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SD13 has pissed me off!!!!!!!

BarkAtTheMoon's picture

I took a day off today so I could have some quiet at the house. DH is out of town until tomorrow. Silly me, I felt bad for SDog and let him stay in my room so he wouldn't have to wear a diaper. If he doesn't roam, he doesn't mark. Silly me.....

One of SD13's chores on her list is to check the DR floor and the basement to see if the "gumball-sized wonder" has pissed on anything. I found mostly dried pee on my DR floor today because SD13 doesn't do her part. For her dog. What was I thinking? (insert sinister laugh here) I almost thought that it was my 65# male dog that marked, but no, this is all the way up under the table in front of a chair, in a small space. A 65# dog would've moved the chair trying to get in there. I love dogs but SDog is driving me nuts. This pee means that SD13 didn't keep an eye on her dog when she was home on Tuesday. She didn't put a diaper on him, either. He just went and pissed. I am ready to throw him off the back deck and see if he can fly with those ears of his, but I digress....

It gets better. I figure "I" had better go do a lap through the basement to make sure SDog gumball boy (named for the size of his prick) hasn't pissed down there, too. He probably HAS, but it looked ok to me. I open the door to the basement bathroom to see if the trash needs to be brought up for Friday. Nope, it's empty from last week and SD13 hasn't put a new bag in in even though there are extras in the bottom.

Oh no, Moon, you didn't. Yeah, I did. I opened the vanity cabinet under the basement sink. A few Barbie dolls, a used tissue (trashcan and toilet are RIGHT there, SD13), a half empty can of Diet Coke. SD13 has been told not to drink my soda because she gets hyper and she has left it opened under the sink before down there. There were a few Walmart bags covering........Oh no. Please dear God, don't let it be. Walk away, Moon, walk away now. You know I had to look. I get the camera rolling on my cell phone, I lift up the spare bags and there is an orange pair of SD13's Hanes underwear. She has been asking for new underwear lately. Maybe she forgot she put this pair under the sink? :O SD13 who wants to be a boy, is playing with Barbies. Her identity is her choice and is another topic entirely, I am just baffled at what a 13yo does with their stuff at this point. I lift up the underwear expecting to find a mess. I find nothing. NOTHING. A tiny skid mark, but no horrific mess. Why are they here under the sink, in my house that DH and I work hard to pay for? Why? Oh wait, they are wet on one side up by the hip. They don't stink but they are damp. I check the sink plumbing for a water leak, nothing. Strange shit. I captured everything on camera as I cleared out everything from under the sink. A ziploc with a few Goldfish cracker crumbs, the Barbies, an old Chef Boyardee lid left over from lat summer's escapade when I tried to disengage. I threw everything into a trashbag and then took the empty trashcan and put it under the sink. Nothing there now but bowl cleaner and the trashcan. She'll know I was there. }:)

Fuck it, I go up to her bathroom because Aunt Flo has visited the past few months now, she's due, and it's trash night. No bag in that can, either, but Auntie hasn't landed yet... But WTF is that?!?! SD13 has chopped her hair, close to 2 inches, and it is all inside her trashcan with no bag, all over everything. DH took her to get a boy cut the day before school started. She has wanted her hair cut again. So, I caught it on my cell camera, videoed the trashcan and took a picture. I took the scissors that were in her bathroom and threw them away. I had found kitchen scissors in the basement on my pee lap. Also in her bedroom, and the pairs from the butcher's blocks in the kitchen. I hid all of them. I even asked SD13 yesterday if she had cut her hair because it looked different. Lied straight to my face. I have been ignoring her mostly since DH has been out of town.

We have a family wedding to go to this weekend. SD13 has her new boy outfit, her new shoes that she'll only wear once and.....a dashing new haircut. Gonna LOVE those awkward family photos. I am pissed that she made the mess in her trashcan with the hair and I'm pissed that she left all of her crap under the basement sink again, complete with damp undies this time. She's been told before it's not a trash bin. She acts like a fucking 7yo. Not even.

What do I do? Not say a word and show DH the evidence later on my cell? He'll be home Friday. Being quiet would be entertaining at this point. She is such a shit. A lying POS Skid. Oh but let's be supportive! NOT if you're fucking up my house and your gumball-dicked dog is pissing on everything! Sorry for the language, but I am just baffled by how stupid and weird she is now. No more pretty, sweet, funny little girl. No wonder she doesn't have any friends. She's alienating herself, just like SD19 did. I'm going to go binge on Halloween candy and hang with my pups. Screw this shit already.

