Need advice - crazy BB just emailed my DH a picture of herself!!
I don't know what to do, she sent it to his personal email not our joint email. I checked it because he had emailed some folks about a condo and I was weeing if they had replied and if it was available. He hasn't seen it yet and probably won't for a while due to work schedule.
Do I speak to him, confront her, what? She bashed me on the net. She is going through her second divorce in a year, she has told my Dh Love ya (to my phone - claimed it was an accident) and then posted a blog that she was still in love with him
I am livid, but I am sure she wants me to be. I just don't know what to do. Thank goodness this "pissy wench" lives 7 hours away.
- TheSaneOne's blog
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You need to stop this now...
I would be sayin,,,, WTF, he is with you, right, there is no room for this type of crap , I would do both, speak to him, you dont want this to play with your head until he see's it, and then maybe he will tell you about it, you dont want to wait around for that , believe me, and then , you need to confront her, weather he wants you to or not,m I would be in my car on my way to beat her ass, but that's just me, sick of people like that myself right now. Set the record straight NOW. ~"Resist all the urges.... that make you want to go out and kill." ~ Chel.
my "signature" does not apply to cases like yours...ha ha .
~"Resist all the urges.... that make you want to go out and kill." ~ Chel.
I am up with my tooth again,
I am up with my tooth again, he read it but didn't send me an email about it, I will give him some time today while I prepare a response to her. I cant confront her my phone because when you do, se hangs up and refuses to speak (like when I confronted her when she told DH she still loved him)
I got to thinking, this week sometime is their divorsiary (LOL date when the got divorced)
I wouldn't respond to this at all. She's baiting you!
It sounds like a pathetic attempt for a sorry person who has no place in her ex-husband's life to try to make a place there, even if it's only by pissing off his new wife. If you confront her, then you would be giving her exactly what she wants, because then she will know she hit a nerve. She's probably on a fishing expedition to see just how strong your relationship is. If you confront her, then she'll know that YOU ARE WORRIED that your relationship cannot survive her. She'll know that she has the power to come between you and your husband and then she'll never stop. Trust me, you do not want her to have that kind of power over you. Do not ever give her the satisfaction of a response, either you or your DH. Ignore her.
Do you regularly go into your husband's personal email account and does he know you check his email account? If the answer is yes, then he's not "hiding" this from you. He deleted it and didn't mention it because in his mind, it wasn't worth mentioning. What you see as a threat he probably saw as, well, spam. I know it's frustrating and I know it's hard to ignore behavior like this, but I really think the best thing you could do is NOTHING. Do you want to spend the rest of your life, the rest of your MARRIAGE, jumping whenever this woman decides to drop a little bomb your way? Unless you feel threatened that your DH is going to drop you and go back to her, I think you need to find a way to sort of train yourself to not react to her little antics. Don't let her control your life or your emotions.
i would be livid
especially if I thought he was hiding it.
but I think communication is extremely important and like Georgia said if he does not care if you get into his account then he probably was not hiding it.
I know my FH would not mention it cuz it would upset me and thinks he is protecting me.. it took me awhile to be convinced he was not hiding it to be sneaky.
however I would not confront the ex she is not worth the time or trouble.
“You will never be on top of the world
if you try to carry it on your shoulders.”
what kind of a picture is
what kind of a picture is it? did she type anything in the email?
sounds so stupid and desperate
Her trying to pose sexy -
Her trying to pose sexy - gross.
Nothing in the email - she sent it from that online soft porn bar website, fubar.
that is all I can say, I know if I saw my FH ex in a provacitive pose I would want to puke.
“You will never be on top of the world
if you try to carry it on your shoulders.”
My take on this is....
If she's still in love with your husband she's just trying to start a fight between you and him. I would speak to him about it but don't sound accusing. I would still tell him either he can put the kabosh on this or you will. No ex wife should email porn pictures to her ex husband...ESPECIALLY if he is remarried.
NOW having said that....I'm not one to follow my own advice. I'd go over to her house and confront her asap....but again....that's just me.
