Lady I work with is always "putting out fires" and is "going crazy" We barely have enough work for two people to do in our 3 person shop. No one is busy. She just likes to give that impression when people call her or stop by asking for help.
And she burps NON STOP. Like every other word. Even says "that felt good" I hate it here.
I have not heard the new buzz word OPTICS. In what content is it used?
Ladyface has you asked the person who uses IN ALL REALITY those direct questions? Blahhhhh
**watching Fox news this morning and a Senator said, that being said--OMG
I expect a higher level of communication from a Senator.
One more, my x uses the word Irregardless.
Hey we get along very well BUTTTT I have yet to correct him. He sounds like a dork.
I guess his wife doesn't mind.
Haha, I've said it before, also. Maybe people are on the same page but a different paragraph. What then?
My pet peeve saying is the "hill to die on" thing. I just hate when people ask, "Is this a hill to die on?" Does it have to be a "hill to die on" in order to be upset over it or be willing to stand your ground?
I work in marketing, so I hear all of the buzzwords pretty regularly.
Optics = the way it looks from the outside (i.e. "Our client should speak at the charity event. It's good optics." or "I don't like the optics of that.") I'm with the poster above...makes me want to throw things.
I hate, hate, hate all the dumb jargon.
The worst offenders right now, for me, are "baked in" & "thought leader" -- totally cringe each time I hear these.
My teen boys LOVE this term. Oh the fun slang and sayings you learn w/teen boys around, everything can be somehow twisted to talking about their genitals.
The majority of the social workers I worked with at DSS said THIS all day long.
REACH OUT ---did you reach OUT to the Grandmother....OR I tried to reach out to THE MOM or HAVE you reached out to the social worker at the county jail????
(Tell me, what do you want me to do WHEN I REACH out...tickle them?)
OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG eye twitch to the max.
Here is another one.
"Lets continue the conversation"
What the heck???? Why does anyone have to talk about having a conversation about xyz topic. WTH
I know this thread is about annoying phrases, but I get annoyed with ANY words spoken when it is done with my pet peeve - The Vocal Fry. This just about drives me insane! For those not in the know, vocal fry is:
"Vocal fry is speech that is low pitched and creaky sounding, and is increasingly common among young American females. Some argue that vocal fry enhances speaker labor market perceptions while others argue that vocal fry is perceived negatively and can damage job prospects. In a large national sample of American adults we find that vocal fry is interpreted negatively. Relative to a normal speaking voice, young adult female voices exhibiting vocal fry are perceived as less competent, less educated, less trustworthy, less attractive, and less hirable. The negative perceptions of vocal fry are stronger for female voices relative to male voices. These results suggest that young American females should avoid using vocal fry speech in order to maximize labor market opportunities."
When did "have a nice rest of your day" become a thing? The majority of retail and wait staff and customer service reps I come in contact with use it.It just grates and sounds so awkward. It seems improper to "rest of your day" as a noun.
To steal from another post, those uttering this phrase are almost always millennials.
I had kind of an interesting morning this morning. I call it 'interesting', I use that word because I don't have a 'nice' day anymore. Frankly, I don't bother with them. I feel as if I've outgrown the nice day. Let someone else have a few. I've had my share. Why should I be hogging all the really nice ones? So I feel I'm beyond the nice day now. 'Course people still want me to have one. Everybody wants me to have a nice day. "Have a nice day!" "Yeah, yeah, yeah. Would you give me my fuckin' change, please!" Some people are really insistent- "I said have a nice day!"
"Okay, okay goddammit, all right!" That's the trouble with 'have a nice day'; it puts all the pressure on you. Now you've gotta go out and somehow manage to have a good time. All because of some loose lipped cashier. 'Have a nice day'...Maybe I don't feel like having a nice day. Maybe, just maybe, I've had 63 nice days in a row. And, by God, I'm ready for a crappy day. Let someone wish me a crappy day. I never hear that. "Have a crappy day!" That's no problem at all. All you have to do is get up some mornings. There's no planning involved.
