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Issues with G.Grandparents.

AZY's picture

My step daughters great grandparents bad mouth my husband and say he doesn't let her see them to her when they have her alone and send her inappropriate letters which make her cry. Saying they miss her so much they cry every day and that her daddy is stopping them from seeing her.

This is untrue. We let them see her whenever they ask which is usually every 2 weeks or so. They have taken her out to parties and they have had her stay at their house which we stopped now because of the badmouthing. It's hurting my stepdaughter and I don't know what to do or how to help her.

They are being really inappropriate. My family don't do this with my biological child. They are always appropriate and it's hard for her to see them because we live in the US and my family do not. I feel horrible for my stepdaughter and I really want to be there for her emotionally.

But with the grandparents I have to take a step back as my husband wants to handle it. If it was my biological daughter I'd of cut them off. I don't have anything to do with my daughters biological father's family because they are a threat to her emotional well being, inappropriate, make her cry and angry. It makes me angry that my step daughters great grandparents do this to her. They say about not making a child a tool all over facebook, yet that is exactly what they are doing.

oneoffour's picture

Just let the poor girl know that some older people forget their manners and their memory. If she says her Dad is keeping them away form her point out that is not true and she only saw them xxx days ago. Obviously they are getting forgetful and angry. This happens to lots of older people ... rinse/repeat. And does she really think they are crying all day? Really? You cannot do anything about the g/grandparents but you can help SD. Me being me would hide the letters.She doesn't need that in her life.

Acratopotes's picture

I would simply trash the letters before SD gets them, or I will read it first and if they are being b!tches, she will not see it.

or simply tell her - they are very old and half senile.... she should not take it seriously, they forget what they had for breakfast, so they forgot their manners ages ago

Rags's picture

If your DH is not handling it effectively then you handle it and give DH the message that when he can step up and deal with the GGPs effectively you will support him. Until then.... he needs to STFU and let you deal with it.

Just like in any marriage between equity life partners.