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To get hypnotized or not?

Sadasusual's picture

I'm thinking about seeing a hypnotist to deal with step life. I've heard really positive things. Honestly, I just need a little push to accept everything, like a different way of thinking, and that's what hypnosis can do I have heard. Wondering if anyone has any experience with it? I'm a little scared!

hereiam's picture

^^^I wouldn't pay one damn penny for someone to convince me of that!

But Sadasusual, if it would give you a more peaceful outlook on your situation, go for it. Just do your research and get a good hypnotist.

DPW's picture

This is an interesting idea. I've seen quite a few people quit smoking with hypnosis, so can't see why it couldn't work in other situations.

MamaDuck's picture

I saw a clinical psychologist last week, he did this hypno type thing on me to take away my ill feelings when I think of BM. It worked!

Since then, I don't get that intense loathing when I think of BM, there was also a situation where I would usually focus on how it's BM's fault, but this time I didn't, the thought flit through my mind and I moved on to thinking of solutions.

It wasn't proper hypnosis, but oh my it's helped!

Indigo's picture

Hypnosis as I understand it can affect your perspective, but it won't do jack for the reality of steplife.

The reality: crappy parents, Disney parents, proponents of "roadkill parenting," dysfunctional families and substance abuse which most of us deal with daily. Most of us are not frustrated with steplife because of major personality disorders within ourselves ... most of us have major partner issues.

SemiSaneMama's picture

I'm waiting for the hypnotist that can change DH into a parent that actually parents his kids & one that can change psycho BM into someone I no longer want to throat punch. }:)

Indigo's picture

Sweetie, I made that term up especially for my beloved SO. "Roadkill parenting." You know, where the parental unit lays down and allows the kids to run back-and-forth over their body.

Stormyweather's picture

Drugs I think is more walk around in a vague like haze all the time......**sigh**