Sneaky Stepson
I went in ss's room to put his clean laundry away and to get his bedding to wash and I happened to glance over at some storage tubs that he has. They have his old action figures and stuff in them.
I am planning on having a garage sale this summer and I thought I would see if there was anything that he didn't want. So, I opened the lid of one of the tubs and the first thing I saw was a cell phone! It wasn't mine, it wasn't Dh's and ss doesn't have one(that we know of). I tried to turn it on but it either didn't work or the battery was dead.
That means that ss got that cell phone from somebody and sneakily brought it here and hid it in his room. I'm hoping that it turns out to be somebody's old phone that doesn't work anymore and that person gave it to ss. If that's the case, though, why would he sneak it in here and hide it? I'm hoping that it isn't a cell phone that Bm gave to ss to secretly call her. Dh had previously told Bm that ss wasn't responsible enough to have a cell phone yet.
I guess we'll have to find out what ss has to say about it. Of course, it's Thur. and he goes to Bm's house tonight so we may have to wait until tomorrow.
- Dawn-Moderator's blog
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Be sneaky right back!
Go to Wal-Mart, buy a charger for fifteen bucks, plug it in and find out who in the hell's phone it is!
~ Anne ~
We are the masters of our own fate; the architects of our own destiny.
Anne you gave me an idea
The phone was the same brand as mine so I thought my charger might work. Darn it! It didn't fit.
It's good to hear I'm not the only sneaky SM. I loved your answer.
Some of you make me laugh...
Just my added thought... I would have taken the phone, not said a word to him and let him ponder on 'what happened to that phone!' for a while! LOL.
But, if it's not working, than it probably was given as a toy. We did this to SS. Gave him our old outdated phones. But he was considerably younger too... I forget how old your SS is, but I know he's older than that.
If you consider track phones, we use the Tracfone for DH. They work pretty good, but if you're talkers... then you might want another option. My DH doesn't really use it, in less it's an emergency on the road sorta thing. He's pretty short. Doesn't like to talk much on it. And sometimes, if SS goes to spend the night, the good thing is that we can give him that phone, if he loses it... it's no big deal, it's not 'tied' to us with a bill, if he uses up the minutes... no big deal. It's nice that way. So, think about that. The trac or Go Phones are great options for kids.
Man has the intelligence to change his life,
Sometimes, he just fails to use it...