Seems DH's Light Blub may have finally been turned on.
A while back I shared that my DH's son contacted him after a 3 year estrangement. DH then invited him to Thanksgiving dinner and a few days later SS tells DH that I shunned him (which I had not). I did find it interesting that ss does not talk to us for 3 years but I am somehow a witch that shunned him the one day that I had seen him in 3 years. Further more SS then tells DH the he wants to have a meeting with me but insists that his dad must be there. Of course it is also interesting that this is after ss has complained to dh about me & he plays the poor victim telling dh that he would come and visit his dad but that he is just too uncomfortable around me.
Fast forward. My dh has tried (several times) to get ss to go out & eat with him, just the two of them. Never happened. My dh has called several times but no answer. DH has left messages but other than a couple times SS does not return the calls. DH has sent text messages. You guessed it. No reply. Of the several calls dh has made to ss, he has only returned his call a couple times and made sure to take advantage of the opportunity to tell his dad that he would like to come and see him but he is just to uncomfortable around me. We never had our meeting (which I did not want anyway) but now I realize that ss really never wanted to meet either. He just wanted to drip in dh's ear that the two of them would have a relationship if the wicked witch wasn't in the picture.
Early on in this program dh & I had had a couple of big fights regarding ss. One of the fights was because I did not want to have a meeting with SS. I felt it would only be a set up for SS to attack me & that I would be expected to just sit there & take it.
I decided I would not respond anytime dh said anything about ss. I would simply listen and when appropriate I would change the subject. A couple days ago out of the blue my dh states that he was upset with his kids rejection of me and said his kids were foolish since I have been so good to them. He went on to point out that ss had the nerve to complain that I had shunned him at Thanksgiving and how rude his kids were that not one of them thanked me for the wonderful meal I had provided. He continued that his effort to have a relationship with his son is just too unbalanced (referring to his calls to ss in comparison with the couple of returned calls from ss).
Dh had not seen his son since Thanksgiving and now it been a couple months since the last time they talked.
Anyway, I just wanted to share how biting my tongue somehow turned on the lights for dh.
Oh I hope that light stays on
Oh I hope that light stays on Jam.... I remember the meeting thing with the brat, glad it never happened.
Simply put these toxic kids out of your mind
yeah, I hope that light bulb
yeah, I hope that light bulb doesn't burn out!
I can't do that with my adult
I can't do that with my adult skids. They don't want to hear anything I have to say on how better life could be if it was a certain way. Now I'm learning that anything I say doesn't matter to them. So from now on... I'm shutting up. Maybe they won't question why I keep to myself or have nothing to say. Nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all.
What is it about SM's biting
What is it about SM's biting our tongues gets DHs to start to realize some of the issues on their own? I read it here, tried it myself, and bingo.
I think it might have to do
I think it might have to do with the knee jerk reaction that people have to protect their kids.
When a step parent tries to "point out" where their child is going wrong, the parent goes into protection mode. They are spending so much time reacting and in defense mode, they actually do very little listening.
When the critic voices go silent, then the reality of the situation can become much more apparent. Without the blind faith and protection instincts, the parent can see the shortcomings much more easily.
I have learned I will get one
I have learned I will get one of 3 responses from dh when I mention ANYTHING about his kids. A) he goes into defend mode,
he goes straight into excuse mode, or C) Quickly throws me under the bus.
Hummm.....I am slow but since I don't like any of the above I will continue to bite my tongue unless I find myself on a hill to die for. Then they all might want to watch out!
It won't take 10 years. Drugs
It won't take 10 years. Drugs have a way of working extremely fast.
I have NEVER had words with my SD, nor have I ever reacted to her in any way (37 years). Now at first SD56 took that as "she wins", when I do not reply. So SD would take it a step further every time. I continued to NOT respond. She finally had a big melt down, three years ago, and I still did not reply. DH now knows what she is capable of, in regards to his wife.
When my SD56 is in the same room with me (not often thank goodness), I don't even look at her, I do not listen to her, I do not respond in any way to her. It drives her crazy. It may be rude, but I took rudeness for 30+ years from her.
As for my DH, it all goes over his head. His DD will always be right, the smartest, and his Princess; so I am at peace disengaged from this "Flying Monkey" (eight years now). I know my DH knows, but he never acknowledges; he doesn't want to face the problem. I have no problem with this, I'll take care of SD as I go; DH has been told, by me, to stay out of it, I will handle SD; thus DH will not like it, but it is what it is. My way of dealing with SD is silence, because that is what she hates. Although, there may be a day I throw her out of my house; I plan for it to be civil, calm, and direct (with lots of drop dead glares).
Holding your tongue is taking the high road; keep up the good work; it is work to bite your tongue and sometimes very painful, but again, worth it. At the same time you do not have to tolerate being mistreated; just very quietly say "knock it off or you're out of here", while you glare straight in the eye.
