Has to share the moment
Hubby and I are away for a few days. This may be small, but I find it so annoying that he has to immediately text photos to his children, and sometimes MY kids, who are all in their 20's. Then he has to respond to their texts. Why must he do this? He can't seem to just enjoy the moment. I find it disruptive. If I comment on it I am referred to as the grinch.
I am totally with you! Why
I am totally with you! Why does anyone have to take that phone with them everywhere. Taking it and leaving it in the room, turned off, until you check in (maybe once every 3 days).
We can't even have dinner without DH's phone, we go to the store with DH's phone buzzing, it is on the night stand, behind our bedroom doors all night. I hate that!
It's an addiction. If my DH passes before me, I'm burying that ++++ phone with him, in his hand.
That's funny...burying that
That's funny...burying that phone with him. I like that.
That is annoying. He could
That is annoying. He could wait and share when you guys get back.
Dh and I don't get time alone
Dh and I don't get time alone anymore, there is always at least 1 kid around....so we plan date times.
It's not always a night... sometimes it's breakfast out...or lunch... or just a random couple hours... but we plan it.
When we're out, it's about us, and our cell phones are "off limits" save for emergencies... in our case it's a bit easier because ss doesn't have a phone... but one of the first times we were out for an extended period of time, ss threw a fit for my DD to call dh. He wanted dh to come home because he missed him and wanted dh to sit with him for the movie. Dh told him no he'd be back soon though... then DD texted me non stop that ss was still crying etc... so we cut the date short and then talked to all of them about how sometimes, it's ok for dh not to be around ss all the time and that dh still loves ss even if he's not right there... and that DD needed to control the situation a little differently.
My kids know that if I'm out, they should really only be texting me for permission about something or emergencies... but that's something I taught them... we have our parent/kid time together where we don't get interrupted, others should have the same.
For security reasons it is
For security reasons it is usually not good to post on social media pictures that show you are not at home until you get back.
As some members here know...the one who breaks into your house may be a skid.
Plus it is super annoying.
Bring your own phone or a book and pull it out when DH is trying to have your attention. When he complains then talk to him about you both putting the phones aside and only checking them in between your planned activities.
Try to have fun.
I get how you feel..DH wakes up in the middle of the night and looks at his phone until he is sleepy again. The light is not bright but waking up and seeing him on the phone irks me. He also does it early in the morning on weekends...I prop a pillow between us so I cannot see him sitting there. Smart phones are making everyone anti social and less smart.
If you are the same location,
If you are the same location, it must be assumed that the small 'get-away' was meant for the two of you unless there is some other purpose. As 1/2 of this outing, you deserve to have fun too. What your DH is doing is being rude and inconsiderate of you. I would put my foot down and tell him you have a right to have fun too - and sitting patiently by, watching him constantly texting is ruining the get-away for you.
From your past posts it appears your DH he's a problem with intimacy. Maybe he feels threatened for some reason. The texting may offer him an excuse to keep his distance from you. Next time he calls you 'The Grunch', call him 'Mr. Romance'.
Sadly this oversharing is
Sadly this oversharing is very 'normal' in our time though it seems odd for it to be an older male like this.
It feels codependent. Wanting to share is fine but if it's getting in the way of you guys enjoying your time it needs to be fixed. You need to work with him on setting up times where there is no phone usage. It's just like step-families do with children. The other parent gets a window of when to call. The rest of the time is meant for the family they are with. The same could work for you guys. He can save his messaging till after everything is done.
Accidently spill a huge drink
Accidently spill a huge drink on it.
Problem solved. Encourage him to return it to the manufacture so THEY can work on it
this should last several weeks. I know this from experience.
OR tell him to please stop texting. Who cares if he calls you a Grinch. He is a pooh head for doing what he is doing.
Or pretend to gather your bags and say your calling an URBER so he can enjoy his romantic weekend with his phone and kids ALONE.
I really like your
I really like your suggestion... "so he can enjoy his romantic weekend with his phone and kids ALONE."
I've felt this way MANY times.
I often wonder how DW would feel if we switched places, she would never tolerate my behaving like she does, tied to her phone.
She makes every excuse when I ask her to leave her phone at home. I know the real reason is so that helicopter Mommy can rescue her adult offspring should they need her.
This is an important topic as
This is an important topic as the cell phone really does interfere with intimacy. When ex and I would go on an over night trip would be calling even before we opened our eyes in the morning and in the evening when we were supposed to cuddling. Of course had to respond to his little 300+ lb tadpole, so he would sneak the phone into the bathroom and when he did this in the evening I would be asleep by then.
What was worse was going for a day's drive and phone would be constantly ringing or vibrating about every 30 minutes until ex talked to his tadpole.
