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How convenient!

kellyb219's picture

My 13 year old stepdaughter hasn't spent a night here in over 2 months, now she tells her father she is coming down for christmas day and going to sleep over! Geez coming down just to collect your gifts! I'm so tired of this! She aint getting near what she usually gets from us, that's for sure after her behavior the last few months! I hope its noticable to her!

Calypso1977's picture

yeah my SD14 has been extra nice...usually starts around September as her birthday is in October, then she rides it thru the holidays. she'll be back to her usual a-hole self come January 1.

mommy0104's picture

Same here, my step daughters are now 20 and 17 but when they were younger they did the whole "grab and dash" with their gifts so eventually my DH got wise and started buying them less. SD20 now lives with us and because of her age we only give her like $50 but spoiled...won't talk to us from January to the end of September (her bday is at the end of October so she has to start sucking up a month early) then ignores us all of November, then starts speaking to us again in December (imagine that) I hope she knows once she turns 18 she'll be getting cut to $50 a Christmas like her sister...ugh..SKIDS...grr

Somuchdrama's picture

My skids won't even be here for Christmas. They came this week expecting to take their presents and run. Nope, they can wait until after Christmas because they are choosing not to come. You should have seen the attitude when they realized we weren't celebrating early. I can't wait to see when they open their gifts because we normally get them nice ones and this year we are spending 1/4 the amount we normally do because they have been such entitled, lying assholes.