Should rules apply to 20 year old daughter
O/T ~ god do I need some advice.
Should 20 year old daughter have a curfew ? She is my first and I am confused.
I know 20 year old kids drink and I will not contribute to this behavior. I know I drank at 20 in college but I was away at college. Should rules be different for 20 yo college student living at home. I have my own beliefs but is my mind living in the Stone Age.
I try to raise her to be a learning independent. Goes to school full time n works 25 to 30 hours a week. I have held her responsible for her phone bill n pay 100 bucks toward house. She pays her own car insurance as well.
During her HS kid was caught smoking pot n doing other dumb shit. Every time she was caught she was punished. Now that she has her DL she had a ticket for throwing a cig out the window ~ littering. Citation came in the mail for failure to pay. Asked her what the ticket was for she lied to me about 5 times. Finally got the truth that the bf was driving her car n she threw cig out the window. Received other ticket for lesser charges ~ cop gave her a break for the real charge of speeding.
Recently her car needed over 700 in repairs ~ DF n I fronted her the money. I am in no position to suck up that bill. She works night shift n is always asking to hang out after work ~ curfew is 1 ~ she's a good kid just her head is in the cloud. Doesn't really observe her surround ~ ie tickets. Told her recently that she needs to curtail her social life cause I need the money that was fronted to her.
She made plans to go to a party for her friend who is 21 ~ said she was going with a friend n he wasn't drinking. Well low n behold ~ I wake up a 5am ~ no daughter. I get consumed with panic ~ text her no response. Call me 4 times ~ 5th time she answers n says I drank to much n I was throwing up. We took a cab home from party n I m over my friends house. R U FREAKIN kidding me !!! I am mentally lost ~ am I over reacting.
We don't really have a good relationship ~ cause this kid is a know it all. Or she assumes I should know what is going on ~ I don't have time to put a puzzle together. Say what you mean n explain.
Am I wrong ???
some rules should apply in
some rules should apply in your home. but a curfew for a 20 year old? no.
rules about cleanliness standards, overnight guests, contributing to the bills, etc. make sense. but not a curfew.
I tell my kids all the time
I tell my kids all the time clean up after yourselves ~ the maid is dead n gone.
Each one of my kids has chores ~ do your chores n I have no problem. Try to teach my kids how to be independent ~ she wants to be an adult but still a kid at the same time. Take your pick ???
That's a tough spot to be in.
That's a tough spot to be in. Yes. She needs to pay you back. You need to sit down and discuss a weekly or biweekly amount that she will work to and give you to pay you back. That should have been done when you gave her the loan.
Second, it's hard to keep a 20 year old in check. She does still live under your roof, but she's also gearing up for adulthood. Curfew at 20 is a little much to me but I was completely independent at 18 and living on my own, so my views are skewed, I'm sure. She's in school and she's working and she's learning about life. If you're strict now, she'll find a way to get out on her own and depending on what you want - that might not be a bad thing.
But yes, she needs to pay you back.
Does this change at 21 when she's allowed to drink? Then will it be okay? I mean, whats going to happen on her birthday - will your relationship change? Does she understand that this is because you care about her and don't want her to be put in an unsafe situation?
I am just so tired of the
I am just so tired of the fucking up time after time n the passive ~ I am sorry. Wake up kid ~ you want to be an adult but the shit you do is so damn stupid. Her car was insured in my name ~ if that jerkoff got in an accident it would be my ass ~ I have 3 other kids that need the roof over her head. This kid was in college at the age of 17 ~ the self entitlement is raw.
My father was a cop n I went away to college ~ n when I came home for breaks or the summer I had rules n a curfew. If I wasn't coming home I had to actually speak to my parentson a house phone not text them !!! Wtf ??
I guess I am just completely nervous for her bad decision making now ~ can't imagine 21.
I am widow raising 4 kids with my DF. His thinking is very different than mine in all this. My sister was living at home after her divorce n my parents just asked her to let then if she wasn't coming home. Maybe my thought process is dinosaur thought process.
I don't think you're
I don't think you're wrong.
When I was 21 living with my parents after my divorce (getting back on my feet) my parents laid down their rules night one.
No drinking IN their home,
No smoking AT their home,
'Rent' was 100$, had to be on time,
Curfew was 130 (my mom always said, nothing good happens after 1 am, so we didn't need to be out)
If I didn't plan on coming home I had to call/text, and tell them where I was, who I was with ect.
I thought they were bogus, I was a grown women. BUT I RESPECTED their rules, because;
I had no where else to go, so a few rules for staying with them while I saved money for an apartment wasn't too bad.
A) it was their house
These rules stand for all my siblings that go to live with them.
They actually kicked my sister out for not telling them she was staying with a friend. They gave her a few chances before, more like 'warnings'... If you keep it up you'll be out on your as, kinda things.
Ultimately, your house your rules.