Ex after 10 years upon my insistence decided to respect my wishes and tell his 47 years old ds at the time, "not to call unless it was an emergency", A big step for my ex. His ds calls df when we were on our cruise in the middle of the Atlantic with an emergency. He was watching our dog and the dog pooped in the house. That incident took 10 repeated calls from ss to resolve the issue.
What I really hated the most was, when he was told not to call unless an emergency, and then dh's phone would ring and is was ss "sorry that was a butt call" and then proceed to chat with ex. SS had an Iphone where you have about 5 steps to call someone. I guess his butt has magic fingers. Ex would believe him no matter how many times I showed him on my phone what you have to do to make a phone call.
To this day I hate to hear the phone ring.
I get it. I think that we,
I get it. I think that we, the collective we, should invoke zero smart phone standards during social, couple, and family events. Having lived internationally for many years one thing that is universal is pictures of food and people buried in the phone screens at meals and events.
Who GAF about a picture of food? Particularly during a meal with with other people who all can clearly see what is on your plate? I want to eat and enjoy my food and converse with the people I am with. The only pic that I am likely to post of food is when I am not focused on what is going on around me and that pic will include a toilet bowl about 24hrs after I ate the meal.
If someone is out with their spouse or SO why break the focus and moment to take and post a selfie? Sure, take a few pics for your memory file and share them when you get home but .... don't interrupt the moment.
IMHO of course.
This problem is not specific
This problem is not specific to dads and their kids. I hate those phones. HATE THEM. I've been invited to dinner parties only to sit and watch the host post to Facebook. Unbelievable. I am lucky my husband isn't part of this. Anything that can be posted now can be posted later. What's the rush to show people the plate of food a waiter just put in front of you? And does ANYONE really care what you're eating???
But early on we did have a problem with SD calling anytime and him answering all the time - during dinners out, vacations, visiting with family. No call went unanswered. Finally, two counselors told him her calls should wait because she is an adult. Only a young child interrupts and expects everyone to stop talking to hear and address them. ("Daddy! Daddy! What me swim! Watch this!") That resonated with my husband and it has been fixed. But he had to hear it from a third party, not from me. The counselors told him SD is an adult and although most of us learn as children that we must sometimes wait, he taught her she never had to wait. The counselors told him this reinforces her expectation that she always comes first. The counselors pointed out what message to then sends to me, his wife.
Good luck with this. Lots of people are fighting the social media versus real life battle. We travel to places without wifi and phone reception. You'd be surprised how well it works.
" I hate those phones. HATE
" I hate those phones. HATE THEM." Yes, 100%
I have not attended a family function in 5 years because of this. My mother does not understand, but why would I travel 6 hours to sit with the family to look at the back of their phones? ...social media versus real life. Sad, isn't it?
I have this problem currently with DW; tied to her adult offspring.
I'm not sure DW would be open to hearing this from our counselor, much less act on it, but I'm going to give it a try. I do get tired of asking her to have an adult relationship with ME, the man she married and leave her offspring to fend for themselves. They made the decisions which shaped the lives they are living, WE are no longer responsible for them. They need to handle their own "emergencies".
Did your husband accept this dis-connect willingly? Does he suffer anxiety when he doesn't answer?
Husband hasn't made any
Husband hasn't made any changes regarding his daughter easily. But when the counselor specifically discussed the phone issue, it made sense to him. The counselor only echoed what I said, but coming from a third party helped.
Some of what she told him was: "You need to devote your time to where you are, whether it's dinner with your wife, a movie with your daughter, a concert with your mom - don't subdivide your time with phone calls. The message you're sending to your daughter is that no matter what is happening in your life, you will dump it to take a call from her, which is unnatural and not a realistic power to give her when she's 24 years old. How is she supposed to become self reliant or grow up from a child's mentality of getting a parent's attention every time she wants it? She is living with a man - that's who she needs to rely on now."
I'm sure the change was harder for SD who suddenly had to leave a message for her father. But I almost felt like he was glad to not have to listen to her whine about her mom's problems or her tummy aches. (Yea, seriously, tummy aches. SD interrupted our four-day honeymoon to call my husband to say her mom had just been sued by a neighbor who tripped on her sidewalk. The phone calls were totally out of line and a power move on the daughter's part.)
In fairness to your wife and others, though, there are researchers who talk about the anxiety any phone-addicted person experiences when they disconnect, so there's more to our problem than stepkids. This problem is rampant and it doesn't take a stepkid to make you hate these phones!
Depending on the age of your stepkids, it's fair to say to your wife, "Anything they have to say on that phone call can wait until we get through a 75-minute movie/meal/concert." The other thing I used to tell my husband was that there was a time when we didn't have the damn phones and we all lived. Don't let her give you a bunch of lame excuses. It's not that much to ask the only other person at the dinner table to notice the other only person at the dinner table!!!
