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"She left my why cause trouble with us, why can't she just move on?"

happy mom's picture

what is your feelings about this? i want to know.


BuggiesMom's picture

Our nutty BB cheated on him with her internet babe, he caught her and confronted her and offered to work it through if she quit seeing the guy. She agreed. They set up appts. with a marriage counselor and started going. Well, after receiving the cell phone bill the next month, he found out she was STILL seeing the guy so he put a gps on her car. She was literally stopping at the Hampton Inn and "meeting" with her boyfriend on the way to marriage counseling sessions!!! He tracked her to the exact address at the Hampton, would call and tell her she was late and ask where she was. She would lie and say "Pulling out of the driveway at home!" When told point blank to make a decision, she replied, "I can't. I want you both." He moved out, met and fell in love with me and then the dreaded day came that the BF dumped HER. Now, she wants my guy back and works double/triple over-time to achieve this. He will go to pick up the kids and she will be dressed to the nines, hair all done up the way he preferred it and she would never wear it when they were married, high heels....oh, she works it! If the kids tell her I'm out of town visiting my family, she will text him and ask him if she can "come over" and that "no one will know." Personally? I'm convinced that she will never go away. I so badly want to call her up and tell her what an ass she's making of herself.
I don't call her by her name. I call her O.T. She is an oxygen thief. She doesn't deserve to be alive and breathing....
Will she ever go away? I'm not sure. He keeps hoping and thinking that if she finds someone else she will go away. In my opinion, it will get worse as she will have an ally...........ugh!

Mocha2001's picture

LOL, maybe if you guys get married she will leave him alone. Be grateful that he tells you what she's doing.

My BB tried that once. Funny thing was she brought her boyfriend with her that day. DH and I laughed when I said "what was with all the war paint." BB NEVER did anything with herself before ... she's really frumpy and dresses slovenly (sp?). Anyway, DH just thought it was hillarious. Do they realize what fools they make themselves look like? When BB did it, it was just before DH and I got married.

~ Katrina

proud mom's picture

my husbands ex cheatedon him(and of course lied about it), left him for this man oh yeah thats right for the first 6 months he was around it was he is just my friend. but oops what do ya know she gets pregnat with her "friends baby" and what do you know now they ae engaged and have been living together for months prior to this. Yet in the begining she was still trying to get my husband to hang on even though she didn't want him. To the extent that when we first met he told me he still had feelings for her. I told him I was backing off so that he could try to get his family back. but what did she do but tell him she wanted nothing to do with him but buddy as soon as I was back in the picture she wanted him again(all along she still has her "friend", but Dh tells her it is over and he is done with her so the healing began and I was there every step of the way, He says he feel out of love with her and feel deeply in love with me. Yet she still won't give it up. Oh well I guess it is a security thing for me I know I am in his heart and she is in his evil thoughts. hahahahahahahahahaha

Live for today,you may not have a tommorow

Mocha2001's picture

BB cheated on DH with HIS former best friend while he was in Iraq. Nice! She ended the marriage, he tried to work things out, but she didn't even try. So, he left and he told her when he left, if he left he was never coming back.

When he met me, about a month after he moved out, she saw the happy man she fell in love with. He quit smoking, was happier, and she noticed. She said, "maybe we made a big mistake." He asked what she meant, and she said, "well, if you are happier and a better person now, maybe we made a mistake separating." He just laughed and told her he was "happier because he wasn't with her anymore and found me." She pulled this crap one other time too. But the first time, I told him if he needed to go back and give it one more try for his son's sake that he should go. I told him I wouldn't wait, but if I was still available when he made his decision to leave, we could pick things up. He didn't want to go back.

Still, 2 years later, BB resents the hell out of me, thinks we were the onse having an affair, and she is so miserable (even though she still has her BF) it is absolutely hillarious. We will never understand them, and that is someting I am trying very hard to come to grips with.

~ Katrina

Little Jo's picture

They are flipping F**king crazy.

They think they own the world. They cover from their own guilt. They sleep better at nigh slinging shit around.


"May the forces of evil get confused on the way to your house." George Carlin

lovin-life's picture

Bf's ex..ran around on him for the last 4 years they were married. Yet begged him to stay married to her....dispite her still seeing her current BF. WTF??!!
And then there's that..."thinking of you often..." e-mail 2 years ago..

Soooooooo my theory is....they want their cake and to eat it too..
And get pissy when their husbands move on and find happiness with someone else.

Another part of that...I think with the BF's ex, in my case anyway, is a control issue. She used to call the shots in the marriage....she had the balance of power....and she lost her 'alpha position' .... so to speak. I think that drives her the most crazy. (Aside from just being plain NUTS!!!)

Just my too cents....

Don't let them get to you...they're really, really realllllllly...not worth wasting space in your head.

Take Care
Lovin-life Smile

Krissy's picture

I have posted the kinds of things that BB did to EX when they were together. I am no one to judge other people, but these were not things that people do to their partners, period. They went above and beyond betrayal to a sick and twisted place that is usually only heard about in fiction. Bottom line is that, in the end, the choice to end it all was hers, sadly, because EX has no self respect and could never turn her away no matter what pain she inflicted on him. Yet, to this day, years since they split for good, she is still so full of hatred and loathing for EX that her anger is almost tangible. I admit that BB is an attractive woman but her hate makes her so ugly, and that's the honest truth. The things she says and does, how she continues to manipulate her child and the situation just to punish EX, how she threatens "all out war", yes, she said that, war that will never end until he relinquishes his rights to his's just very evil. The strangest part is that she is more sour now that we are divorced...which is the opposite of what I though she'd be. She has it all...the husband she wanted, the full-on Baptist lifestyle, the church, the baby, everything. And EX has nothing again. But she continues to just be so nasty and mean and I cannot for the life of me understand why someone would choose to carry such hate in her heart.

And this is largely why I cannot be married to EX...her venom poisoned our marriage and poisoned me. I was recently told by my doctor that a health problem I am battling now is almost guaranteed to be directly related to stress, and if I do not calm down, I will pay dearly for the ramifications. I just simply cannot be around or a be part of something that is so bitter and rotten to the core with hate. She won, she got what she wanted, I am gone and I totally and completely admit that and bow down to her.

Cruella's picture

After reading your post I went back to watching TV and they had a segment about black Widow spiders. First they mate with the male and poison him to take full advantage of the host and then kill the male. For some reason your comment about her venom poisoning your marriage and you came to mind. It sounded just like my skids BM also.