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Was it the Itsy Bitsy Spider?

Sweetie's picture

Well, it's been quite a few days since I've logged back in. I've been about out of my mind as I've been bitten by what appears to be probably some kind of spider and have a series of bites and tracks going down my right upper arm. It's driving me crazy. It happened sometime during the night Sunday and I found it Monday a.m. and by lunch it had started swelling but I wasn't too sure what it was. I am severely allergic to insect bites so I had some steroids left and started taking them and using cortisone cream and benadryl but I can't get the redness and swelling to go down. I have an Dr. appointment for tomorrow as I will probably have to get the Epinephrine shot to take the swelling done. I've already used the Claritin but it hasn't helped much for the itching.
But I have read some others blogs and responded so I hope that maybe I could help someone. It seems that everyone is so busy; I am still waiting again to hear from my stepson who was supposed to call about coming this weekend but haven't heard back from him, either.
It gets to be disappointing...I don't know if he is busy but I sure wish he would take 60 seconds and call and at least leave a message and say yes or no so we know if we should expect him and his girlfriend.
I've been trying to work outside but it's been difficult because of the heat radiating from the bites and the temperatures here are topping over 90'.
I can't believe this weather! I am so not used to this!!! I have been lonesome here as of late with no one to talk to as my family is still a distance and I lost my close friends when we moved. I had to change banks to bring things closer to home and we were having some difficulties with the bigger larger city bank. When I went to open the account, I was just so miserable, tears were starting to well up in my eyes.
That happened yesterday. But I didn't want my husband to know it's just so hard here for me and he isn't social. So, I am trying to focus on getting the yard and house landscaped and decorated.
The puppy is doing really well and my husband is really itching to let him off the lead now and let him run. But I'm being cautious and want to wait another two weeks. Because I know once he starts running, there will be no stopping him. And he is a complete terror biting into everything. He got an umbrella open that my husband left outside. And we have discovered that Bullet loves open toed shoes when peoples feet are in them. He must think that the toes are like little sausages because he is going crazy trying to bite them. I haven't been crazy enough to wear sandals or go barefoot around him as my husband has done. But at least the puppy has given me some moments to smile and I appreciate that.
Tomorrow is another day so I am hoping by lunch time I won't be itching anymore, thankfully.


Dawn-Moderator's picture

You know what I really hate? Ticks!! I can't stand them. We were in the woods a couple weeks ago and there were so many ticks! They just give me the heeby geeby's!!

I hope it wasn't a poinsonous spider and "just" an allergic reaction.

I'm glad your puppy is doing better. My cat, Belle(aka:Belle Pepper), some how pulled off one of her claws(nails) and it was bleeding. She had to get anitbiotics(which made her sick) and I had to clean her foot daily. It made me think of your puppy! She is doing much better this week!

We are having a cold snap here. I'm hoping it warms up for the weekend.


Sweetie's picture

The itsy bitsy spider gave me a revolting reaction and I have to be on antibiotics for ten days. This is the worst reaction I have ever had! I guess GA is welcoming me to the land of the insects!