~ Full Moon }:) }:) }:)

Notacelebration's picture

Come right out and ask her why her panties were under the sink....that one has me curious. Ask her why there was hair in her trash can. Ask her why she got into your coke. Fire the questions one right after the other.

What is it with these girls and their panties??? :?

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

I've seriously given up trying to get these girls! The weirdness never stops! Just like the rotting onion in SheSloth's room several months ago that was smelling up the place! An onion? WTH?

And then just yesterday...SheSloth is sitting on the couch under a blanket when I get home. Granted it is a little chilly, but when she gets up, she is in butt shorts. I told DH, "I just don't get her! When it is 80 degrees in this house, she is in flannel PJ pants. When it's 60, she's in butt shorts!"

SheSloth cuts her own hair all the time, but that is mainly because she wants those stupid comb-over bangs that DH can't stand. She won't ask to go get a hair cut, because she knows DH will tell them to give her regular bangs, or leave them growing out, but she has to have those stupid comb-overs! THIS is how she insists on wearing her hair...stupid hat included:

Only problem is, her hair is very thin, so it just looks like this plastered crap on her forehead, which if you don't see it at the start of the day, you only see an oily mess, because she is constantly brushing it out of her eyes with her hands all day.

Notacelebration's picture

Oh my, I wasn't aware of the comb over bang craze with girls. I've seen some guys with it.
I must keep up...

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

Yeah...they call themselves "scene kids"...all into the comb-over, dying their hair constantly, etc. Let's not forget the skinny jeans that so many of them really shouldn't wear, that both the guys and girls wear. The stupid beanie hats are essential, apparently.

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

SheSloth, too!!! Knit beanie, butt shorts, and camis with the girls ready to pop out, and she thinks she looks good! Don't know how many times DH has told her, "It is 110 out! Take the beanie looks stupid!" and she argues with him..."No it doesn't! It's the thing now!"

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

LOL...yes, the denim extreme butt shorts! Might as well be panties! Cut so short the pockets hang out the bottom.

BarkAtTheMoon's picture

Yes, I coined the SDog term over the summer because he was a lovely part of the package. Came complete with SD19 and SD13 two years ago. Isn't he cuuuuuute? Dumbass pissing dog lol! SDog has been hiding under my bed for the past 5 hours. At least he's confined and won't pee. Problem is, I can't get him out from under the bed to go out and pee. SD13 will be home in 15 minutes, so maybe he'll make a run for it.

DH texted and I told him SD13 needs a come to Jesus talk. I listed all of the weird shit I found a little while ago. He has it in a text now for easy reference!

Notacelebration's picture

Skinny jeans make me laugh. I've seen some girls that look like a pigeon toed frog in them...hilarious! :O

kathc's picture


BarkAtTheMoon's picture

Oh gosh, I needed you guys today. Thanks for making me laugh! I just snorted reading these posts here! Feels good! Gumball dick made his way out from under my bed even though I blocked him in with boxes and stuff on my side, lol. As soon as the pups could hear SD13's bus coming up the street, I see SDog's little paw at the foot of the bed where he can't squeeze out, so he wormed his way out the side, as usual. LOL Little shit. I called down to SD13 to let him out, that he had been sleeping in my room all day. She is clueless as to the humility DH will cause when he checks in with her later.

Yes, Mairin, as I was filming I was making my own commentary...."SD13 why didn't you use a damn bag when you cut your hair into the can? Nice......."

I have four large breed dogs and they don't mess up the house like Napoleon Gumball Dick does. He is older and under 20 lbs, so his shit doesn't stink. I've hated it but I have had to crack his ass a few times months ago when I caught him peeing in my DR. Then he went into diapers. I still want to see if he can fly. I picked him up the other night and danced with him, It scared the shit out of him and he got all squirmy, but I was singing to him and kind of enjoyed freaking him out, even though I was "working on our relationship."

He had probably already pissed on my hardwood DR floor by then, now that I think of it, and he probably thought I was going to make him go play in traffic.

~ Moon

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

Lucky you...SD already home from school! You are a better person than I am with the dog. I love animals...don't get me wrong, but it would be time for the pooch to live outside if my floor was the place it thought it should pee...forget diapers!

SheSloth will be disappointed today. After the last couple of days, I got DH last night to agree with me hiding the TV remote. He got upset with her last night because she disappeared to her room again when we got home. When he checked on what she was doing, she said she was doing homework. Yeah...homework, finally, 3 hours AFTER she got home. Her order of operations is a bit off!

