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Pregnant SD

sickofbs8's picture

So the drama continues. SD discovered she is suddenly 32 or so weeks pregnant four weeks ago...we found out because BD's stepmom saw the ultrasound pics on fb. Now, Daddy is caving into all of her demands. She still won't come within 6 feet of me for absolutely no reason other than that which she has created in her head. Daddy is afraid he won't get to know his granddaughter which is due next Saturday. Meanwhile, youngest SD goes in ride alongswith her stalker mom to drive by our house and flip off daddy out the car window...and somehow blames me that I caused all of this by "verbally assaulting" her which in reality was telling her she can't drop her dirty giant clothes pile in the middle of the kitchen.

jenna1234's picture

WOW I don't think I know enough to provide an opinion how old is SD? I definitley wouldn't tolerate poor behavior. Stalking is harassing and should be reported to police. What are SD plan for child?

sickofbs8's picture

SD is 20. And claims she didn't know she was pregnant until 32 or so weeks. We found out Jan 6 and baby is due Feb 14. It is a horrible predicament for sure. No idea ever how it can possibly end well for anyone. Hubby is worried that he won't know this child like his children didn't know his mom...who chose to run off and follow the carnival after she divorced his dad. Uggh