New And Question about security
Hi y'all I am new on this and just need a place to go as a stepparent however is the custody agreement it stats that I cannot talk publicly including on social media about bio mom so I just wanted to make sure none of this will show up by searching my email that I had to enter. As well as make sure this won't be all over google. Does anyone know?
Thank you
Thank you so much for the
Thank you so much for the advice I hope to meet some stepparents that can relate.
There's a gag order placed on
There's a gag order placed on you by the BM? How is that legal? Be vague, very vague.
BM and her family have a
BM and her family have a criminal past. She is scared I will share that information publicly or with parents at the school. It is so hard not to because as a parent I would never feel comfortable with having my kids at her house after knowing everything. BM has also gone to court to get a lot of her past sealed.
It is honestly hard not to
It is honestly hard not to inform people of everything
The last she had charges
The last she had charges pressed against (that we know about) her was 2 years ago. She has family in and out of jail all the time that come visit for months at a time. My SS talks about things and it seems shady like vehicles that someone brought at night and he isn't supposed to tell people about. The things I would want to share with other parents would be drug/alcohol abuse as well as anger issues that landed her in jail. I don't think it is a she has grown and changed but a she has grown and is better at not getting caught thing.
Some are sealed (charges
Some are sealed (charges dropped or part of plea deals) and some are under different last names (her maiden name is really common as well as while she was married to hubs) so you cannot really find the information on the internet because there are just so many people with those names.
Sealed as an adult? Not
Sealed as an adult? Not questioning your veracity, just shocked.
Welcome, I know some folks delete their blogs after a determined amount of time. Also, vague works; personally I only use my cell phone for this site... not very practical but I would think I limits access.
It sucked. We looked into
It sucked. We looked into stopping it our lawyer said that pretty much she has a great lawyer that found a loop hole. It is set up so you have to run a specific background check to see it but a normal one doesn't show it
But thank you for the support and idea