Y'know the trouble with that 'nice day' stuff for me is that word 'nice'. It's just such a soft, kinda flabby word. There's no character to it. 'Nice'..."Isn't he 'nice'? Oh, he is so 'nice'! And she's 'nice', too! Isn't that 'nice'?" It's like 'fine'. "How are ya?" "Fine." BULLSHIT! Nobody's 'fine'. Hair is fine. "How's your hair?" "Fine!" That makes a lot more sense to me. Some guys are 'great'. Y'ever hear that? How are ya? "Great! This is great! Goddamn! This is great! Look! They're gonna kill that guy! Isn't that great?"
Not me. I'm not nice, I'm not fine, I'm not great. People ask me how I am, I say, "I'm fairly decent." No superlatives. Nothing to gossip about. I say,"I'm relatively okay." Or 'moderately neato'. Then they have to ask their children how I am. If I'm in a particularly jaunty mood, I'll look them right in the eye and say, "I'm not unwell, thank you." Which pisses them off 'cause they have to figure that one out for themselves. But anyway...
I'm very sensitive to accents and dialects. It's sort of a hobby of mine. But the vocal fry is just annoying AF! I stopped watching HGTV's Flip or Flop because of Christina El Moussa's silly grating way of speaking. I'm glad it's being openly mocked and hopefully it will go away soon.
House hunters? Oh, you mean the show where people don't have jobs yet but have a $2 million budget? And where the partners have obviously been coached on how to intentionally be divisive?
"Cassandra wants the over budget apartment in the city close to the town square but Steve wants to be in the suburbs close to work." And Cassandra is stomping her feet about what is she is going to do all day moving to a foreign country while Steve is working all day. But then Cassandra gives in so fast at the end.
But yeah, we watch it too.
I am still amazed at all the realtors who don't balk when their client wants to put in a low ball offer. "Sure, I can present that!!!" I've heard that zero times in my life.
The original quote was "The heart wants what it wants, or else it does not care" and it was by Emily Dickenson.
However, when I hear it all I can think of is Woody Allen using it to justify his relationship with Mia's Farrows adopted daughter that began when he was Mia's boyfriend. I believe that the attraction started when the girl was underage.
I work as a liaison between car dealerships and prospective buyers. When we first start, it is all scripted, but we are allowed to personalize the script as we prove ourselves. One of the scriptwriter's favorite phrases is "with that being said." First thing I dumped!
We are supposed to be professional as we deal with some high dollar dealerships (Maserati and Jaguar). To get hired, we have to pass a pronunciation test and an enunciation test. I don't know how some of my co-workers passed the testing. One of them is a 22 year old who knows EVERYTHING. You name it, she's done it. Her favorite non word is "Aight." Nothing like hearing her identify as calling on behalf of Maserati of Austin, then using "aight" in the next sentence. All of us refer to her as Little Missy Aight.
I do have to of my favorite phrases at home is what it is.
I like hate it when people are like, saying like all the time, too. Like, how many words are there in English language? Like no one could find anything else to say!
But yeah, like started with Valley Girl in 1982. It blew up and never went away.
FYI I was on the phone today and the customer service women kept repeating "REACH-OUT". She was putting me on hold to REACH OUT to so and so. Every 30seconds or so, she would come back on the line. Mrs. GoodLuck I am still trying to reach out to blah blah.
^^I wish that phrase was
^^I wish that phrase was never coined! :sick:
it is what is, JustA
it is what is, JustA
Thanks for making me say it
Thanks for making me say it in my head again dammit.
At the end of the
At the end of the day........
which is very close for me, I like to have a ice cold beer }:)
Here's a Stella!
Here's a Stella!
Optics makes me want to claw
Optics makes me want to claw my eyes out...
