Standing Alone
Let me see if I can keep this brief. I met my husband five years ago. I have 2 of my own children, he has two children from a previous marriage, and we have one together. His daughters are from his first marriage, I am his third. It’s always been an issue to get the biological mother to keep us updated with their life basically. We know nothing about report cards doctors visit health etc. I’ve asked multiple times to help keep us informed and she refuses. And my husband does nothing to support me. I just found through Instagram at this past Thursday was our 18-year-old’s senior night. We were not invited, knew nothing about it. My husband tells me I’m crazy for being upset about it. This is his daughter were talking about. When I asked the bio mom why we were not invited she said she knows we have other commitments during the week. I said that would’ve trumped anything we may have had and we would’ve appreciated the opportunity to decide if we could go or not. She refuses to talk to me and says that if the father has a problem that he can call her. Not only do I find it disrespectful and rude to me , What’s even more hurtful is that my husband refuses to ackknowledge or say anything. And wants to blame me for the lack of communication coming from his ex-wife. I’m just at my breaking point and don’t know what to do.
XW is not your friend, XW
XW is not your friend, XW does not have to talk with you !! It’s up to DH to put effort into his daughter
Step away from the ex-wife.
Step away from the ex-wife. This is your DH issue to deal with. Best to just let him.
If your DH doesn't care
If your DH doesn't care enough to be upset, then I don' t think there is anything you can do about it. His XW is right, she doesn't have to talk to you. She probably resents your intrusion especially since your DH seems fine with the current arrangement.
That’s what I thought...I
That’s what I thought...I have a hard time wrapping my head around it since he complains about not seeing them. Thank you all...and you’re right she’s not my friend
" She refuses to talk to me
" She refuses to talk to me and says that if the father has a problem that he can call her. Not only do I find it disrespectful and rude to me , What’s even more hurtful is that my husband refuses to acknowledge or say anything."
This is as it should be. It is your DH who has a child with BM, not you. She doesn't have to give you the time of day. And frankly, it would bother me as a BM to have SM contacting me over issues and concerns about my daughter. You are not co-parents. Your own Dh, the father of the child, does not care enough to communicate with BM nor to keep up on things involving his daughter, so why should BM play parent with you?
That's not trying to be mean to you. You may very well be a very caring concerned SM who really wants the child to be a part of your home. I would imagine the mother has been done this route with your DH before. You are wife #3 and the girl is 18. BM is likely use to Dad slacking on his end . Maybe it was SM#1 too that had to try and do all the co-parenting and communicating also. Maybe Mom, as her daughter is now 18 , feels if Dad was going to be involved Dad would have done so instead of having SM do it all for him.
This is an age of school online portals where parents can view report cards, grades and school calendars while sitting at home or using their phones to access the info at any time from anywhere.
Kudos to you for wanting this young lady to feel you and Dad and the younger siblings and step-siblings would like to be a part of the older girl's life and activities. But you can't do this for Dad. It is him that needs to make the effort.
Leave the mother alone. If the girl is 18 the girl is quite old enough to pick up the phone and say 'hey, Dad, I have Senior night at school, would you and SM like to come?'. When this young lady graduates next May/June she will be considered an adult. It will be entirely up to Dad and his daughter whether they will have any relationship or not and what it will be like. You don't say how old the other child of DH's is from his ex-wife and first marriage, but I will assume probably around HS age also?
Does Dad have visitations with his older children? Does he communicate with the older kids when they come? At some point Dad has to take responsibility for his own relationship (or lack of one) with these kids. You can't do it for him. No matter how loving and caring you might be, this is Dad's job as the children's parents.
If DH is angry you don't do his job of communicating , you sit that man right down and you remind him who the father and the parent is. All this is between BM and Dad when kids are younger and between Dad and his kids when they get older.
Focus on your own children and your child with DH.
The other child is 20. It’s
The other child is 20. It’s been a 5 year battle. I honestly just want my kids and I to be part of their lives. I have told him it’s his responsibility, and he finds an excuse why it’s my fault. I definitely am not trying to be their mom. I know it’s not my place. The only conversations th DH has when the kids do come around is to talk about the things he did with them when they were little. Wife #2 had no kids
So do I just cut contact
So do I just cut contact completely and not worry about it?