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My letter to DCS

Nymh's picture

Or DCFS/CPS/whatever your state calls it. As you may have read, BF called DCS last week to report the living conditions that SS faces at home, as well as the neglect and suspected abuse that BM subjects him to. The other day, we received a letter in the mail with their response. I won't post the content of the letter here (mostly because I don't have it in front of me), but suffice to say that it was disheartening, degrading, and left us with a bad taste in our mouth. We were told by our lawyer to expect as much but it still came as a slap in the face to see it in writing. They informed us that there was no just cause for investigation as my BF was simply a man fresh out of divorce looking to stir up trouble for his ex. They didn't even visit the house. This really struck a chord with me and I just HAD to write them a letter. Here it is:

Subject: Please read and understand.

Regarding: (SS's name)
Son of: (BF's name)

To Whom It May Concern:

I am writing this letter to express my sadness. I am sad because the child of the man I love is living in a home that is unstable, unkempt, and unhealthy. Hoping to find aid for his son from the only people he has been told could help him, he reached out to your agency. Last week, he called you and requested that you visit the home and see what you thought. The letter he received was disheartening to say the least.

First, you pointed out that as he has not personally been in the home, he could not possibly know the real state that it was in. Not only do I find this inane, but also a very large leap in logic. It is appropriate to point out that not only did the father previously live in this home, but his child does still live there. It is not against the bounds of possibility for us to be informed of the state of the home through the child. As the child has told us that “it looks like someone took ten garbage bags with holes in them and slung them everywhere”, I would say that that in itself is cause for at least some concern. The last time that the father stepped foot in the home was over a year ago, but from the account of the child it hasn’t improved, and in fact has only gotten worse since then. If the father knew how bad it was over a year ago from personal experience, and it has only gotten worse since then, I think it would be safe to assume that he could come to an educated conclusion on the present state of the home.

Secondly, the letter intoned that he was just a father in the midst of a custody battle and that was why he made the report. While I do not doubt that your agency often receives calls from parents reporting each other out of vindication, I do not feel that that is just cause to disregard his report without investigation. Not every recently divorced individual operates out of spite for their estranged spouse. I feel that it is unfair to the children that you strive to protect to force them to be exposed to continual neglect and abuse because you assume the person who reported said abuse is doing so out of spite. Regardless of the situation of the parents, or the presumed reason for the report, it’s the children that matter most. I am disheartened to think that you would knowingly disregard a report of such circumstances without so much as visiting the home to see if the claims may be substantiated, only on the premise that the mother and father are recently divorced. I use the term “recently” loosely, as it has been over a year since they were divorced. In my opinion, if he was filing a false report out of vindication, I think he would have done so much sooner.

He did not contact you out of spite. Much to the contrary – he contacted you out of growing concern for his son. The child’s accounts of his living environment and what happens at home are getting more vivid and disturbing as time goes on, and I believe there are still many things that he is not telling. I personally have never seen the inside of the home that this child resides in. However, based on the accounts of people whom I trust that have been inside, I can say that I believe a visit at the very least is warranted. The father told me months ago that once when he was searching for something in the living room, amidst the piles of garbage in the floor he found one of his son’s dirty diapers. His son was 6 years old at the time. The child’s grandmother has not been inside the home for over a year. When she was allowed inside, she said there was so much garbage on the floor that you had to shuffle a path for yourself to get through it. Now, she’s not allowed inside because the mother claims “it’s too messy for company”. I have a picture saved on my computer from December, during the son’s first overnight visit with his father. It was at that visit that we discovered the son did not know how to wash his own hair, and his scalp was crusted with dirt from months of neglect. We also discovered on that visit that he didn’t know how to brush his own teeth, and that his mother gave him vitamins to keep his teeth strong in lieu of brushing them.

Two legal professionals in our county have come to the father recently to express their concern that the mother will soon commit suicide. One has intoned that she may be so unstable as to do something to harm the child so as to keep him from being taken from her, or even kill the child before she kills herself. The mother has frequent contact with all legal professionals which provide their services to the father, and they have all recently begun to become concerned for the well being of the child and the mother’s emotional integrity. It seems a pretty strong case when two well-educated people come voluntarily to the father to confide in him their concerns; both individually, both having contacted him directly, and both with no knowledge that their colleague had done the same.

I am not telling you these things to try to make the case look any more important, and I am not fabricating any of this. I am only giving you an account of what I have witnessed and been privy to in the time that I’ve been exposed to the situation. I am not writing you on behalf of the father - or even with his knowledge, much less at his request. I am writing this as a concerned human being who is capable of making their own observations, and knows abuse and neglect when they see it.

