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Funniest Christmas request

Agirl's picture

I have never posted on here, but I read all the time. My situation is not bad, but I had to laugh yesterday when my husband said BM texted him that his 6 year old wants an I-Pad for Christmas. I thought it would be fun to share the crazy gift requests everyone is getting this year.

Evil stepmonster's picture

My husbands oldest asked him if he would give him my oldest sons project car.
"But dad, it's just been sitting there and I'll help you work on it."
Nope!! We didn't even help him buy that car, he got a summer job every summer and saved. He's now saving for all those parts. lol I had to shake my head because I think DH wants to fix this car with his oldest and let him drive it, but Oh freaking well.

Maxwell09's picture

Nothing too crazy over here, SS came home from BMs telling us he's getting presents and when I asked him what he was getting he started naming them: train, helicopter, monster truck....I was amused because we bought him all that last year, these are all toys he already has and plays with. I jokingly told DH that it looks like we are off the hook this year! Ha if only

LostinSpaceandTime's picture

OSD texts DH with specific item complete with links and pictures for him to buy GD4. Then a few days or week later texts to say her BM bought it. She does this all the time. Why bother telling him anything at all.
The YSD does similiar crap. But will start her Demands earlier every year. Like in June or July this year.
None of them deserve any gifts with how they treat DH.

I am disengaged and see it all like a soap opera. I never want to see any of them again. Trying to find my holiday happy place again.

PokaDotty's picture

SD16 just got a SUV that is VERY expensive to maintain and needs premium gas. She doesn't even have her license yet, just a permit.

BM was complaining about what it will cost to insure SD & new car and that SD16 should get gas cards as gifts. I laughed when DH told me BM said this.. the kid doesn't even have a license yet so it'd just go to paying BM's gas... silly BM...

hereiam's picture

We buy SD's 2 boys clothes (and toys) for Christmas, so when DH asked her for their sizes this year, SD told him that we should also buy their underwear. He told her, no, she can get them their underwear (who wants underwear from their grandparents?) and she kept insisting.

So, she's telling him what kind of underwear they wear and DH tells her that if he buys them underwear, he is buying what kind HE thinks they should be wearing. She said, never mind, she'll buy it. Okay, then.

SMof2Girls's picture

SD8 wants a cell phone; but she knows she won't get one. She's just enamored by the games and all. I doubt BM would get her a phone either, even though she's insinuated she will. BM is PCP during school years, so skids are only at our house on holiday breaks and weekends; beyond games, skids would have limited use for the phone except to call DH .. which BM would hate.

Besides, when it comes to anything expensive the skids want, BM usually tells them that DH is getting it for them. Gets her off the hook AND makes him look like the bad guy when he doesn't deliver. Win-win for her.

GhostWhoCooksDinner's picture

"SS"15 has requested nothing. I think he knows better. Just goes to show what a dumbass he is. If he was as crafty as he thinks he is, he would've waited till AFTER Cheistmas to pull his little stunt. He knows damn well BM can't afford shit. Last year his "big gift" was a five dollar Spider-Man watch from Walmart.

BSgoinon's picture

This isn't a stepchild... but my "friend" (we aren't friends anymore) got her ONE YEAR OLD DAUGHTER an iPad for Christmas.She's an idiot.

SecondGeneration's picture

My SD4 wants a cloud in yellow wrapping paper. A literal cloud, bright summers day type white fluffy cloud, not icloud related.

SecondGeneration's picture

I cannot thank you enough for this link. You may have saved our christmas, we are going to try to make the cloud this weekend Smile

Sadasusual's picture

BM of ss5 have him a new Xbox for his "play room" last week. Not even a Christmas gift, but just because. He doesn't play video games at our house, we try to get him to be active and productive. He's spoiled.

SAHsigh's picture

Last Xmas BM bought SS/SD 6 (then 5) a pair of iPads. D:

This was right in the middle of a crummy custody battle in court, too.

Sadasusual's picture

SS5 wants an iPhone. He says his stepdad told him to ask his father. Yeah right, for one.. You're freaking 5 years old. And two, there is no extra money for iPhones after BF pays that huge child support payment every month.

2Tired4Drama's picture

It doesn't get any better when they get older. SD24 who works full time and makes damn good money, asked for, AND GOT, a brand-new luxury car from her grandparents - paid in full.

hippiegirl's picture

Couple years ago at school, my son's class was asked to write letters to Santa. My son wrote:

Dear Santa,
For Christmas I would like my half brother to find a job so he can move out, then my mom can come out of her bedroom and be happy again.

Kind of off topic, I know, but I wanted to share that with you guys. It is a Christmas request. Just not from BM or skids.