards me since June 2006. Why? Well, SD was visiting DH for a few weeks and SIL wanted to take SD to a water park on the exact day I was going to be flying home from my brother's funeral. DH didn't even go with me because we felt it was more important for SD to spend time with her father and his family instead of being around a bunch of strangers for a week. Well, not only could DH not afford to go to this water park, SIL told him if he did not go, then he was a bad parent.

In the end he did not go, he picked me up from the airport, we picked up my son and went home. A few hours later, DH and SIL were screaming at each other on the phone over this and in my extreme grief over my brother, I just lost it. I grabbed the phone and started to talk, but she hung up. i then sent a pretty nasty email telling her that I was tired of her always treating her brother like he was a child.

Well, that started WW III. She dis-associated herself from us. She and DH eventually started talking again, and I apologized for my outburst a few weeks later and she said she just wanted to move on. Well, we found out 8 motnhs later that she was still upset over this event and that my apology was not genuine. During this 8 months, I kept my distance from her, as she wasn't talking to me anyway thinking she just needed some space.

This SIL treats her other siblings like dirt, expects everyone to worship the ground she walks on. But she is expecially tough on my DH, her only brother. We moved to another state as we were both offered jobs that would make our lives and careers better and she felt that I "stole" DH from the family.

A year later (so 20 months total now), she still has not accepted my apology. As we are going to be at her house for Easter, I am planning on bringing some flowers and a handwritten note with another apology. I am well aware that this apology will most likely be rejected. But at least I will have tried.

Truth, I was sorry about how I acted two years ago, but in my defense, my brother had just died at the age of 37. To this day I still deal with some very extreme grief and am taking steps to deal with it. It just upsets me when DH and his sister do not get along because what she doesn't realize is life is way to short to have these ill feelings.


Most Evil's picture

you want to make up with someone like this? It sounds to me like she should be doing the apologizing, to you.

If you accept this now, and reach out again thinking you are being the 'bigger person', some self-centered people would interpret that as weakness, and just continue to roll over you and your DH.

"Fortune favors the brave" - Virgil

sparky's picture

Why do you want to be friends with her? Why do you care what she thinks? You've already apologized so do you think it will make it better if you grovel and beg for forgiveness? She is a selfish witch that only thinks about herself and she could not even be happy for her brother when he got the opportunity to improve his life. If she were my SIL I would have ripped her a long time ago. Dont let the witch have so much power over you.
*Its not a good idea to get inbetween siblings when they have issues. They can call each other names and hate each other, but they will forgive each other, but not the other people involved.

wickedstepmom's picture

Deep down I know apologizing again will probably do no good. I guess I've always gotten along with everyone, this is truly the first person who doesn't like me and it really bothers me.

I thought about this a lot last night and pretty much decided to be polite and civil, but that's it.

I don't necessarily want to be her BFF, but I just don't want there to be so much tension. And, I know there were problems between her and DH long before I came along. I think I am just an easy target for her.

thanks for the advice. I know it's not really a step-parenting issue, but I don't really talk to anyone about this and needed a palce to vent.