Thank you for your time,

I don't expect to get a response. I don't expect this letter to do any good. But I am proactive by nature and I can't just stand idly by as my BF is discriminated against yet again simply because he's a divorced Dad. I can't stand at my BF's side silently watching as my stepson is subjected to such brutal conditions with no aid from the only agency which is designed to help him. I am so enraged by this...I wish I could do something about it.

Thanks for reading, those that have made it this far. BM hasn't contacted me since the restraining order was served (knock on wood). We go to court next week, and hopefully I'll have more good news then.


OldTimer's picture

Got any pictures? Is SS old enough to use a camera? I mean, this IS conniving, Buuuutttttt..... I'm in a crummy and humorous mood tonight! LOL I only say this as pure entertainment... but won't it be great if you could!

Give SS a disposable camera and let him take pictures of the house! Have HIM write what his mother's house looks like in HIS words, and with his own handwriting and include it! LOL...

Oh, Nymh, to be honest, the length of the letter will not be received well... even though it is well written and precise. You need some point grabbing, blunt, short phrases, but how do you then convey the importance of the matter, right? This is hard. I absolutely feel your frustration, and wonder myself.

Is there anything that your lawyers can do?

Wink StepMom

Man has the intelligence to change his life,
Sometimes, he just fails to use it...

Nymh's picture

Well, they haven't responded, so maybe I'll write them a second, less personal letter.

I didn't really expect a response to this letter, and I didn't expect it to help anything except my conscience. I couldn't just sit back silently watching, I had to say SOMETHING.

I don't know how to reword it and shorten it. I'm very long-winded (as you all well know) and it's hard for me to make things short and to the point. Any suggestions?

*~So sayeth Nymh~*

evilsm's picture

I have is to try to take your emotions out of it. Think like an attorney (most of them have no heart) oops, hope I didn't offend anyone.}:) I have always been told when writing about your passion to take the passion out...why? Because it will show the raw truth and that is what you are really trying to convey. Good luck.


Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.

Chocoholic's picture

Sad isn't it?? I'm so sorry that you are going through this, but I'm glad to see that you remain proactive throughout it all... You will fall but it is important that you get back up... You are in my thoughts and prayers.

dbsojo's picture

Often, in such a frustrating situation, it helps to just write it all out. Even if nothing happens, you did your part and then some. Your hands are clean, no matter what comes of this. Years from now, and maybe even presently, I'm sure your ss would appreciate this effort (even if he never actually knows you made it). As step parents, and often times as bio parents, there is only so much you can do to get results out of this terribly corrupt system. You've gone above and beyond here. Even if they don't listen, at least you have the peace of knowing how hard you tried to resolve this. Best of luck (who knows...maybe something will come out of it after all...)


Nymh's picture

While I know that it makes ME feel better to have written this...MY worry is that BM will end up doing something terrible which could have been avoided or at least sidestepped if DCS had paid attention to the first report. BF is afraid that BM will take SS off of some of his medications in order to make him sick. I'm afraid that SS will come home and find BM dead. How will DCS feel then? BF honestly thinks that he'll end up having to file a lawsuit against the state because they were informed of this and did nothing, because we expect - honestly expect - for her to fall off the deep end and SOON.

So like I said...while the letter made me feel better, I don't expect anything to come of it - and THAT is what is sad. The fact that they didn't even bother to investigate a report of abuse and neglect is WRONG. I can't convey how outraged I am at this!

*~So sayeth Nymh~*

Dawn-Moderator's picture

We had a similar experience with DCFS. Ss came to our house with a cigarette burn on his wrist that he said had been done by his aunt(Bm's sister). Ss happened to have an appointment with his therapist the day we picked him up and he told her all about it. We had pointed it out to the therapist as well. It was the therapist's job to report it and of course since ss was with us after it was reported, DCFS from the county we live in sent someone out to talk to us and ss. They took pictures and the whole works. They told us that DCFS from Bm's county would be talking to Bm and her sister. That is the last we ever heard about it. We tried to contact DCFS to find out what they determined or if the case was unfounded or what. We got no where. We even requested a copy of whatever paperwork there was on file in writing as we were told to do but they never responded. Bm told us that no one ever even talked to her or her sister and the burn happened when ss was in her custody. What kind of crap is that? You know? I didn't like the fact that ss's story and what Bm's sister told Bm didn't match up. Then WE are the only ones questioned and neither one of us even smoke!
I don't have much faith in DCFS for that reason!


laughterandtears's picture

My SS's came back from their mother's house after a weekend visitation with brusies and burns covering them from the back to the ankles. We took pictures the second we got home and called DHS in the process. DHS had proof of what had happened and many reports from other people on BM yet they ignored us and even acted put out that we bothered to call them. I also wrote a letter but I wrote it to the editor of our local newspaper and it gave my humble opinion about the way they operate.

Just so you know you are not alone!!!


Cruella's picture

It is ashame that CPS didn't at least come out and investigate. The people who should get investigated get passed by and the people who are good people just trying to raise their children get investigated. I don't understand.

