Has your husband ever cursed you out
I feel like I am so sorry I got married to this man. I do think alcohol is playing a role, along with the cloud of his daughters over us. Today started off well, and then tonight we went to a local concert on the green. People do discreetly drink wine there and I noticed that my husband had really drunk most of a whole bottle. He was happy, fine and we came home and he had another big glass of wine. Lately he sits back and I do all the cooking and tonight was no exception. I was literally grilling and trying to cook dinner inside the house as well. I asked him not to text and help. He literally just ignored me. So we have dinner with my kids and he clearly was getting An edge to him. Fast forward to kids going off and we are cleaning up. He tells me he is done with my attitudes and he will consider what he is going to do in the morning. He then begins saying "fuck you, I don't have to take your shit, and I am done." He yells several more times in my face to go fuck myself and I tell him he is not emotionally intelligent and how disgraceful to say this to your spouse. I go downstairs to do wash, come back up and tell him let's start the evening over. He refuses, telling me he has had it with me.
He did say good night and is now asleep as far away as one can be on this bed!
He DOES have an alcohol problem. It seems like every few months he gets ugly, an edge, and picks a fight. He has said fuck you to me numerous times since we have been married, usually very provoked and he has used it sober.
The fact that he has reconciled with his daughters is a source of contention. He usually antagonizes me by bringing up forgiveness and I know damn well he is thinking I should welcome his monstrous daughters when I want to never lay eyes on them.
I never experienced this with my first husband. We rarely fought and we certainly did not curse at one another. I just feel very sad tonight.
I'm sorry you are feeling
I'm sorry you are feeling sad. I know that's not a very nice feeling. My hubby and I do not swear at each other. I think if he ever did swear at me, to the level yours was to you, I would seriously end it. That is just disrespectful and rude and not how you treat the person you claim to love. It's not how you treat anyone. You are so worth more than that. Hugs
He DOES have an alcohol
He DOES have an alcohol problem. It seems like every few months he gets ugly, an edge, and picks a fight. He has said fuck you to me numerous times since we have been married, usually very provoked and he has used it sober.
This sounds like he may be Bi Polar or have borderline personality disorder....or just plain old alcoholism... do some research into these areas and in particular spouses dealing with this illness...
Mine has tried this too and I forgave him but i know deep down in my heart now that should he tell me to fuck off ever again...I will and I will stay long gone. The fact you are trying to mend things with him like you are the one whos treated him badly, shows him you are a doormat and will tolerate any abuse thrown your way!
Actually sue, I see him as a
Actually sue, I see him as a big wimp. When he curses me out, I want to laugh in his face. The angrier he gets, the calmer I get. I don't FEEL abused. Both of his parents are highly functional alcoholics.
So is there something wrong with me because I just don't care. He doesn't control me or frighten me.
With all due respect, what is
With all due respect, what is your issue then if you dont feel abused (insinuating how he has treated you is ok and even "normal")??
Are you just venting then?
So he texted me this morning
So he texted me this morning saying he went to a place he was not happy with and a place he doesn't like to see himself as "regardless of the circumstances." He then goes on to say that he is tired of my complaining about issues and he said if he had not been drinking he would have left.
So I guess I am at a point when when he is angry he either wants to leave or he curses me out.
No outright apology. Just how he is amazed that I see myself as a victim...and that was before I had responded back.
Exactly. Alive and with
Exactly. Alive and with testicles not punched so hard they're lodged in his nostrils.
^ This. Once and only once my
^ This. Once and only once my husband lost his temper and punched a door. I walked in to our bedroom and pulled my suitcases and started to pack. He was so horrified, forgetting I come from an abusive home and my first husband beat the hell out of me once. This was his way of handling frustration with his ex wife.
He has never sworn in our 5 years now, hit anything or shown any signs of aggression ever again.
Bravo!!!! ^^^^^^^^
Bravo!!!! ^^^^^^^^
I was sort of scanning this
I was sort of scanning this while doing something else and thought I read "go to the bathroom, take a shit, and pack it for him."
^^^THIS!!!^^^ Time to quit
^^^THIS!!!^^^ Time to quit making excuses for him and tell him to get lost.
I have never cursed at my
I have never cursed at my bride. I have never heard my dad curse at my mom. In my mind this is intollerable and you should have zero tolerance for it.
Alcohol is no excuse and in my mind when combined with his toxic abusive crap is nothing but another absolute proof of his complete lack of character, honor, and basic human worth. He has none of these things in my mind. If he were actually making an effort to deal with his issues I might consider giving him a zero tolerance reprieve but not with what you have described.
Take him for every thing he will ever be worth, put him living in a refrigerator box under the local highway overpass, and facilitate his remaining there by dropping off a case of rottgut Old Thunderbird every once in a while. Couch that kindness as a continuous test to see if he has found any reddeming character or worth.
I have zero tolerance for this kind of crap from a man towards his bride.
Own his ass. Destroy him. And good riddance.
This sounds so much like my
This sounds so much like my XH. We were together for 2 years before we got married and I never saw an angry, hostile side of him. He waited until we were married 3 months to do that. He had too much to drink and unleashed a fury on me that left me stunned and scared. Of course he sobered up and asked for forgiveness. Blah blah blah.
It didn't happen again for a while but it did happen again. Eventually it started to happen more often until it was a normal way of life for him.
He would go out drinking (or never come home from work) and show up at 4 am only to wake me up and fight with me.
Eventually he stopped working all together, quit drinking and yet it still continued. I finally had him removed from the home when his rage spilled over onto the kids. He had to go get counseling. They recommended he get tested for Bi-polar. I had thought for years he was bi-polar but it took him getting kicked out of the house for him to get treated. After his diagnosis he was not taking his meds, started drinking again and just became a nightmare.
He would go from very rage filled one second, unload on me, and then very depressed and sleepy. He was on a roller coaster of rage and exhaustion.
After he refused to comply with the meds and therapy I divorced him. It was the best thing I could have ever done for myself and BS.
It was like walking on glass shards of egg shells constantly. Never knowing when he was going to explode, threaten me, scream at me for HOURS until he was too exhausted to scream anymore.
Just know this....although it may seem like your DH's outbursts are few and far between, it will get worse. You need to push him to get treatment or leave.
Don't waste years in hell like I did.
Good luck to you!
You sound very codependent.
You sound very codependent. When another poster told you not to put up with it if he scares you, you defended your husband.
I have found that as I have gotten older, I put up with less to zero crap. If my husband started to get beligerent with me, I would have no hesitation in divorcing.
I personally, wouldn't put up with a mean drunk. I am now stronger then that. I would not have my kids around that, ever. But it seems that you are okay with it, or you would leave.
He isn't going to change, and he isn't going to stop drinking. Why would he, there are no consequences for him. The only person who can change the situation is you. By leaving or throwing him out, because no amount of ultimatums are going to change the situation.
They are right...Only YOU can
They are right...Only YOU can change the situation. I learned a lot from my first marriage. My DH knows he would NEVER get away with talking to me like my XH did. NEVER. I would toss his a$$ out before the words left his mouth. No he won't change. Because he has been allowed to get away with it.
So you have to change. I know it is hard. I know it is scary. But once you are away from all of the hostility, you will begin to see how much better your life can be without all that anger.
Once I got out, I never ever ever considered going back. I wasted too many years trying to please a man who was just mean and nasty.
I then found a man who is the total opposite. He is the most laid back calm man I have ever met.
You need to get out before it gets worse.
My opinion is you should
My opinion is you should divorce when the A's are present: addiction, adultry, and abuse. You've got two of the three A's here.
Oh yes, sounds like my exH as
Oh yes, sounds like my exH as well.
He had ALL the chances in the world to be a party to mediation but he chose not to. Even the mediator's assistant called me one time and said, "Whooooo, he's mad, won't talk with us, and I get why you are doing this." They continued to outreach to him during the whole process and he ignored them and ranted to me, accusing me of stabbing him in the back.
Yeah, whatever.
He shut up once he realized the probably got a really good deal.
I firmly believe these guys think the world is against them and so is everyone else.
So one can never live up to their expectations ever.
Great response!!
Great response!!
I have been in serious
I have been in serious relationships with 2 alcoholics, my former best friend is an alcoholic, AND I had 2 family members who were alcoholics. What they say when they are drunk is almost ALWAYS how they truly feel.
This poor excuse for a man is using you AND abusing you. The question is WHY do you put up with this abysmal behavior from him? I agree with Echo: demand he go to AA and you attend Al-Anon (and therapy for yourself) OR take him up on his offer and help him pack. Please...find a therapist so you can discover why you are okay being married to someone who is abusing you. Best of luck to you.
Good, solid advice from the
Good, solid advice from the other posters...
I really hope you start preparing your exit from this marriage. It has been a strange, twisted, dysfunctional relationship since even before your wedding, and based on what you've shared there's something inherently wrong with your H. I'm no expert, but he's got some psychological problems. His inability to navigate relationships, unwillingness to sell his house or even complete the remodel, his controlling and obsessive oversight of your finances...Now added to that, he's abusive and an alcoholic. From the outside looking in, you're in a very bad relationship with a very troubled individual.
Wow...you have digested it
Wow...you have digested it all and validated what I feel. Deep down this marriage really gives me great angst and anxiety. The only reason it has lasted so long is because we do have separate homes. Which he absolutely refuses to acknowledge. He refers to our separate homes as "our house west or our house east." I think honestly what set him off last night was when my oldest son told everyone at the table, "why would know that about this town? You don't live here. ". He said nothing. Until the explosion when the kids left and we were doing dishes.
When my parents were early in
When my parents were early in their marriage and not long after I was born they had neighbors (also a USMC couple) who adopted our family. They were a couple that were about 20 years older than my parents.
Apparently the husband (a Sr. NCO) had a little too much to drink one night, cursed out the wife, and slapped her. She put him to bed and once he passed out she sewed him into the sheets and took a baseball bat to him. She let him sleep it off and think about it overnight and then in the morning woke him with a pitcher of icewater and informed him that if he ever again cursed her or raised a hand to her that he had better never close his eyes to sleep again because she would beat him to death after she sewed him into the bed.
He never again did either infraction. My parents remain friends with the wife who is now in her 90s. The Gunny passed away a couple of decades ago. Mom and dad used to comment about how dedicated they were to each other and how the Gunny worshiped his bride for the rest of his life even after she tenderized him with the baseball bat.
I think that there is a lesson in this for everyone. Cherish your partner and neither perpetrate nor tolerate any disprespectful bullshit.
I'm thinking they were
I'm thinking they were hand-sewed into those sheets.
Also, bars of soap in tube socks, tights, or pantyhose work better than towels as they won't slip out. }:)
Why whip stitch when you can
Why whip stitch when you can just whip?
The one alkie I was involved with would pass old and not move for HOURS. I wouldn't have needed to sew him into the sheets. I arrived home one night to find him passed out on the floor in front NEKKID and surrounded by movies. It was January, the t-stat was set at 62 at night, and sub-zero temps outside. I left him there and went to bed. No, I did not get him a blanket. }:)