Anyone else stash some of kids Christmas gifts away.
I have no bios. My SD7 received at least 25-30 gifts this year for Christmas from DHs family and about 5 from mine. This is just toys not including the clothes. When we got back from his family visit I put about 10 items in a big box in a closet. I don't even think SD knows they're missing, or remembers what she received because she was opening so many gifts at my in-laws.
I think I may just wait for her to ask, or bring a new item out randomly over the next few months. Some of the items are art project type gifts that I could bring out when I have time to help her with them.
Does anyone else do this? I just don't think SD can really engage and enjoy the items if they are just thrown into a pile and there is so much stuff everywhere! Not to mention DH and I discussed having her get rid of some things about a month before Christmas to make room for new things. But that still hasn't happened because "She still plays with that stuff".
I go through this every year.
I go through this every year. They get tons of stuff, then get on their computers and completely ignore or refuse to open what they have. A year passes, I give it to good will and they whine that they have nothing to do. Or my favorite is they don't don't mention the item or touch it all year then throw a fit when I said I got rid of it.
We go through their toy boxes
We go through their toy boxes periodically and pull out the stuff we haven't seen in a few months. Most of it gets donated. We stopped telling them it happened; it's just gone. Majority of the time they don't even notice.
We put up all the craft kids
We put up all the craft kids or art-related project stuff too. They do those over the course of the year. If left in their rooms, they'd get randomly opened midst normal play time and pieces/supplies go missing. The project is then dead in the water, or has created a mess requiring much more serious cleaning efforts.
This is the first year they've gotten an overwhelming amount of stuff; and most of it wasn't from us. We did put a few toys up; mostly dolls that come with lots of accessory pieces. They're allowed to open new gifts when they dig out old ones to donate or throw away (if broken). We have a new baby on the way and just don't have room for the overflowing mess of toys (majority of which they don't regularly play with).
WE always did this with kids
WE always did this with kids and skids, They get so much and it all gets lost in the mix, to pull out a barbie or 3 and some craft stuff and legos and put them in the closet, worked for us.

Then some rainy day when the "I'm bored" comes out, we have the gifts they forgot about from Christmas to play with.
Absolutely I do this! I can
Absolutely I do this! I can see my kid (1 yo DD) was easily overwhelmed with too many toys. As part of our re-arranging the house anyway, I put a chest of drawers in 'her' corner of the living room and put most of her toys into the lower drawers. She knows which drawers have what in them and can open the drawers. She hardly ever does, she's busy right now with walking around carrying her doll or trying to pet the cat.
In the future, that chest will be used to store activities. Can't tidy up if things don't have a place.
I think this is a reasonable
I think this is a reasonable idea. I tried doing it because DH thinks by showering him with gifts he will earn his love. The problem is we are headed toward financial difficulties and the kid's bday is coming up. Hello?? why so many gifts now and then get him a lot more for his bday? So I suggested we put a couple away and wait till his bday. DH looked at me like I was crazy! BUT yesterday I was trying to get a new phone ($80.00) because my phone is crapping th bed. Can you believe he gave me crap about spending money on myself for this? His kid ended up having zero for his dad, and all his dad could say was "Did you see that? Such a good boy. So appreciative". ok. Well, this skid (almost 16) refused to go to our wedding last month. So appreciative.
I dragged his butt out of the apt today to go get his dad gifts. Just opened his yesterday, but told me it was a little late to think about gifts for his dad. :? He grunted but got ready and came with me "I want your father to know you care about him even on days you are not over". We actually had a decent time. Who knew? Whether he goes back to ignoring him on days he's not here remains to be seen (I doubt much will change). The best predictor of future behavior is past behavior (Dr. Phil)
children get so spoiled and i
children get so spoiled and i know this was seen in my family in nieces and nephews. they would rip open the packages and then throw both the toy and the wrapping paper in a pile.
nothing wrong in keeping toys stored that were not remembered.
Thanks everyone! My DH looked
Thanks everyone! My DH looked at me like I was crazy when I suggested this "But they're HER presents so she should be able to do what she wants with them". I stashed them away and he hasn't even noticed Ha! My guess is when I bring one out later SD will be happily surprised with the "new" toy and DH will say "Hey that WAS a good idea". Usually there is initially a small argument/hesitatation with him, then when it actually happens he likes the decision I made. I plan to do this with my bios someday if they get too much stuff also.