Anne 8102's picture

Nymh, get Grandma to call them and file her own report about the conditions. She witnessed it firsthand.

~ Anne ~

"Nobody can make you feel inferior without your permission."
-Eleanor Roosevelt

Nymh's picture

She even offered to...but then at the last minute she got scared that BM would somehow figure out that she was the one who called, and she didn't want BM to use that as a reason to keep SS from her.

*~So sayeth Nymh~*

Anne 8102's picture

Have you thought about retaining a Private Investigator?

~ Anne ~

"Nobody can make you feel inferior without your permission."
-Eleanor Roosevelt

Nymh's picture

I've never thought of that before. BM has hired several on me and I know how horrible that made me feel. BUT how would hiring a PI help me?

*~So sayeth Nymh~*

Anonymous's picture

The sad thing is that if this were the mother reporting on the father, you bet DCS would investigate...

Nymh's picture

Apparently the DCS in my state has a bad habit of NOT investigating claims made by people in cases of abuse or neglect. I found an article in a statewide newspaper about some cases that have drawn criticism. It was horrible to read story after story of children that were found malnourished, beaten, locked in cages, chained to beds, and even killed when in every case reports had been made to DCS - sometimes several - and they deemed all of them "unworthy of investigation". I'd love to meet the stupid ass whose job it is to make that decision!

*~So sayeth Nymh~*

Caitlin's picture

Nymh, that's just tragic and horrible and so disheartening. I do believe it's the same in my state. I don't have any personal experience with DCS, but when my mom got so fed up with BM's emotional abuse of SD, she went to SD's psychiatrist and said, "if you don't contact them, I will" and the psychiatrist was very sad to say that DCS would very likely do NOTHING AT ALL because they are overworked, underpaid, under-staffed and really couldn't give a shit about these poor suffering children.

I just hope and pray that nothing happens to SS because of their neglect of your report. This makes me so sad.

wicked step monster's picture

I would send a copy of the letter to the newspaper, magazines etc
I would also be as sly as to get people to go there, maybe the school teacher (not sure how old your skid is) his friends parents anyone I could.
Get them to report it as well
I am glad to see you taking the time out to write the letter.
I just would not stop untill something is done.
Just my opinion.
I do mean the letter you got back, just blank out the names.

Cruella's picture

In our state if the same person keeps sending unfounded claims in they can be prosecuted. I don't see how they even determined it was unfounded in your case!!! She can petition the court to find out who it is and turn it around on you. My SKIDS BM turned in 3 claims against us via email from another country all claiming that BF beat the children (total lies my DH doesn't spank and neither do I). She actually had the nerve to tell CPS she had to FLEE the country because of his beating her. She actually left because she ran off with another man. MY DH drove her to the airport along with the children!!!!! Too many witnesses to disprove that lie. They screened it out but the 3rd time they decided just to check it out. They found that the children were not only well taken care of they were well dressed, well feed, and doing great in school, and very outgoing. Not even the most remote sign of abuse. The case was dropped right away however the CPS worker did inform us if there were any more claims we can use the unfounded letter to petition the court and get the Judge to prosecute the accuser. We were able to show she was doing what she did because DH was taking her back to court for a raise in CS.

I would highly suggest finding someone else to make this claim against BM. That way it is not coming just from just BF. In our case it was obvious who the accuser was because the emails came from the country BM is living in. You are a good person and have a good heart from reading your posts. Be careful!!!!

loonybonusmom's picture

an aunt who is divorced from her husband. Bad circumstances landed him in jail for a stint, which caused the separation...he was no longer the kind gentle family man, jail hardened his attitudes. But for the past eight years she has driven the boys to his home, got over the fact support was few and far between, and never spoke bad about their dad. he was still a member of the family, attending events and welcome. Last fall he came to an event driving a brand new truck..he got his licence back. So at that point she said great..your turn to do the driving now. Well since then he called child services to complain there was not clean clothes available when he picked up the kids, and the house was messy. CS visited, and closed the big deal right? well two months ago he call made by a guy with one too many drinks that day probably...and voila my aunts life is in shambles! I feel for you Nymh, the fact no one will listen is sad, the fact that you are only lookin out for the safety and health of this child and no one will listen is a crime. The cs here is like a plague...once they get a call, and you are on record they climb up your butt and insert a "we are watching " tag even if it is not called for!!! yet so many children still slip through the cracks. As a note of my aunt's good mom traits...she still has not told the children who called cs, still grins while biting her tongue when he picks up the boys, and says nothing. The saddest part right now, is for her to get the grant to fix the house, his support payments are included in her income, she is $46.00 over the max. income allowed , and she has not received support since december last year, he quit his job, and is working under someone elses name, still driving the new truck, and acting like nothing happenned!!!!