everytime.. We are suppose to here in my area.. And let me tell you taking them helps because they are right there they hear what the teacher has to say and then they get to hear me.
I was meaning my ss. The conference is tomorrow and we do not have him on Thursdays. This is the first conference we have ever been to, so I wasn't sure protocol. I hadn't planned on getting a babysitter for our 18 month old, should I? The conference is suppose to be no more than 20 minutes. Should we make a list of questions or does the teacher have a list she goes through?
Trust me if there was something bad you would be going to the office.. LOL.. They really are not a huge deal. At least I don't think. And now days they cram so much stuff down these kids throats you go in and they tell you all this stuff what you should be doing at night, reading plus the homework and somewhere in the middle after work, and picking them up, homework and dinner and baths who has all the time to sit and read. I am sorry going off on a tangent. My kids get awesome grades but I tell you I am sick of no time for anything else. Or my kids crying. Oh it kills me. What happened to letting kids be kids..
the impression the bm may or may not have left. Teachers don't worry about things like that in conferences. Unless there are "issues" at another house the teacher doesn't hear much about the other family. I have heard some in my years of teaching but I can figure out the situation pretty quickly (kid gets work done at one house but not the other and for some reason during conferences it all changes according to one parent or another in the hopes that they look like the "good" parent). We really don't care (not saying we don't care about your child) about various situations and internal arguements. I'm willing to listen to any parent who is willing to come to conferences. I offer the same advice for both parents (at separate conferences). The thing I really don't like is when the tension can be cut with a knife when both bio. parents show up (divorced) and they can't agree on anything during the conference (and some end up fighting right in front of me). I'd prefer to stay an extra 10 minutes and meet with them separately.
Janice is right, the teacher will most likely understand if you need to bring the little one. If you have questions, fire away, bring your list, do whatever you feel comfortable with. If not, the teacher will just go through how SS is doing in each of his subjects.
Wow, I envy you that BM is "letting" you attend. My SD's BM threw a huge fit and demanded to all the teachers not to let me sit in. They had to comply with her demands because she's the parent.
We weren't invited last time. And we didn't make a big deal about it. In our case ss mom likes me more than she does my hubby. We have butted heads, don't get me wrong. Usually its becasue I have stood up for my husband. She hates him with a passion. Most of the time she will only 'deal' with me, she intentionally leaves him out. He says he doesn't mind casue he doesn't want to deal with her either but that puts me right in the middle, which isn;t always easy.
As a teacher, I'd say yes. Of course it depends on the age of the child (it is more important for elementary and middle school children to attend). We didn't bring my ss to his conference last week because of issues with ADD testing and various other things. The other ss went to his conferences with us. I really like it when the students come with their parents/guardians to conferences. The trend among teachers is for more students to join in on the conferences. If I have students present I can then ask them why they don't turn homework in, etc. We can easily talk about behavior in the classroom rather than the parent telling me, "I'll talk to him [her] when I get home". I haven't read many of the replies but thought I'd weigh in as an educator in the public school system. I've had many parents bring younger children into my room. I've usually given them a desk or even paper with markers to keep them busy. The really young ones generally stay with the parents. It will not bother most teachers to have that child in the room and/or other children.
Hey thanks a lot for your imput, it really helped me to feel more comfortable. I wish we were able to take my ss with us but his mom won't allow us anymore time with him than is outlined in the court order. We always ask him what he is learning about but you know kids. They give the shortest answer possible He is a very smart kid and I'm pretty sure I already know what she is going to say. He is very quick to catch on to school work but has a tough time interacting with other kids. I guess we will see soon. Thanks again. I think we will bring our 18 month old.
Parent teacher conferences went pretty well. I called it! I knew exactly what the teacher was going to say. Timmy is exceling in his school work. One on the top kids in the class as far as academics. But social skills are very poor. Has hard time decision making/ problem solving. Has verbally / physically attacked other children & TEACHERS. Isn't making friends. We had no idea what to say. Part of me thinks its just his personality becasue he has been this way since he was very young. And the other part of me thinks he is lagging in social skills becasue his mom isn't very good at them himself and he is learning this behavior from her. Who knows.
I take my child to it because I want her to hear what the teacher has to say about her performance and what she needs to improve on. I believe it's important for them to hear it 1st hand and how it really is.
The child in question is suppose to come to the meeting, but the teachers send specific instructions and ask that all other children do not attend. It's distracting to have siblings there when they are trying to conduct a meeting quickly. So, for us, whenever we had a teacher conference, BM always brought the other kids with her, and the teacher was always annoyed because they would run and destroy her classroom. In fact, one time, I remember clearly that the teacher even sent notes home asking that she please find a sitter for her children (because the teacher recalled the last conference was a disaster), but she ignored her... again, her two youngest ran about the room in a chaotic rant... I was sooo embarrassed.
Man has the intelligence to change his life,
Sometimes, he just fails to use it...
No, the child is definitely not supposed to be there
I'm assuming you're talking about SS attending his p/t conference. Is BM trying to say he should be there or something?
I take mine
everytime.. We are suppose to here in my area.. And let me tell you taking them helps because they are right there they hear what the teacher has to say and then they get to hear me.
