The binds that tie.....
It has been awhile since I have posted. No contact with DH's daughters in over 6 years and the final daughter emancipated. However, dh co signed one of the oldest daughter's college loans so there is the final cord so to speak. Last year she made one payment and then stopped when she realized she could screw her father one final time. The monthly payment is only 30 bucks!!
So, dh was making the monthly payments. Then decided to teach her a lesson. He felt if he stopped payment she would be forced to step up to the plate. That was 3 months ago. She got forbearance. Dh got called by loan holders that some payments need to be up to date. We are talking 100 bucks.
Dh calls his daughter. Leaves a message telling her his credit is fine. He doesn't care if it takes a hit. SHE on the other hand will suffer big time. Within 5 minutes he get a call from his ex telling him he is basically a piece of garbage and his daughters hate his guts. He tells her their daughters are sociopaths and she, their mother, is the biggest one!
Now that was huge for my dh, who never stood up to these evil b$&@8.
Of course, she texts him several times, blah bah......
Just an update. Life has been quiet, but good.
wow. It is great that your dh
wow. It is great that your dh put her in her place. Who the hell did she think she was by telling your dh off, as if he would give to craps what she thought. The nerve of these women.
The problem with forbearance
The problem with forbearance is that interest still accrues on the loan. So not paying increases what has to be repaid.
I hope that when forbearance ends SD starts paying. Otherwise as a cosigner his credit will get dinged. I have also read of cosigner parents having those loan payments deducted from their social security check.
BM and SD are quite the pair.
I could go on and
I could go on and cruel these people are. They ARE sociopaths, amongst all the rest. I think Dh is just going to pay off the loan, but will that end his ties to them? Unfortunately no. He was on the hamster wheel of craziness also for years.
Hopefully they will stay far away. I really do believe they are capable of just about anything. Vengeance is their game.
Oh no no....that is one of
Oh no no....that is one of many loans the idiot has......totally over 80 k. I emphasize IDIOT because she sat at a private college for 4 years partying and got credit for very few classes. No degree to show for THAT transcript! Lol.
These grown "women" still run
These grown "women" still run to mommy when they are upset with their dad? Bet they have a grand time bashing dad with her
My SD17 and SD20 do this too. It makes me feel like I want to throw up in my mouth a little bit
DH is washing his hands of them. Finally! Not that he doesn't love his daughters and want what's best for them. As he said "they are strangers to me because I really don't know them." Said he's done taking their abuse. I was done with the abuse from them about 7 years ago. DH is a slow learner at times. He has tried every conceivable avenue to reach them. Nope! They aren't having it nor do the want it, UNLESS he has his wallet open. When he shuts the wallet, they shut down and shut him out.
It's sad to watch these grown men go through this
sd graduated from a
sd graduated from a prestigious college without bm paying a dime. now sd moved to another town for a new job. dh still sends her money and texts and calls her several times a day.
(No subject)
Here's an update. Dh has
Here's an update. Dh has gotten at least two calls a day the past week demanding back payments before the loan went into forebearance. They even called his office! The amount?? 23 bucks! You know his daughter isn't answering any of these calls so they are after him, the co signer. Dh paid the 23 dollars and will pay the loan. However, this sends a very very bad message to very bad people. He will back down and fold when mommy dearest calls. Remember this daughter still owes over 80 to 90 k in student loans. She doesn't have the means, and bigger, the DESIRE, to pay this money. Maybe I have watched too much TV, but people have been killed for a lot less money. Will they now come after Dh in some way to pay the rest? I told Dh to send a letter with the loan pay off that this 5 k represents her Sole inheritance from him. He is afraid to go is a very disturbing situation. He just wants off the ride.