I was also in the phone interface, and notice she has been texting up a storm during the school day...STILL! Told DH if I found it again, I was locking down her phone during the school day! It has been locked! Looks like AT&T has some new notifications, as well, so if DH insists it be unlocked, it will be easier to determine her usage. But let's see how pissed she gets about her phone being locked during school hours! She can still text DH to let him know if she has to stay after and what not, but that's about it!

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

Decided to be nice and give DH a heads up that I locked the phone down. When he asked why, I told him that SheSloth had been texting her ass off during school hours the last two days...two particular numbers. One she starts texting from the moment she wakes up, until about noon. The other, she starts texting about noon until the evening, with the first number still scattered here and there. DH was NOT happy when I told him...not because I locked it down, but because she is still outright disobeying him! "She's about to lose internet and everything!" I'm thinking, "Please, please, please, please!"

BarkAtTheMoon's picture

It's all in good fun, I assure you. I'm being sarcastic here when I vent. My house has 5 dogs. FIVE. SDog is just busy trying to man up and mark his territory. It's because no one else gives him attention. Trust me, he is living large at this house. I was the one discovering the pee and cleaning it up from about February to July. Then I insisted he go into diapers and DH and the Skids take care of him. I have FM and it's hard to get down on a wood floor, propped on one arm and wipe piss up every afternoon.

My other four large breeds don't make nearly the mess SDog does. DH would never let us re-home him. My Gma just had to put her dog down, and SDog would be perfect for her, but DH wouldn't hear of it. No one takes care of him unless I prompt them to.

His urinary issue is that's he's MALE. He is trying to mark his territory.

~ Moon

BarkAtTheMoon's picture

SDog is neutered and there is a dog door. With a 1/3-acre yard. He just insists on marking when we aren't home. He is very needy. He will sit in the hallway outside of SD13's door when she's in her room. If DH gets up from the TV to go to the restroom, SDog will sit up against the restroom door, waiting for DH. He's very loyal in that way, but almost neurotic.

I SHOULD have a talk with DH again and tell him that SD13 needs to be more involved with SDog when she is home from school. He would be a happier little pup and things might change.

I've thought about crating him, too, but DH tried that years ago when he was married to BM. All SDog did was mess in his crate. Whatever happens, DH needs to parent SD13 so that she takes proper care of SDog, hopefully reducing his need to mark. I mean he pees on the chair legs and cross bars under the chairs and everything. Its horrible and my DR is ruined.

I have actually reprimanded SD13 when I get home from work, and SDog is still in his diaper from all day. At that point she has been home for 90 minutes and hasn't let him "breathe." She is a space cadet and thinks nothing matters because DH is too laid back. I bet if he yelled at her she would change her tune.

~ Moon

BarkAtTheMoon's picture

No worries, Cat. Part of my frustration is that no one else looks after this dog, and I actually feel sorry for him, too. I get pissed because I clip nails, trim paw fur, brush LONG coats, clean eye boogers, order medications and make vet appointments for my other four dogs. I make sure SDog has his meds and appointments, too but I will not clean up after him anymore. I throw that in DH's face all of the time. Every other day it seems! He IS pretty self sufficient, and was fine at our other house for four months before we got the bigger place. He was fine at our new house for about 10 months and then the marking began. I wish my 88yo Gma would take him. She has had dogs since I was a kid. I would even pay for the expense and he would be happier. I think he is lonely and a big pack of 4 dogs makes him act out. I used to clean and clean that dog pee, and it saturates down into the hardwood. I finally told DH I wasn't cleaning or even prepping a diaper for SDog anymore. If he and SD13 couldn't do it, then they could clean up the mess.

SD13 sat home on her ass all day Tuesday, Election Day. I'm pretty sure that's when it happened. Again. For the 30th time. Ugh.

BarkAtTheMoon's picture

Gotta love those parental controls on the phone. We used to use them on SD19 when she was in HS. SD13 doesn't have a cell yet, just an iPod Touch. I locked down SD19's phone this past summer because her data usage was through the roof. DH was out of town and SD19 got lost coming home from the beach. No GPS when the phone is locked down! Her BoyF lost the charge on his cell and didn't have a car charger! It was hilarious!

I just told SD13 to make sure she emptied any trash from her room or bathroom because it's trash night. She is clueless. I should have put her wet undies and her cut hair up in her loft, but I was tired. Hopefully DH will do something to reprimand her, but I doubt it. I have Paul frikkin McCartney walking through my house with a bowl cut lol!

