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StepLady's picture

DH and I have been to counseling and it has helped us out tremendously! We have already restored a lot of trust, honesty and real care for each other. He is working really hard at being a good partner to me. I am working hard on dealing with a lot issues concerning his age and where he is at in his life that I did not know where on his mind. Things are coming back together. We do not have sex right now though he would love that I am just not there yet. So with out that part, there is no talk of his dream coming true for an ours baby.

I have started a part time job at a bistro and I totally love it! It is trendy and fun there and I get along with all my coworkers and the owners there. My customers are great so far and I have my own regulars already. The tips are nice and I enjoy it. My DH has gotten over the fact that I am serving and working when there is no financial needs for it, it is just what I want to do right now.

I am out of the house for much of the parenting time he has BM2s kids. It is not that I do not love the kids, I do so much! They are dear to me. It is not their presence that bothers me at all! It is not them. It is there mom of course and it is also the drama she brings and the condition they are in because she is their mom. I would love to have live with us so we could do much more to work with them to overcome all the crap their mom has put them through but for now that is not how things are. It has helped him to parent them alone for now with out me so much. I was doing most of the work and it was not right for them or me! They are not there to visit me and my dd they are there for time with DH and now they are getting it and they all love it. He was able to rework his schedule. That was a big block in our lives. He owns his own businesses and was really a workaholic. He has accept his businesses will not fail if he leaves early several days a week, and he can work from home some of the time too. This is real progress for him in a short amount of time.

Christmas was nice. We did not get each other extravagant gifts this year and it was very peaceful. BM2 played games with the schedule and told us if we wanted kids to go to her sisters ghetto Christmas party and retrieve them there. DH went and was screamed at and given obscene gestures but he returned with the two kids. SS was happy with his gifts SD felt she did not get enough and was not given one of the items she decided she wanted the week before Christmas. She was very emotional for a bit over that. DD received an Ipad from her dad. This caused so much trouble I put it up. Not fair to her probably but I could not take it anymore. DD facetimed with her dad for Christmas and the only told to get out of the room repeatedly (like more then ten times) was SD. This is typical for her. BM2 sent some gross emails to DH and he did well to ignore her. He does have court just kind of a status update coming up shortly. We will see what happens there. BM2 was ordered to do somethings we assume she did not do them.

New Years Eve it was just us and dd and it was very nice. We ate some junk food and watched the ball drop. DH was looking very handsome. DD had a busy weekend with her team and I took her to that by myself this past weekend. It was a nice break for everyone. Things are getting much better.

StepLady's picture

I put it up overnight while the skids were here because sd was driving dd crazy! And it was driving me crazy and DH! I did not take it away forever, I simply put it in my closet, because SD was not comprehending it was never going to be "myyyyyyyyyy turrrrrrn!" with it, it is dd's and she does not need it broken. "But dd left it on the table and I thought she wanted meeeee to have a turn now, wah!" So I put it up til SD was gone and DD had plenty of other nice gifts to keep her happy and she knew it was put away for her own benefit. Also I wanted DH to try to put some blocks on it (like no porn etc). I was not too concerned with SD's feelings to be honest.

Thanks for being happy for me, it means a lot. The counselor is awesome. My boss is really cool, appreciates how much care I put into service. DH is waiting nicely for me to give him the green light on sex, not nagging me or pawing me, which is a big switch for him. I feel really good about myself, instead of his little toy that sits around waiting for him to come home and get me into bed.

Evil stepmonster's picture

Glad things are getting better for you, hope it continues to go uphill. Smile