Sweets/candy Sd12 HAUL!!!
New kitten ran into the skids bedroom this morning and I went in to get him out from under SD12s bed. OMFG. In her suitcase is shopping bags and boxes filled with sweets and biscuits and chocolate, literally half the suitcase. I wish I could show you guys the photograph I texted my husband. All opened might I add. We have treats here for them but nothing on this scale. Lots of opened wrappers as well, obviously secretly munching when we don't know. This pisses me off as we have no idea what exactly she is eating as we have been giving her an occasional snack too (it is Christmas after all). We try to get them to eat healthily when they are with us and stepson is not the problem, stepdaughter is quite greedy and a a few kgs overweight for 12 years old. My question is, what should husband do? How do we arrest the slide given we only have them on hols and eowe? I also want to add that biomum is very fat and we are worried SD is going the same way.
Thanks vdarmv. We are in a
Thanks vdarmv. We are in a very hard position you and I as if we mention this to BM she would raise bloody hell. It's very annoying as I make something nice for dinner and she says 'dad if I eat half can I have dessert?'
Only way to do it. Confiscate the lot and stay on top of what she eats when she is here. We aren't mean on snacks or treats it this is just bloody ridiculous. BM though has obviously supplied her with all this crap.
I might do what you have done and just have no snacks at all other than fruit. Infuriating as BM is doing her no favours at all.
Thanks vdarmv. We are in a
Thanks vdarmv. We are in a very hard position you and I as if we mention this to BM she would raise bloody hell. It's very annoying as I make something nice for dinner and she says 'dad if I eat half can I have dessert?'
Only way to do it. Confiscate the lot and stay on top of what she eats when she is here. We aren't mean on snacks or treats it this is just bloody ridiculous. BM though has obviously supplied her with all this crap.
I might do what you have done and just have no snacks at all other than fruit. Infuriating as BM is doing her no favours at all.