Oh,.... have the meeting!
Oh,.... have the meeting! }:) I can think of oh so many ways to have some fun with that.
Wow! Incredible, destroyed
Wow! Incredible, destroyed your belongings! Why would you not like that? Sarcasm intended!
My skids hate me but if we discuss anything about them my dh will say to me "You hate my kids!" Gosh, that's not the problem. The problem is they are passive aggressive meanies and I don't like them.
Jam, you've come so far since
Jam, you've come so far since you first came to this site. I'm glad you've found clarity and a healthy way to live your particular steplife.
Thanks Julie. I have come a
Thanks Julie. I have come a long way but I know I have to always be on guard. I really hate not being able to just relax and enjoy the skids and the sgkids. Why am I the enemy? Why is their dad the enemy? I have been so good to them & their dad has been good to them. Now I say I have lived the very life that created the phrase "No good deed goes unpunished!"
I am sooooo thankful for this site!!!!!! VERY THANKFUL!!!
Think Mahatma Gandhi:
Think Mahatma Gandhi: Peaceful resistance. I will not bitch but I won't bend.
Passive resistance has been a
Passive resistance has been a key component of my disengagement, sandye. I resigned from my cruise director job and no longer facilitate relations.
Being involved in a dysfunctional step dynamic only puts a target on a SM's back. I haven't been involved for several years now, so the sad state of affairs between my DH and his kids is squarely on them.
My skids feel entitled to
My skids feel entitled to punish their dad for imagined allegations, disobedience, and think so highly of themselves that for their father not to obey them is a crime. Then they punish him but they don't always even blame him for his disobedience, much of the time they blame me.
When I married my dh I moved into what had been his marital home and the skids felt they owned the home & that I was a just a live in cook/maid. Things were totally out of order. My osd for example while in college tells one of her friends that she could spend spring break at HER house. Keep in mind that osd did not spend spring break in her so called home (she went to her moms) but her friend did. She had simply called my dh and told him that she had told her friend she could stay a week and that she would drop her off. I just happened to be on vacation myself that week & when dh told me I was having company I told him I did not like the idea. All he said was that he didn't mind. So I had her friend stay in my home for a week. I actually felt like I had a spy planted in my home. The next year (spring break) I told dh I did not want company and that he needed to inform osd or I would and he knew I was on a hill to die on. When he tells osd, she cried and dh felt so bad about it and I was viewed as unreasonable.
A few years later we purchased a 900 square ft rental house across the street from the college that my osd was to attend for her masters degree. She moves in with her dh & baby. They lived their one year but suddenly moved out (without notice) and did not talk to us for 1 1/2 years because we would not allow her to move a male friend of theirs into the 2 bdrm rental with them. We were disobedient.
MSD was having a baby shower at her bm's and I was invited. I knew they hated me and I did not want to go to the lions den but dh was afraid that MSD would be offended. I went and actually things went surprisingly well. After the shower my dh calls MSD asking her how the shower went & such. My dh wanted to meet MSD in-laws to be and after already asking MSD & her boyfriend several times to set it up (they used the passive aggressive say okay and then not). So on this phone call he asked MSD again to set it up a meet & greet but he could see the passive aggressive game was still being played so he told her he would set it up himself. MSD said well if you do call, be sure & talk to future father-n-law not mother-n-law. DH called the number he had and future mother-n-law answered. She was very hateful to dh. He simply asked to take her & her dh out to dinner. She would say "WHY would I want to do that?" My dh had such patience while talking with this lady he had never met. (MSD would bad mouth her dad to anyone who would listen & I am sure she had already played her victim card & what a bad dad she had). That was 8 years ago but because dh was disobedient they have estranged themselves.
SS was living with us. I took/take care of the financial books. When ss needed a lunch card I would put enough on the card to last 2 months but found it was only lasting 2 weeks. SS comes home one day & tells dad he needs money on his card & dh turns his head toward me & tells me (ss always treated me as if I were invisible). I say "wait a just a minute, I just paid for 2 months. It turns out that ss had been allowing another boy at school to eat lunch off of his card. SS tells dh that the boy is poor and dh then says that he doesn't mind. I pipe up and say I do!!! So now my dh & I are have a discussing in front of ss. I tell ss that it was very noble that he cared about the poor boy at school and that if he wants to pay for his lunch he was certainly welcome to use his own money to do so. My dh then says to me (in front of ss) "What is the difference in you wanting to help the Cleft Lip & Palate charity and what ss is doing?" My response was "I go to work, I earn the money, and I choice the charity, I don't have someone choose it for me!!!! I kid you not that when I first came into the picture, his son who was 12 at the time wanted, actually asked to take care of the finances and resented me because I didn't like that idea.