I say go over and bitch slap her
just kidding but I know it would feel GOOD!!!
“You will never be on top of the world
if you try to carry it on your shoulders.”
LOL - she lived 8 hours
LOL - she lived 8 hours away. I have seen way more of her than I ever need to, she tries to get male attention by photgraphing herself, leaving nothing to the imagination and \puts it on the net. Why a 30 yo person thinks that hickeys on your neck and breast are attracative, I will nevber know.
She probably is still trying to cause trouble, they got divorced a year ago today, they have been seperated much longer. She also makes sure to call him on her bday (same as my SD)
LOL - she lived 8 hours
LOL - she lived 8 hours away. I have seen way more of her than I ever need to, she tries to get male attention by photgraphing herself, leaving nothing to the imagination and \puts it on the net. Why a 30 yo person thinks that hickeys on your neck and breast are attracative, I will nevber know.
She probably is still trying to cause trouble, they got divorced a year ago today, they have been seperated much longer. She also makes sure to call him on her bday (same as my SD)
Agree with Georgia
She is trying to piss you off and test your relationship. If you react you can bet there will be more and more to come. If you don't react, she will still try other methods to tick you off, but hopefully they won't be by way of pictures.
I would block her from his email. Sit down and speak with him that this was unacceptable behavior for her to do this and that you know it is not his fault, however you are putting down some ground rules immediately...and this is by blocking her email from his email addy. I would then create a family email addy & be sure to make things open and honest with her up front that it is viewed by kids as well......this is only if you have to allow her to have an email address for anything.
For us, because there is no more communication in person or on the phone unless its an absolute emergency, email is the only form of communication...we wouldn't even do this if the kids did not come....she would be, that sounds nice doesn't it??!!
hello to my life
You need to block her. You need to confront him and asked if she has done this before. My fiance and his ex did that behind my back for months before i found out. This is not a very good sign. You need to stop the email communication. I had to do that as well. BM now only calls the house phone. No cell phone, no text messages no emails. Anything that can be said on the house phone can be said in front of me. You need to prevent any secretly things happening. Even if he knows nothing about it, her INTENTIONS are not good and it WILL ruin you both. Especially in the TRUST department.
"Still waiting to get my life back"
you know, I went throught
you know, I went throught the same shit with my DH's ex wife but except she sent naked pictures to his phone..I found them on my online account. I was really mad at him when he didnt come to me right away with it but I kinda understand why he didnt.. it didnt make it right but I can see how a man thinks thats the"safer" way to deal with things. He told me that he didnt want to make me madder about the whole situation than I already was. I know he didnt ask for the picutres thats for sure!! haha!! I can laugh now.. but I was seeing red thats for sure!! I still kinda get peeved about it but you know.. there is really nothing that you can do to "make" her stop all the nonsence. All you can do is hope that your DH tells her where her place is and shes def. not in her right place at this moment in time. Contacting her will only make her happier about it.She will feel avenged for doing it. She is desperate and looking for any kind of attention. Its just like my DH's ex. I know what you are going through. She also would send stupid idiotic text messages.. boy did it make me so mad that I could spit nails and man did I curse her name.. but I didnt let her know it, because she wants to see hate and distrust and discontent in your marriage.. dont let her have it. SHE DOESNT DESERVE IT.
"Never argue with an idiot; they'll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience."
We did just that with the
We did just that with the joint account so now, she texts everything. It was his work email she sent it to. I got m revenge, I photoshopped that one up real good
have you seen those gift cards with 400 lb naked women on there, this is what I saw....but in her mind, she is the next top model! She doesn't wear make-up, really plain.
We have told her to stop but I find the ignoring her pisses her off more. Its funny, I found a new profile of hers, and she has all MY pics of the skids on it - found out she was accessing our picasso account.
EVEN FUNNIER, when she took my wedding pictures and posted them, people commented on how happy her kids looked, that had to burn
LOL dont you just
LOL dont you just LOOOOOOOOOOVE photoshop?? MUHAHAHAHAHA :evil:
"Never argue with an idiot; they'll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience."