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CassieNelson05's picture


My husbands ex has insurance on the kids and so does my husband. She wants his policy info and insurance cards for the kids... But she has her own policy. Does he have to give her that info!?

CassieNelson05's picture

Yes, however she elected to have her current husband cover them on his policy because it's better. My husband has a policy for them when they are at our home.


LAMomma's picture

Then he legally needs to provide the insurance cards whether they're covered under hers/theirs or not. It's not like it matters or will hurt anything. Not real sure what the big deal is? It's a simple insurance card. She may be using it as a secondary to their current plan or maybe they dropped coverage.

CassieNelson05's picture

She is pretty vengeful and will take the kids to the docs for a hangnail.... I am worried about getting stuck with the skids (16&12) "massage therapist" bills. They are in therapy every Thursday for the past 5 years, allergists, etc. we can barely afford our home as it is and don't want to go bankrupt because she wants to suck the soul out of my husband.

CassieNelson05's picture

So by having 2 different insurances it will be less out of pocket? Good to know

CassieNelson05's picture

So should we have insurance cards as well? She refused to give my husband her cards the last 5 years (along with not giving him the doc info, Meds lost, etc - he can't afford an attorney) so he always had to pay out of pocket, or ask her to take them.

CassieNelson05's picture

Another post said that by no using both insurance policies it's considered fraud. So we aren't committing fraud by not having her cards but if she doesn't have his it is fraud? She is also ordered to have insurance for them, she didn't like my husbands policy from his previous employer so she changed the order.

z3girl's picture

I don't see how you would be responsible for bills even if she used your insurance. My SD has always had tons of issues, and only occasionally a hospital bill would come to us probably because they billed insurance incorrectly. Having more policies means there's more coverage.

If it's court ordered, yes he has to give the info no matter what.

CassieNelson05's picture

I am asking because I don't understand how it works... I didn't know you can use primary and secondary insurances. Shit, I am so over this discussion board. I thought it was supposed to be about supporting fellow step-moms without kids (how the fuck am I supposed to know how this stuff works when I've been married a month?)

Peace out.

CassieNelson05's picture

This stuff is so stressful and we can't afford an attorney so getting called names over not understanding something is really really awful. I am at my limit with s bio moms evil ways and we never get a break from it. Texts every day, sometimes multiple times a day, her calling & screaming at my husband, the kids making up lies and twisting the truth. It's overwhelming!!! I just want to understand how it works

Monchichi's picture

It's not easy, I can't help other than listen. I'm in Africa and legally we may not have 2 medical aids/ insurance as you call it. I do know without going back to court we cannot make BM give us the medical aid information among many other things.

twoviewpoints's picture

He doesn't have to take all those phone nor listen to her rant and rave. *click* He can also request all communication be through email. Easier to document the communication that way.

DH doesn't need a lawyer to inquire to his insurance representative how his policy works or how it coordinates with a second coverage. It's very likely that BM's husband's insurance requested the insurance info of the children's other coverage. I'm routinely asked every year about changes or secondary coverage. If the stepfather is honest with his provider that answer would be 'yes, the kids have coverage under their fathers policy'.

The other thing is even with a primary and a secondary coverage exist, it doesn't guarantee all services will be 100% covered. You should read Dad's CO to learn how the split or cost share of expenses for medical are laid out. For example, it might say BM pays up front co-pays or they spilt 50/50 anything after insurance.

notarelative's picture

States have different insurance rules, but regardless of state all require that insurance be disclosed. So BM needs the information on the insurance DH carries on the children and he needs hers.

Rules on whose insurance is primary vary. In my state, if both parents carry insurance on the children, the parent whose birthday is first in the year is primary.

All you have to do is present both information to the doctor or hospital. They know the primary/ secondary rules. They bill the primary and then bill the secondary for the remainder. You get a bill if there is any balance left. Where the children are when they need service is irrelevant.

CassieNelson05's picture

Does the insurance company bill the person who the policy is under or the person who brought the kids in? This is where I am confused... Like is said... My skids are not easy, they see a massage therapist (for "stress") every week, aromatherapist, allergists, specialists, etc and all are prescribed by their primary care doc (who we have no idea because she won't release that information even though the order says she has to). I feel like the out of pocket bills are going to be insane. Are we responsible for them?

twoviewpoints's picture

How has Dad been getting through all this prior to you marrying him a month ago? Surely the medical visits, expenses and billing practices aren't brand new to him. You're acting like these kids are always getting some medical service or another, yet Dad is clueless how it all works?