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Child support question

skye22's picture

Once a child enters school full time does that impact the child support obligation?


papergirl31128's picture

enter as in grade school- it is based on income and time spent- and should be modified every 2-3 years.

Hesitant's picture

With all the extra costs for school: school clothes, school supplies, school fees, and heaven forbid you child wants to participate in any after school activities: band, sports, etc.....

StressedSM's picture

your day care expense - ie from full time day care to a lessor rate for perhaps after school only, then yes. Skye22 is accurate, its also primarily based on income earned and time spent.

skye22's picture

I was just wondering becasue full time day care for my stepson was $600.00 per month and next year he will only be in afer school care for 2 hours a day. So we were trying to figure out if it was worth modifying or if it would stay the same anyways?

StressedSM's picture

You will probably go from $600.00 a month to $200.00 a month. $400.00 a month savings - divided by your percentage. IE, my ex is responsible for 70/% and I am responsible for 30% of additional expenses such as medical. It would be worth it to me!

papergirl31128's picture

Another thing that will affect the child support is if you and your husband have kids together. It means more dependents for your husband if you ever get it modified. That is how it is in Ohio