At the end of the day... I go
At the end of the day... I go to bed.
that being said.... alone or
that being said....
alone or with hubby?
ghehehehe wonder how many times Goodluck spat now
(No subject)
Lady I work with is always
Lady I work with is always "putting out fires" and is "going crazy" We barely have enough work for two people to do in our 3 person shop. No one is busy. She just likes to give that impression when people call her or stop by asking for help.
And she burps NON STOP. Like every other word. Even says "that felt good" I hate it here.
"On the same page" irritates
"On the same page" irritates me. Other idioms annoy me, but that one... I don't know why. Grrrr...
and Bob's your uncle....
and Bob's your uncle....
You guys....LOL I have not
You guys....LOL
I have not heard the new buzz word OPTICS. In what content is it used?
Ladyface has you asked the person who uses IN ALL REALITY those direct questions? Blahhhhh
**watching Fox news this morning and a Senator said, that being said--OMG
I expect a higher level of communication from a Senator.
One more, my x uses the word Irregardless.
Hey we get along very well BUTTTT I have yet to correct him. He sounds like a dork.
I guess his wife doesn't mind.
Optics = how it looks.
Optics = how it looks. Mostly used in politics.
I am guilty of "having said that/that being said" and also "all things being equal."
Aniki I am guilty of using on
I am guilty of using on the same page. Thanks for pointing that out. It sounds ridiculous now that I am thinking about it.
Haha, I've said it before,
Haha, I've said it before, also. Maybe people are on the same page but a different paragraph. What then?
My pet peeve saying is the "hill to die on" thing. I just hate when people ask, "Is this a hill to die on?" Does it have to be a "hill to die on" in order to be upset over it or be willing to stand your ground?
~pokes Goodluck in the
~pokes Goodluck in the bicep~
Stop it!!!
Stop beating a dead horse,
Jeez, I didn't beat the LIVE
Jeez, I didn't beat the LIVE horse. Why would I beat a dead one?
I work in marketing, so I
I work in marketing, so I hear all of the buzzwords pretty regularly.
Optics = the way it looks from the outside (i.e. "Our client should speak at the charity event. It's good optics." or "I don't like the optics of that.") I'm with the poster above...makes me want to throw things.
I hate, hate, hate all the dumb jargon.
The worst offenders right now, for me, are "baked in" & "thought leader" -- totally cringe each time I hear these.
oh yeah, "baked in" makes me
oh yeah, "baked in" makes me NUTS!!!!!
haven't heard "thought leader" and I hope I don't.
Just thought of another one that makes my eye twitch - "lean in."
I have a friend named Pat
I have a friend named Pat that hates the term "down pat"
What about 'Pat down'
What about 'Pat down'
I also hate "low hanging
I also hate "low hanging fruit"
especially if you ARE the
especially if you ARE the low-hanging fruit
My teen boys LOVE this term.
My teen boys LOVE this term. Oh the fun slang and sayings you learn w/teen boys around, everything can be somehow twisted to talking about their genitals.
"Can't have your cake and eat
"Can't have your cake and eat it too" hate that!! I'm going to eat my piece of fracking cake that is sitting infront of me!
"circle back". *twitch*
"circle back". *twitch*
To make a long story
To make a long story short...
The facking story is NEVER short!!!
And we, of all people, can
And we, of all people, can understand the short version.
Married a man with kids. BM is nuts and money hungry. Kids are brats. I'm going crazy. The End.
At the end of the day... I'm
At the end of the day... I'm DRINKING!!!
Me, too. Having said that, I
Me, too. Having said that, I have to stop at the store on the way home. DH and I are not on the same page when it comes to our beverage of choice.
If I want a reach around tonight, I had better stock up.
'with that said,...' 'have a
'with that said,...'
'have a good one'
'in all actuality'
'when I was young...' - used constantly by FDH to explain spoiling of SD
Not a saying, but seeing the word advise used instead of advice. (spelling error)
The majority of the social
The majority of the social workers I worked with at DSS said THIS all day long.
REACH OUT ---did you reach OUT to the Grandmother....OR I tried to reach out to THE MOM or HAVE you reached out to the social worker at the county jail????
