I feel like I'm going crazy
I am not even going to get into the craziness of the two younger sd''s but my adult ss. As soon as he turned 18 his bitch bio mom thru him out because of course he is lazy and worthless. So he moved in with me and his dad. So now here we are 2 years later and he has decided he does not want to do college cause it's not for him and he also by force only works at best 10 hours a week. He does not contribute to house, bills, food or cleaning. I'm seen as a maid and this is a hotel for all the Skids. I have no privacy because he is always home. I leave for work or take bio kids to school and he is asleep. I come home for lunch and he is just getting up to shower and xbox. Dinner time he comes to eat and then back to the cave. I'm not allowed to wear pajamas or no bra outside of my bedroom because my adult ss is here (per his father)
All he does is tell him every week he needs to find a better job. That's it! And the timeline we gave him together keeps getting pushed further and further cause as his dad says "he's lazy and that's just his personality".
I'm literally in my last nerve. I got told I'm a effin B by husband because I'm mean to his baby boy. These skids run the house and I don't think I can allow my daughters to continue living in this house of double standards and BS. I don't know if I'm out of line on this or what?
No you are not out of
No you are not out of line-this is a miserable situation. I also had to deal with lazy SS for three months- DH didn't have to deal with him because he was out at work all day, but we gave him a deadline and stuck to it. When the deadline came he had found another place.
It isn't fair to you or your DDs having him around- if the deadline has been and gone you need to throw him out. If DH won't throw him out you make plans to leave.
Lucky that you had a DH to
Lucky that you had a DH to back you. I have one that's just making excuses and I'm pretty sure would pick his son over me . I'm pretty sure I need a Plan B here
Well, DH was supportive of
Well, DH was supportive of himself mostly on this one! He has been much less supportive when SS caused a whole heap of problems earlier this year which led to our disengagement- but that's another story.
You are right to have a Pan B C D whatever, stick around here though, I'm sure you will pick up lots of plans!
"I'm not allowed to wear
"I'm not allowed to wear pajamas or no bra outside of my bedroom because my adult ss is here (per his father)."
"I got told I'm a effin B by husband because I'm mean to his baby boy."
Why do you stay a man that speaks to you this way and tellks you what you are ALLOWED to do in your home???
You are right! And it finally
You are right! And it finally started to hit me when it was my fault and it was not appropriate. I think that from the minute I get home it's gonna pj's from now on.
That's exactly what I refer
That's exactly what I refer to him as a "man child" lol. His dad says it doesn't matter how old he is, he is not an adult yet.
I'm always wondering if his bio mom had the rules of what to wear
My 20 yr old moved back in
My 20 yr old moved back in and he's definitely a *man child.* He does have a learning disability but was also coddled into a helpless state by xH. All ds20 has done post high school is walk the dog and play xbox. xH threw his hands up and dropped him at my home so now it's up to me to help him adult.
ds20 made a comment about how gross it was that I walked around in my nightgown w/out a bra. I told the brat that it's my home and he's welcome to live somewhere else if he doesn't like it. My manchild has to work, bunk w/his teen brother (even though we have 2 spare rooms), pay bills and make his damn bed and do lots of chores. He's balked because he has to give me some of *his* money but as always I point out that he's welcome to live elsewhere and pay rent etc.
Your husband is an azz, my son was being one too but bottom line is that you should be able to wear whatever the hell you want in YOUR home. Lazy azz ss can look the other way.
I'm so glad to hear that a
I'm so glad to hear that a mom feels that way about her own son. Cause all I get is the evil stepmom persona. I would feel that way if it were one of my own kids. My hub doesn't get that we are trying to make him independent and the babying of him is not going to help. He's actually making him worse. He gets mad when someone bangs on the door and tells him his 30 min shower needs to end, if I vacuum on on the weekend before noon, or heavens forbid that he doesn't like what I've made for dinner . I've told his dad I'm done cooking for him he can fend for himself , so what does dad do? He goes hungry so princess can have his food. I swear no teamwork here at all. I'm really fed up and I hate to say that
I was pissed at all the
I was pissed at all the enabling xH did w/ds20 and knew it would lead to launching issues, sure enough here I am dealing w/them and xH has washed his hands of the whole situation. There's no way I'm going to work my azz of every week, cook, clean, and allow my own kidult to be a lazy slob. He lives here he's going to contribute, follow the rules and probably be a bit uncomfortable. Tough t*tty!
