Is this normal for 7 year old DSD?
I've recently given birth so I'm a little overweight (the usual babyweight). DSD has begun asking what is my dress size, and also "Those are really big panties" (she often walks in on me getting dressed). "When are you going to stop wearing such huge panties?" "My mom wears tiny panties" (her mother is rake-thin).
This makes me feel very uncomfortable. I have a daughter of my own (also age 7) and she never asks such things. This seems beyond what such a young child should be consumed with.
Quit letting her walk in on
Quit letting her walk in on you dressing, for one. Tell her it's impolite and inappropriate to ask about someone's underwear, and not to bring up the subject again.
How do I stop her walking in?
How do I stop her walking in? I close the door (there's no lock).
Why do you think she makes such comments?
Either put a lock on the door
Either put a lock on the door or tell her not to come in your room without knocking first and you telling her she can come in.
Not really sure why she's making these comments. Most women have some granny panties or less than sexy undies floating around in their underwear drawer. Maybe she's never seen any. No clue. I would still tell her, though, it's inappropriate to comment on them.
She's asking these questions
She's asking these questions because the child has someone else (her rake thin BM) to compare differences to. I don't find it unnatural when she sees one parent one way (or another child) and then see another parent (in this case SM) or child at school another way.
The door needs to have rules. Bedrooms are your private space. With or without a lock, the child needs to be taught to knock and wait at closed door for a response. Your own daughter should also be doing this (if she doesn't now).
It's a good time to talk to your SD about differences and how all people come in different shapes and sizes. The little girl will be going to school with children of all shapes, sizes, colors and different cultures throughout now and college. She's testing her curiosity of things she sees that are different on you. And yes, part of it is you just had a baby. It's the rare woman (IMO) that comes right out of giving birth with the immediate same body she had prior to pregnancy.
My DD17 has several different types of underwear. Yep, she has those big ol' granny panties to wear to bed during her period. Her choice. No, she doesn't wear them at other times. It's what she is comfortable in at that time and feels secure in no leakages. You also have a preference of what panties you are currently wearing that the child is questioning. Give the kid an honest answer, it's what you are currently choosing to wear for comfortable and needs and let it go at that.
The questions she is asking now are much better answered by you, BM and even Dad then for her to blurt out something seemingly stupid and/or awkward to a potential friend at school or whisper too loudly about someone she sees in public.
Now, teach the kid some manners on respecting one's individual needs for privacy (your bedroom) and that it's ok to ask questions of things she doesn't understand. If you believe she is making comments out of being mean instead of curious, discuss that and how that is rude, disrespect and intolerance of a person's differences is not an attract trait to have.
Put a lock on the door, she's
Put a lock on the door, she's not your kid thus she can not see you in undies...
or deal with it and simply say... DSD I'm not your mother I prefer wearing big panties cause it's comfortable and hygienic.
The only reason she would ask these questions, she's 7 curious, sees her mothers G-strings and things and you wear sort of little girl big panties... she does not understand why your undies covers your ass and her mother's ass is hanging out.
Her asking about dress size is going to escalate to shoe size , hip size blablabla, 5 years from now on she will try and compete with you, you can tell her what ever you want, I never went smaller size, I always lifted my size with 2-3 sizes, and I know for a fact when BM saw me in town she look baffled cause suddenly I lost allot of weight hahahaha
"5 years from now on she will
"5 years from now on she will try and compete with you"
Wow, really?! Does the same count for my daughter? That would be horrible
Honesty is the key STAY OUT
Honesty is the key
always worked for me
I don't think 7s know about
I don't think 7s know about women's dress sizes. Her mom is treating her like a juniorhigh peer and being catty with her.
I'd say. 'Isn't it great we
I'd say. 'Isn't it great we all come in different shapes and sizes? The world would be very boring if we were all the same and wore the same underwear- now go say that to your mom!'
Yeah, the SDs used to comment
Yeah, the SDs used to comment on how "fat" other people were and who had big butts if we were out and about.
I got alllll over them about that.
They have friends of all sizes and just always made sure to tell them size doesn't make the person, and everyone's different but not worse.
It's one thing I didn't disengage from.
Teach the kid to knock and
Teach the kid to knock and lock the door. Your dress and panty size is none of her little girl business. Just change the subject to something age appropriate when she asks nosy questions.
You dress and undress in
You dress and undress in front of your SD? :O
I have a 7 year old SD and that I've know since she was 15 months old. I cringe just thinking about her ever seeing me change.
On the other hand, DD3 will follow me if she knows I'm about to change. She stands there making comments about my clothes and body. She compares my body to hers and asks questions.
I find it strange that you have a 7 year old daughter and think the things you SD said are "beyond what such a young child should be consumed with" and are asking if it's normal for a 7 year old girl.
she said the kid walks in on
she said the kid walks in on her when she`s getting dressed
SS opened the door to my bedroom a few times when he gets up in the morning... generally I'm under covers, and generally DH has told SS that he MUST KNOCK...but there was one time that I was not under the covers.... I had literally just gotten out of bed because we heard a noise through the monitor... DH was about to reach the door to step out of our bedroom, and I was in the process of reaching to get my robe... SS got an eyeful... but he got an earful too...DH flipped on SS, how many times did he tell him to knock, not open bedrooms doors ever, etc... and put him right back in his room for half an hour...
SS hasn't opened our bedroom door since...

firmly stuff the toe of a
firmly stuff the toe of a sneaker under the door when you're changing.
Well, what do you feel is an
Well, what do you feel is an issue?
1. Kid walking in while you're changing.
2. You're wearing large underwear these days.
3. Kid curious about your underwear and body.
4. The kind of comments kid makes about your underwear and body.
Time for the Nunya business
Time for the Nunya business discussion and to apply some consequences for being rude.
Lather, rinse, repeat.
Congrats on the new baby.
Wow! That's so rude! Maybe
Wow! That's so rude! Maybe she needs to learn that what type of underwear people where is their own business and she shouldn't be commenting on other people's underwear.