(Tell me, what do you want me to do WHEN I REACH out...tickle them?)
OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG eye twitch to the max.
Here is another one.
"Lets continue the conversation"
What the heck???? Why does anyone have to talk about having a conversation about xyz topic. WTH
No wonder I believe I need botox
I'd like to reach out and
I'd like to reach out and slap or punch a few people... }:)
I know this thread is about
I know this thread is about annoying phrases, but I get annoyed with ANY words spoken when it is done with my pet peeve - The Vocal Fry. This just about drives me insane! For those not in the know, vocal fry is:
"Vocal fry is speech that is low pitched and creaky sounding, and is increasingly common among young American females. Some argue that vocal fry enhances speaker labor market perceptions while others argue that vocal fry is perceived negatively and can damage job prospects. In a large national sample of American adults we find that vocal fry is interpreted negatively. Relative to a normal speaking voice, young adult female voices exhibiting vocal fry are perceived as less competent, less educated, less trustworthy, less attractive, and less hirable. The negative perceptions of vocal fry are stronger for female voices relative to male voices. These results suggest that young American females should avoid using vocal fry speech in order to maximize labor market opportunities."
Eeeeeewwww!!! One sounds
Eeeeeewwww!!! One sounds exactly like DH's SD23. I freakin' LOATHE that!! WTH, do these females think it's sexy?!?!
It is what is is......
It is what is is......
The VOCAL FRY sounds awful.
The VOCAL FRY sounds awful.
There are some really
There are some really horrible audio/video versions of it on-line, if you Google around.
When did "have a nice rest of
When did "have a nice rest of your day" become a thing? The majority of retail and wait staff and customer service reps I come in contact with use it.It just grates and sounds so awkward. It seems improper to "rest of your day" as a noun.
To steal from another post, those uttering this phrase are almost always millennials.
Wish me a nice "rest of my
Wish me a nice "rest of my life"...
George Carlin... loved his
George Carlin... loved his stuff!!
I had kind of an interesting morning this morning. I call it 'interesting', I use that word because I don't have a 'nice' day anymore. Frankly, I don't bother with them. I feel as if I've outgrown the nice day. Let someone else have a few. I've had my share. Why should I be hogging all the really nice ones? So I feel I'm beyond the nice day now. 'Course people still want me to have one. Everybody wants me to have a nice day. "Have a nice day!" "Yeah, yeah, yeah. Would you give me my fuckin' change, please!" Some people are really insistent- "I said have a nice day!"
"Okay, okay goddammit, all right!" That's the trouble with 'have a nice day'; it puts all the pressure on you. Now you've gotta go out and somehow manage to have a good time. All because of some loose lipped cashier. 'Have a nice day'...Maybe I don't feel like having a nice day. Maybe, just maybe, I've had 63 nice days in a row. And, by God, I'm ready for a crappy day. Let someone wish me a crappy day. I never hear that. "Have a crappy day!" That's no problem at all. All you have to do is get up some mornings. There's no planning involved.
Y'know the trouble with that 'nice day' stuff for me is that word 'nice'. It's just such a soft, kinda flabby word. There's no character to it. 'Nice'..."Isn't he 'nice'? Oh, he is so 'nice'! And she's 'nice', too! Isn't that 'nice'?" It's like 'fine'. "How are ya?" "Fine." BULLSHIT! Nobody's 'fine'. Hair is fine. "How's your hair?" "Fine!" That makes a lot more sense to me. Some guys are 'great'. Y'ever hear that? How are ya? "Great! This is great! Goddamn! This is great! Look! They're gonna kill that guy! Isn't that great?"
Not me. I'm not nice, I'm not fine, I'm not great. People ask me how I am, I say, "I'm fairly decent." No superlatives. Nothing to gossip about. I say,"I'm relatively okay." Or 'moderately neato'. Then they have to ask their children how I am. If I'm in a particularly jaunty mood, I'll look them right in the eye and say, "I'm not unwell, thank you." Which pisses them off 'cause they have to figure that one out for themselves. But anyway...