ETA: Changed my pic to Maleficent, feeling evil....... }:)

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

"I have Paul frikkin McCartney walking through my house with a bowl cut lol!"

I just about lost it reading that!

Just the other day, I doubled our data with a special AT&T was having...same price we were already paying for double the data. DH started saying maybe we could turn data on for SheSloth in the near future. I told him hell no...I don't trust her...STILL. I'm sure after this, he will rethink that. He always says, "Well, if you just tell her not to use more than X, she won't!" I kept telling him, "Oh, like she does everything else you tell her to do?" This texting thing was just brought up again last week when DH was getting on to her about never doing what she is told to do, but always ignoring him and doing what she wants all the time anyway! She was told then that if the texting kept up during school, her phone would be on lock down. Guess she called DH's bluff, because he never follows through. Little did she know, DH and I already had the conversation that I was locking her down the next time I saw texts during school, and I didn't care if he backed me or not.

For the most part, I leave him to deal with her, but there are certain things I need to put my foot down about! Finishing high school is one of them! I could care less if she ends up in college, but she is not living in this house the rest of her life using lack of a diploma as an excuse! She will get her diploma, and get out. If she doesn't want to work, she can go live with BM, but I'm not supporting her butt a day past high school graduation! If that means locking down her phone so she has one less distraction, so be it!

Teas83's picture

I've said it before: these stories about teenaged SDs scare the crap out of me. I know my SD is going to be exactly like this.

Thank God I found this site.

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

Well, DH didn't let SheSloth go to the JV game like she wanted to tonight...HAHA! That is because he is mad at her for still being on her phone in school when she isn't supposed to be. And she is supposedly dating some new guy ALREADY...thought she broke up with "Robbie" just Friday! Girl gets around these days, I guess. Hmmm....and she has been suddenly having to stay after school to work on winter guard, which last year didn't start until AFTER football was over (and there is still at least 2 games in the season). LIES!

Rags's picture

Why do you tolerate S-Dog Sir-piss-a lot in your home? As I recall from my puppy and dog owning days a firm grip by the scruff of the neck and a few seconds of scrubbing their nose in the piss marks, a swat to the rump, and pitch out the door will solve that problem in a hurry. Diapers? On a dog? Really?

Since SD is so useless as a dog owner (among other things) I think it is time for S-Dog to be rehomed to a place where he will actually be trained and his new owners/family will work with him.

Try the scruff of the neck/nose scrubbing/swat on the butt thing with SD too. Betcha it will work.

BarkAtTheMoon's picture

Rags, when I have caught him coming out of the DR and then I go look and see and SMELL fresh piss on my floor, I promptly go back and scoop him up. I carry him into the DR, hold him down by his neck and reprimand him. I did this about 6 times out of the 2 dozen times I found pee earlier this year. He won't stop. He is needy, anxious and doesn't get any attention. He is stupid, too. I can reprimand him one morning and call him to me later that day, and he comes to me. Call him loyal, but he still keeps peeing on everything.

He has a dog door for goodness sake! He'll go out and pee, but he still makes sure to mark. At our other house, about 6 years ago, the SDs wanted SDog to stay with us on DH's weekend. He came over and promptly upon entering my home, lifted his little leg on the stair rail banister. Marking his territory. He smells another male and it goes to crap. Or piss. Or whatever.

So frustrating.

A couple of years ago when SD13 was 11 and pitching a fit, I said to her, "If you weren't already 11, I'd put another crack in your ass for your rude behavior." Her eyes went wide and we came to an understanding that day. }:) First time I was really firm with her.

BarkAtTheMoon's picture

So I motioned to DH tonight, asking if he spoke to SD13 about chopping her boy cut into a Paul McCartney oblivion. SD13 was right there with us and DH said he had spoken to her earlier. I stated that if she messed up her hair, she was the one who had to look funny, but this week wasn't a good week to chop it off like that. I told her we had a wedding tomorrow and she is going to look awkward. DH chimed in that her hair looked terrible. He offered to take her to Hair Cuttery immediately.

Before they left, I got firm with SD13. I had just walked in from work and there obviously was no punishment for her antics while DH was out of town. I told her I wanted to know why her underwear was left under the bsmt sink. She keep grinning and saying she didn't know. DH asked if she had had an accident and before he had even finished his sentence, SD13 was saying yes and nodding enthusiastically in agreement.