I was meaning my ss. The
I was meaning my ss. The conference is tomorrow and we do not have him on Thursdays. This is the first conference we have ever been to, so I wasn't sure protocol. I hadn't planned on getting a babysitter for our 18 month old, should I? The conference is suppose to be no more than 20 minutes. Should we make a list of questions or does the teacher have a list she goes through?
take the baby
Trust me if there was something bad you would be going to the office.. LOL.. They really are not a huge deal. At least I don't think. And now days they cram so much stuff down these kids throats you go in and they tell you all this stuff what you should be doing at night, reading plus the homework and somewhere in the middle after work, and picking them up, homework and dinner and baths who has all the time to sit and read. I am sorry going off on a tangent. My kids get awesome grades but I tell you I am sick of no time for anything else. Or my kids crying. Oh it kills me. What happened to letting kids be kids..
Just my thoughts.. Happy. Take the baby..
I'm a little anxious about
I'm a little anxious about the whole thing, I have no idea what kind of impression his bio mom 'may or may not' have already left of us.......
Don't worry about
the impression the bm may or may not have left. Teachers don't worry about things like that in conferences. Unless there are "issues" at another house the teacher doesn't hear much about the other family. I have heard some in my years of teaching but I can figure out the situation pretty quickly (kid gets work done at one house but not the other and for some reason during conferences it all changes according to one parent or another in the hopes that they look like the "good" parent). We really don't care (not saying we don't care about your child) about various situations and internal arguements. I'm willing to listen to any parent who is willing to come to conferences. I offer the same advice for both parents (at separate conferences). The thing I really don't like is when the tension can be cut with a knife when both bio. parents show up (divorced) and they can't agree on anything during the conference (and some end up fighting right in front of me). I'd prefer to stay an extra 10 minutes and meet with them separately.
Take your 18-month-old
Janice is right, the teacher will most likely understand if you need to bring the little one. If you have questions, fire away, bring your list, do whatever you feel comfortable with. If not, the teacher will just go through how SS is doing in each of his subjects.
Wow, I envy you that BM is "letting" you attend. My SD's BM threw a huge fit and demanded to all the teachers not to let me sit in. They had to comply with her demands because she's the parent.
We weren't invited last
We weren't invited last time. And we didn't make a big deal about it. In our case ss mom likes me more than she does my hubby. We have butted heads, don't get me wrong. Usually its becasue I have stood up for my husband. She hates him with a passion. Most of the time she will only 'deal' with me, she intentionally leaves him out. He says he doesn't mind casue he doesn't want to deal with her either but that puts me right in the middle, which isn;t always easy.
As a teacher...
As a teacher, I'd say yes. Of course it depends on the age of the child (it is more important for elementary and middle school children to attend). We didn't bring my ss to his conference last week because of issues with ADD testing and various other things. The other ss went to his conferences with us. I really like it when the students come with their parents/guardians to conferences. The trend among teachers is for more students to join in on the conferences. If I have students present I can then ask them why they don't turn homework in, etc. We can easily talk about behavior in the classroom rather than the parent telling me, "I'll talk to him [her] when I get home". I haven't read many of the replies but thought I'd weigh in as an educator in the public school system. I've had many parents bring younger children into my room. I've usually given them a desk or even paper with markers to keep them busy. The really young ones generally stay with the parents. It will not bother most teachers to have that child in the room and/or other children.
Hey thanks a lot for your
Hey thanks a lot for your imput, it really helped me to feel more comfortable. I wish we were able to take my ss with us but his mom won't allow us anymore time with him than is outlined in the court order. We always ask him what he is learning about but you know kids. They give the shortest answer possible
He is a very smart kid and I'm pretty sure I already know what she is going to say. He is very quick to catch on to school work but has a tough time interacting with other kids. I guess we will see soon. Thanks again. I think we will bring our 18 month old.
Parent teacher conferences
Parent teacher conferences went pretty well. I called it! I knew exactly what the teacher was going to say. Timmy is exceling in his school work. One on the top kids in the class as far as academics. But social skills are very poor. Has hard time decision making/ problem solving. Has verbally / physically attacked other children & TEACHERS. Isn't making friends. We had no idea what to say. Part of me thinks its just his personality becasue he has been this way since he was very young. And the other part of me thinks he is lagging in social skills becasue his mom isn't very good at them himself and he is learning this behavior from her. Who knows.
I take my child to it
I take my child to it because I want her to hear what the teacher has to say about her performance and what she needs to improve on. I believe it's important for them to hear it 1st hand and how it really is.
-happy mom
For us...
The child in question is suppose to come to the meeting, but the teachers send specific instructions and ask that all other children do not attend. It's distracting to have siblings there when they are trying to conduct a meeting quickly. So, for us, whenever we had a teacher conference, BM always brought the other kids with her, and the teacher was always annoyed because they would run and destroy her classroom. In fact, one time, I remember clearly that the teacher even sent notes home asking that she please find a sitter for her children (because the teacher recalled the last conference was a disaster), but she ignored her... again, her two youngest ran about the room in a chaotic rant... I was sooo embarrassed.
Man has the intelligence to change his life,
Sometimes, he just fails to use it...