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Sweetie's picture

Well, I have been plugging along for the last few days and the heat here in GA has been climbing into the 90's. Yes, it's been quite warm and sunny here. I am still fighting this battle with the dermatitis on my hands, and can hardly hold a pen so much of any correspondence is now typed. And even though I had been taking the Benadryl every four hours to help with the intense itching, it is like eating M and M's now. I awoke in the middle of the night with the intense heat coming from my hands, it just about unbearable.
I don't know really if my stepson has given any thought at all to his Dad and me since he left the house a few weeks ago. But I do feel that I shouldn't have to be constantly chasing after him or reminding him of things that he should be doing because he is old enough to know. I just think you can't change what people are, they have to want it for themselves. And I don't think it is important enough to him to change and make sure that he is consistent, and courteous all the time. To be perfectly candid, he's just too busy with his raging hormones, and chasing tail. Which, more than likely, will lead up to trouble in one way or another. I still think about my SD but I try not to let it get to me so much emotionally. Sometimes you wish that you could just capture a moment in time and keep it forever. But the reality is that she isn't on the same plane as the rest of us. And right now, for some reason, we can't always understand the reasoning for things the way that they are, but we have to accept them. I do miss some of the things from the way our lives used to be. It has been difficult starting over in a new town, not knowing anyone and none of my family is very close by. Perhaps that is why, I have so much faith, in my dogs as companions. Our greyhound puppy, Bullet is learning to play ball and catches the ball in midair now about 50% of the time. Yesterday, our new registration papers came for our five year old fawn greyhound rescue, Murphy. He is officially ours, on paper, with his new name. And I still have my grouchy old fifteen year old minature poodle who can bite the neck off a whiskey bottle. That old dog has really seen a lot in his time.
As I am getting myself together today, I reminisce and miss those magical times those of you are going through now with birthday parties, lost assignments, etc. It all seems like so long ago. Enjoy your magical memories while you can.


happy mom's picture

Regarding your dermatitis, try not using your soap or detergent you've been using. Try a different brand, with no scent, see if that works. The hot weather your having is not going to help the itch either. Did you try soaking your hands in cool water? See if the itching stops.

Sweetie's picture

Dear Happy Mom,
Thanks for the suggestion. I've already changed soaps, lotions, and moisturizers all to brands that are fragrance free. I am a walking advertisement for sensitive skin. Cool water is a temporary fix, the skin is just coming off in layers, it is blistered so badly. I usually put ice packs on my hands in the evenings which helps bring down the swelling and also relieves the itching somewhat.

happy mom's picture

It sounds like you might have athlete's foot, it can go on hands too. Your symptoms are exactly like athlete's foot. If it is you'll need antifungal medication. Did you try and have your doctor examine the flaky skin under a microscope to see any fungus? Try look at this website to read more about it: and search under skin itch or skin condition. I always look into this website when I have questions. Hope this helps.