I shot DH down right then, like he was just another skid. I was polite, but firm and to the point. I told him not to put ideas in her head because she will just agree with them. I told them both that there was no mess in the undies because I looked at them. I asked her what she wore upstairs after she left them down there? Did she streak butt naked back to her room? She giggled nervously and said no to everything. I told her when I was younger my brother did some weird shit, but he never left his underwear in the basement! I started getting really mad and called out DH because he was just sitting there cruising around on his laptop. I said to both of them that I was always the bitch, the bad guy because I had to speak up, and that SD13 never has any consequences! I told SD13 the next time she pulls any shit like this again that I will punish her myself, rather than waiting for DH, and she knows how that will go. Then I went and hugged her. WTF? It came out of nowhere. Haven't done that in awhile. I told her I didn't like to reprimand her, I really didn't, but she has to learn the rules of the house and stop doing stupid shit. I also told her that if she needed scissors, they were all tucked away and she would need to ask. LOL

DH called me from the car later while SD13 was getting her haircut and we were both in a good mood, but I told him again he needs to be a parent. He always insists that our styles are different. I said I understood that, but he is so laid back that SD13 keeps doing the same stupid shit over and over, and I will NOT tolerate it in my house. I stated that she needed boundaries because we all know how SD19 turned out (ODD BPD entitled bitch). I started getting territorial lol. DH exclaimed that he had just gotten back into town and that he had handled everything earlier during his talk with SD13. He wanted to drop it. I told him NO because I had to be home with his DD all week, dealing with her shit and keeping my game face on. I told him it wasn't fair and all I was was the maid and babysitter. He knows I hardly cook anymore. I asked him why would he think I would want to cook? I get no respect and he doesn't back me up as his wife. I think he actually heard me this time. I said that a bunch of times tonight.

Later on, SD13 yells out, "I had an accident, I had an accident!" with all of this glee in her voice. She said she got her period lmao. DH asked if she messed her pants and she said she had it under control. Later I asked if she cleaned her undies in the sink and she said she had thrown them out. I asked her why she didn't wear a liner? I had mentioned the past few days that Aunt Flo was arriving soon. She just grinned at me like a 7yo. I told her she just couldn't throw out soiled undies every time, she had to hand wash them. }:) I told her to get them out of the trashcan and wash them with cold water and hand soap, it would come right out. She goes into her room and brings her undies from in her room! LOL I told her to wash and hang them in the tub to dry, then put them in the dirty clothes to be washed. I told her to use her knuckles really well and get everything out. She looked totally mortified. Sorry, we don't have disposable underwear in this house! }:) }:) LOL

So much for disengaging, but we have been out 3x to Kohls and the mall and I have tried to buy her underwear. She was a moody bitch, so she needs to wash and wear what she has. Especially since I threw out the pair I found in the basement. Blum 3

~ Moon

BarkAtTheMoon's picture

Yes, Sally, it might be time for some cayenne. I'm just afraid they'll go to other rooms where there is carpet.

Notacelebration's picture

DH called me from the car later while SD13 was getting her haircut and we were both in a good mood, but I told him again he needs to be a parent. He always insists that our styles are different. I said I understood that, but he is so laid back that SD13 keeps doing the same stupid shit over and over, and I will NOT tolerate it in my house. I stated that she needed boundaries because we all know how SD19 turned out (ODD BPD entitled bitch). I started getting territorial lol. DH exclaimed that he had just gotten back into town and that he had handled everything earlier during his talk with SD13. He wanted to drop it. I told him NO because I had to be home with his DD all week, dealing with her shit and keeping my game face on. I told him it wasn't fair and all I was was the maid and babysitter. He knows I hardly cook anymore. I asked him why would he think I would want to cook? I get no respect and he doesn't back me up as his wife. I think he actually heard me this time. I said that a bunch of times tonight.

Later on, SD13 yells out, "I had an accident, I had an accident!" with all of this glee in her voice. She said she got her period lmao. DH asked if she messed her pants and she said she had it under control. Later I asked if she cleaned her undies in the sink and she said she had thrown them out. I asked her why she didn't wear a liner? I had mentioned the past few days that Aunt Flo was arriving soon. She just grinned at me like a 7yo. I told her she just couldn't throw out soiled undies every time, she had to hand wash them. I told her to get them out of the trashcan and wash them with cold water and hand soap, it would come right out. She goes into her room and brings her undies from in her room! LOL I told her to wash and hang them in the tub to dry, then put them in the dirty clothes to be washed. I told her to use her knuckles really well and get everything out. She looked totally mortified. Sorry, we don't have disposable underwear in this house! LOL

OMG, this is EXACTLY the way it is at home!!!