I loved his stuff, too ...
I loved his stuff, too ... especially his bit about "stuff"! :0
Gimlet Have you heard this? I
Have you heard this? I hope it works. And yes, I agree with you.
So, the bottom line is... In
So, the bottom line is...
In the aspect of...
Two phrases that nut me up every. single. time.
I'm very sensitive to accents and dialects. It's sort of a hobby of mine. But the vocal fry is just annoying AF! I stopped watching HGTV's Flip or Flop because of Christina El Moussa's silly grating way of speaking. I'm glad it's being openly mocked and hopefully it will go away soon.
her voice is the worst!!!
her voice is the worst!!!
George Carlin now there is a
George Carlin now there is a Man who had a way with words.
Funny Funny Guy.
How about "Have a blessed day"
Same thing with "God is GOOD all the time".
echo - what about "pop"? as
echo - what about "pop"? as in "it'll give a nice pop to the room" or "these flowers/pillows/tile trim will give a nice pop of color."
*twitch, twitch*
House hunters? Oh, you mean
House hunters? Oh, you mean the show where people don't have jobs yet but have a $2 million budget? And where the partners have obviously been coached on how to intentionally be divisive?
"Cassandra wants the over budget apartment in the city close to the town square but Steve wants to be in the suburbs close to work." And Cassandra is stomping her feet about what is she is going to do all day moving to a foreign country while Steve is working all day. But then Cassandra gives in so fast at the end.
But yeah, we watch it too.
I am still amazed at all the realtors who don't balk when their client wants to put in a low ball offer. "Sure, I can present that!!!" I've heard that zero times in my life.
The heart wants what the
The heart wants what the heart wants. That's what the other woman said to me. Is it the heart? Or is it the Weiner?
The original quote was "The
The original quote was "The heart wants what it wants, or else it does not care" and it was by Emily Dickenson.
However, when I hear it all I can think of is Woody Allen using it to justify his relationship with Mia's Farrows adopted daughter that began when he was Mia's boyfriend. I believe that the attraction started when the girl was underage.
LOLOLOL I can not stop
I can not stop laughing.
The price point thing---is annoying
The heart wants what the heart wants---it is annoying too.
SPACE vs. ROOM Drives me nuts
Drives me nuts when people (on TV, usually) use the word "space" instead of room.
For example, standing in the middle of what is obviously a master bedroom saying, "I think this space is just right for our furniture."
I work as a liaison between
I work as a liaison between car dealerships and prospective buyers. When we first start, it is all scripted, but we are allowed to personalize the script as we prove ourselves. One of the scriptwriter's favorite phrases is "with that being said." First thing I dumped!
We are supposed to be professional as we deal with some high dollar dealerships (Maserati and Jaguar). To get hired, we have to pass a pronunciation test and an enunciation test. I don't know how some of my co-workers passed the testing. One of them is a 22 year old who knows EVERYTHING. You name it, she's done it. Her favorite non word is "Aight." Nothing like hearing her identify as calling on behalf of Maserati of Austin, then using "aight" in the next sentence. All of us refer to her as Little Missy Aight.
I do have to of my favorite phrases at home is what it is.
I worked with a man for years
I worked with a man for years who loved to say "at the end of the day." Drove me nuts.
I like hate it when people
I like hate it when people are like, saying like all the time, too. Like, how many words are there in English language? Like no one could find anything else to say!
But yeah, like started with Valley Girl in 1982. It blew up and never went away.
A POP of color mentioned
A POP of color mentioned above.
Makes me want to scratch my ears off.
FYI I was on the phone today and the customer service women kept repeating "REACH-OUT". She was putting me on hold to REACH OUT to so and so. Every 30seconds or so, she would come back on the line. Mrs. GoodLuck I am still trying to reach out to blah blah.
It was a difficult call for me. :sick:
This was a fun thread. I needed it