I agree - this is not just a
I agree - this is not just a Skid problem. Years ago, it was common to see two people at breakfast, and one of them would pull out the paper, completely eliminating the view of the person they were having breakfast with. It was considered rude at that time. Two weeks ago DH and I went out for dinner. Each person in the family at the next table was totally engrossed in their smart phones. Even though I did not expect to have a conversation with them, it effected the atmosphere in the restaurant. It was a nice restaurant - their actions cheapened it. Here you are, ready to have a good meal with your partner only to be interrupted by an obnoxiously loud ring tone.
My DH is addicted to his
My DH is addicted to his phone. And he's not even texting or posting, he's playing video games. He did it last night at a costume party with a bunch of our favorite friends, and they noticed and complained. I took it away from him and refused to give it back. Usually I feel that adults should be allowed to do what they want, but last night I was fed up.
Usually I do the walk away and dance with someone else thing.
And, I thought I was the only
And, I thought I was the only one. My husband gets angry when I roll my eyes. It is like he only needs to text them when it our "US" time. DRIVES ME NUTS :jawdrop:
What about being in the act
What about being in the act of being intimate and the phone rings, its his ds, and guess what he stops to chat with him. If that did not deflate my ego nothing else ever would.
What about being in the act
What about being in the act of being intimate and the phone rings, its his ds, and guess what he stops to chat with him. If that did not deflate my ego nothing else ever would.
Since we are on topic of
Since we are on topic of phones another thing that husband does is he gets another call while we are speaking on the phone and he has to click me off and takes it. I HATE that.
My feeling regarding the phone is that voice mail exists for a reason so use it!
Constant source of tension
Constant source of tension for me and the DW. She seems to feel the need to be in contact with her grown adult children 24/7.
During the recent solar eclipse I was in the back yard observing, DW was busy on a call with her employer. She was able to join me before the event had actually started, which made me happy we would be able to share this very rare moment.
We were out for maybe 3 minutes before our moment together was being constantly interrupted by her daughter and her son's girlfriend via texts. I turned to DW at some point to share a thought and was met with seeing her face buried in her phone texting. What a disappointment and rude distraction.
Can't wait until DW has all the time she wants to text after I leave.
Oh my goodness. This same
Oh my goodness. This same event happened to me during the eclipse. My husband was two busy texting his college age sons, both of whom did not care a single bit about the eclipse. He even took my glasses to use to take photographs for them. I went back in the building disgusted.
My SD33 texts her Dad every
My SD33 texts her Dad every day while we're on vacation to ask if he's having a good time. Every day! When we're at home, he hears from her every week or 2. Attention seeking if you ask me.
Yes! And they text and call
Yes! And they text and call when we are on vacation. We can be sharing a beautiful walk on a beach and dh has to immediately text pictures to his daughters. Then respond. Everyday it goes like this.
SO has his phone surgically
SO has his phone surgically attached to his hip, its a joke. God forbid he miss a text or call from his precious needy adult kids. If he was in an accident and paramedics looked at his phone as to who they should call, they would mistake his daughter for his wife. After all she does send him motivational memes every morning and texts and calls the rest of the day. Its so sweet :sick:
Loc-tight comes in a tube and
Loc-tight comes in a tube and is not expensive.
what are we suppose to glue
}:) }:) what are we suppose to glue closed

Where the charger attaches
Where the charger attaches will work. }:)
Guess I should be glad DH
Guess I should be glad DH doesn't have a cell phone
Wait, it doesn't matter, we have NO Cell Service at HOME!!
But seriously, he doesn't know how to turn mine on or off, answer it, or even call 911 if His life depended on it! I should be glad he lives in the stone age!
When ss could not reach dh on
When ss could not reach dh on his cell or on house phone ss would call my phone to get a hold of him. It just drove me crazy as sometimes ex and I were and all three phones would be called a few minutes apart every 10-15 minutes until ex answered a phone. just hate hearing the phone ring even if I am out in public and the phone belongs to someone else. I think I have ptsd regarding phones as ss calling caused me so much trauma.
Now I wake up and it is nice, peaceful, and quiet. Just amazing!
I so know what you mean...SD
I so know what you mean...SD called my phone a few times to find him. I couldn't believe it - she would not even acknowledge that I existed but she has the nerve to call my phone to find him??? That stopped when my husband started letting her calls go to voicemail.
my dh texts his adult
my dh texts his adult children constantly especially the daughters.
one adult sd talks to her father on the phone twice a day. sometimes the calls come when we are at dinner. dh actually stops what he is doing to talk with her for 20 minutes.
Oh yes, my DH cannot live
Oh yes, my DH cannot live without knowing every move of SD56.
I am so over it, I just ignore it. It does irritate me, when we are eating dinner and his phone is buzzing.
It is just plain manners to put it on vibrate and excuse yourself to the bathroom to check it. What's up with this???
That's exactly the sh*t I had
That's exactly the sh*t I had to stop. I was not going to sit there at dinner watching/listening to him talk to someone not even in the room. Ridiculous.