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Phone Use

PreStepMom701's picture

:? What would be an appropriate time range for a 8 year old for phone use?

Acratopotes's picture

None..... the other parent can call to talk to their child, not if they saw him yesterday and will tomorrow again, I'm talking about a divorced parent living far away not seeing the kids much, but not daily, maybe weekly

and no 8 year old should have the freedom to arrange their own play dates, this is usually talked about during school hours, and the parents should arrange it further, calling each other and making the date

Harry's picture

Kids texts, they don't call each other. Or use snap chat, type apps. The day of the phone call is over !!!

Rags's picture

An 8yo has no business with a phone.  Handing the 8yo the parent's phone while waiting for food to be delivered or when you just want to shut the kid up and put them into a screen induced coma is one thing.  Actually giving them their own phone is something else entirely.

We gave SS-28 a phone when he was about 13.  Not for him, but for us.  We got sick of trying to find him for pick up from school or practices in a long line of pick up cars so we gave him a minimally functional stick phone that pretty much just let him call us or text.   It added a very functional level of both convenience to our lives and a very effective way to discipline him.  Taking the phone made a huge point with him.  Even though the phone was extremely basic, he would have group text gabs with his friends with it quite often.  When we unplugged him, it hurt.

IMHO, kids do not get any electronics until they bring a significant level of convenience to the adults in the family.