I have several stories. Bottom line is the skids don't like me because I see that the "tail is wagging the dog" and attempt to put a stop to it. They punish dh because he should be the boss of his wife AND be obedient to them. In other words, they want to control dh & also want to control me through dh.
Jam: I feel bad for you in
Jam: I feel bad for you in all of the aspects you are describing. I went this route for 30+ years. When you are blamed for everything, no matter, the bottom line is they are cruel and very much narcissistic. There is nothing you can do to change them. This actually made it easier for me to disengage and my DH to understand why I disengaged. I say nothing about my grown skids; they have a way of showing their own true colors.
You have stood your ground and I encourage you to always stand up for yourself. I do stand up for myself; I just try to act in general terms. I generalize because my SD56 and SGD31 would like for me to get personal with them, so they could become aggressive towards me. They thrive on the drama and are totally negative people.
I have set boundaries for myself and for my private space (home). It applies to everyone, including DH; I have let it known, without saying a great deal. If my DH doesn't like the boundaries, I'll hold the door open for him to walk out. I am not above holding the door open and asking anyone to leave that brings toxic issues into my home. I'm sure, before it is over, that will occur.
You are doing well and it will always be a challenge for you. We are all here for a reason and I am grateful for everyone here; this site is excellent.
Thanks Sammigirl. With
Thanks Sammigirl. With regards to osd & her family, I am actually attempting to set boundaries in my home and have semi disengaged.
It is interesting how osd could ignore me but then when I decide to give her what she wants and leave her alone. Well now that is a different story. Examples. My dh & I went to her home for step grand sons birthday party. Took pictures and put on facebook and tagged her. I noticed she always ignored anything I did or said on facebook so I decided I would not attempt to have any kind of a relationship on facebook. Then I noticed that when I sent text messages to her for things like letting her & others know when we were having Christmas, Thanksgiving, or other events, she would just ignore my texts. My dh would then ask if I had told her about the particular event and I would respond that everyone has let me know but osd so he would then call her. I noticed that when she would send texts, she would send a group text to my dh and me. Because she always ignored my texts I decided I would let dh answer any group text from her we received. One day I got a text from her that I thought was sent only to me because she was saying her christmas present to her mother was to spend a day with her and wanted a babysitter for her 3 kids. I answered and kindly let her know the one day I could not watch the kids. My dh comes in the house and I realize he had received the same text. So then I receive another text that she she would call on her break. I assumed that she was going to call her dad but she called me and in her passive aggressive way put me in my place. She did not like it that I had informed her of the one day I could not watch her 3 kids. She made a statement that "oh well I just thought you enjoyed the kids". I am confused and wondering what that has to do with anything. Then she goes on with "I noticed when I send you and dad a text that he always answers and you never do". Good grief!!!! She ignores me and so I back off and that upsets her too?
Passive aggression and drama!
Passive aggression and drama! Ugh....
No. Winnable. Solution. So
No. Winnable. Solution.
So the healthiest choice is detachment or disengagement. When we are out of the equation, our DHs have an unimpeded view of their kids. Funny how they don't enjoy the vista.
This is why even though my
This is why even though my dad is a sh1thead, I still have him in my life. He has regrets about my childhood. I don't want to have regrets when he is gone. He can be an a$$ still, but I have one father. I won't get him back when he's gone. No regrets.
Yes it is amazing the power
Yes it is amazing the power in not being the one to be doing the complaining!
I remember when OSD first decided that she had "issues" with me many years ago, she would bitch to DH about me every opportunity she had when I wasn't around.
She would blame DH/the divorce for every miserable thing in her life, she would rant and rave and vent and condemn and just generally paint a horrific picture of everything
I on the otherhand, at that time, felt bad for her and all her "misery" (not that I caused the separation I didn't even know DH then, his ex-girlfriend accomplished that) and I literally did try to be understanding and forgiving and supportive of OSD regardless. Never bad-mouthed her back. Never complained. Never got angry or vented. Just felt bad (at that time sincerely) and tried to be supportive and understanding towards DH
All OSD's venting and complaining and blaming of me & Dh back-fired on her.
DH got sick and tired of the depression she triggered in him. The guilt. The fear she would walk out of his life. The horrible attitude. The accusations against the woman (me) he was inlove with, and wanted spend the rest of this life with.
To this day, DH is angry and disappointed with OSD for being a miserable shit-disturber who really and truly is the bottom of the barrel.
Yes he feels he failed her, when he failed his marriage with their mother. Yes he will never stop feeling like a failure (thanks to OSD) and feel guilt all the time. But it isn't lost on him that she will never stop reminding him of it, and generally just being the negative energy in his life
The less I complain about her - the less I point out what she is - the more she simply sinks herself
And I rise above it
Good for you for figuring this out, and doing the same! No need to point out the obvious to your DH