I'd stop cooking for both of them, make them fend for themselves. If DH wants to cook for princess let him. Turn the water heater way down or do dishes while he's showering. Get all the weekend chores done early done to loud rock music, start at 8am. Skid is waaay too comfortable in YOUR space. Take back your domain sista. Doormat no more! DH and ss can suck it!
You should be able to walk
You should be able to walk around naked in your own home if you see fit. I'd do that just to tick the punk man child off.
Your husband has some nerve
Your husband has some nerve to tell you what to wear in your own home...just because of his grown son who has not launched. Wear what you want, anytime you want.
Please get out of this
Please get out of this situation as soon as you are able, and do not waste your precious mental and physical energy on this situation anymore. It will NOT change. I raised my SS's full-time for 15 years and have experienced all of this. I felt like I was going nuts and so did people around me, but it was all depression and anxiety fueled by the situation I was in. It sucks! I'm now separated and feel like I wasted 15 years of my life on the whole thing. It's a lot harder being single in your 40's than in your 20's, when it comes to trying to find a partner to connect with. I dread it. Peace and Good Luck to you, my friend.
I agree! When my BS went to
I agree! When my BS went to collage and we only had one left at home, we turned our 3 bedroom house into a 2 bedroom (expanded the MASTER bedroom!) There have 2 different times when 2 skids hit hard times, and we'll help who needs help, but They Will Not Be Comfortable! And , There ARE ground rules that will be followed, or they get shown the door! They work, or spend 8hrs. a day looking for work. in the house by 11pm or get locked out (no, they don't get a key) limits on the phone (no cell service where we live, not our problem) and limits on visitors, do their own laundry at their appointed time and day.
Thankfully, we had no problems enforcing these rules and they helped out with cooking and cleaning, and they were able to get back out on their own in 3 mos. or less. And my DH did consult me before WE gave the OK. We are willing to help who ever needs help,but it WILL be on OUR terms. I would have a problem if DH told me what I could or couldn't wear anytime! A comment was made Once about "noises" coming from our room, and the response was "the sooner you get your s__t together, the sooner you won't have to hear it". I think that one left in about 2 days!
Start putting away some cash,figure out where you and your DD's can go and as above, make that SS as uncomfortable as you possible , if you need to leave, make sur you leave a lasting impression!
I have never had a man tell
I have never had a man tell me what to wear so I not sure how that must feel like for you. But I know that if it did happen to me I would wear what I want and tell him to go to h3ll. Any man that sits and plays xbox all day is never going to grow up. And he calls you a "B". You need to shut this guy down when that happens. Once is enough and I would be done. Take his ibox and hide it and see who turns in a little whiny "B".
This. Take the xbox ibox
This. Take the xbox ibox whatev (or change wifi password) & return only upon apology & respect. Pathetic but it at least delivers some fake good behavior for a while.
You are not the one who is
You are not the one who is out of line.
I just don't get parents who are okay with their kids doing NOTHING.
Time to make SS a little less
Time to make SS a little less comfy in YOUR home. And to be honest, I'd probably have to spend a week or two walking around the house buck naked just to prove that it was my home and that I would do as I pleased.
Disclaimer: It's probably never a good idea to do what I would do.
SImply take control and tell
SImply take control and tell your husband...
SS will be out of this house in XX months, if not I will get him evicted with you, you are not helping him making excuses he's lazy and it's his personality, you are his father you are suppose to help your children launch, now take away the Xbox and Internet and tell him to go and find a job cause he will be out of this house on such date
I had to pack and be walking
I had to pack and be walking out the door. We had a similar situation, for more than two years I had two adult SS's in our home... It was hell.
One day I just couldn't do it anymore, (there was a lot of story before this, of course) but I packed up, called my friend and walked out. DH was livid.
Long story short, it was a week later and the SS were gone. It 's not easy to deal with.
No you arent out of line. If
No you arent out of line. If your DH is unwilling to step up and parent then he is not your equity life partner and your children do not need to be exposed to his failed waste of parental skin example.
Just my opinion of course.
Good luck.