I say the same thing your mom
I say the same thing your mom said ~ lol
Every ticket she got was after 1230 ~ proper planning would get tickets if you left on time. The comment I got about her tickets ~ it's the end of the month they just need to met their quota. Yea ~ that's what the cops are doing ~ you speeding doesn't justify them stopping you right. You broke the law !!! That's just words from her uneducated asshole bf.
You bet your bottom dollar I
You bet your bottom dollar I had a curfew when I was 20 and living at home while in college.
My Dad's used to say all the
My Dad's used to say all the time " this is not your flop house" ~ when you live under my roof my rules ~ until you can be on your own.
This is such a fine line ~
My parents didn't have a
My parents didn't have a curfew for me for the 6 months I lived at home after high school (while in college). But I also had enough respect for them to know that they would naturally worry about me if I wasn't home and they didn't know where I was. If I was going out for the night I'd let them know, and if I for some reason was going to be later than I had given them the impression of or not come home at all, I would send a text just so they didn't worry. They knew I drank but I never drove, and wouldn't come home drunk.
You have to let go that you can't control what she does, but at the same time she is living in your home and must follow the house rules. I don't think a curfew is necessary, as long as she lets you know what's going on so you don't worry. At the same time you can't be upset with her if she decides to stay out all long as she tells you!
I guess I am turning into my
I guess I am turning into my father with his thought process. I am open minded enough to hear a debate if I am wrong. I just think a mutual respect is needed.
I understand all of what you guys are saying ~ I do.
She's paying rent, going to
She's paying rent, going to school and working?
The rules should be she keeps her space clean and helps around the house by picking up/cleaning up after herself.
If she's coming in late, be quiet and do not disturb the household.
If she is going to be gone overnight, to let you know so you're not expecting her home that evening.
It's your home and she's renting a space from you. You can regulate any drinking, overnight boyfriends or parties as verboten.
She breaks the rules, give her thirty days to vacate.
Shaman ~ I laughed at keeps
Shaman ~ I laughed at keeps her space clean ~ she's a hoarder !!
I need to be more consistent on the whole do your chores b4 you plan on going anywhere. The kids each have a room to clean ~ doesn't happen enough to my liking due to work/school schedules.
She is trying to save up for a newer car ~ but thinks she can afford an apartment. You only pay a 100bucks here ~ n your broke time after time.
She got into a car accident a month after she got her car ~ we told her to go to court n get a lesser charge but her intelligent peers told her don't go ~ needless to say her car insurance is 425.00 a month. Didn't have health insurance wasn't feeling well ~ advised her to go to a minute clinic ~ went against my suggestion went to the hospital ~ now she has over 3000.00 medical bill. This kid always knows better ..... My ass. She is only hurting herself in the long run.
My answers are this. If they
My answers are this. If they are in school and working. You pay for the basics and they pay for the extras. You do not give a curfew. But, you do not get woken up in the middle of the night and if they are going to stay over, they let you know by a decent time. Other than that, you have to let them be. They can help out around the house if you like, but for me, as long as they are going to class and getting decent grades and holding down a job, what more are you expecting from them.
Now if this is not met, than let them live somewhere else. Stop lending money and that will stop most of your resentment.
Standards of respect and
Standards of respect and basic courtesy apply. If she is living at home she keeps her space clean, helps with chores, and keeps you updated on where she is, what she is doing, and when she will be home. Not at a detail level but at a level that you are comfortable that she is safe and can contact you or you her if necessary.
She is working full time and going to school full time. It appears to me that you have a very responsible and mature young woman on your hands.
I moved home when I was 21 and transferred to a local university. My parents expected basic courtesy and respect and that I keep my space clean, help when asked, and keep them informed when I would not be home from work at my usual time. Pre cellphone days so I would call from work or from a friends place if I was not going home after work.
My niece (20) just moved in with my parents. She is starting her Jr. year of college. My brother, SIL and their two youngest just moved to an overseas assignment. My niece spent her Sophomore year living at home going to a local school. She was on campus at another school for her Freshman year. My brother and my mom and dad aligned her with clarity on the rules of basic respect and courtesy. Call if you are not coming home at the usual time. If you come home late be respectful and quiet. Keep your space clean, help keep the house neat, do some dishes, etc....
So far she has done fine for the past 2 mos. We will see how she does now that classes have started. The big challenge is that she is a waitress at the hottest new place in town and is averaging ~$200 in tips per shift. She works 3-4 shifts per week so money is not an issue for her and she has enough to make it easy to not focus on school. That would be a bad thing and would get her evicted in a hurry. She has no bills except gas, insurance and her cell phone. Attractive young woman, iffy judgment, too much money = risky situation regarding focus on finishing her degree.
We shall see.
As for drinking. Your DD will figure it out. Make sure she understands your expectations. For my niece it is a problem. She grew up overseas in a place where the drinking age is 15ish (as did her dad and I). She struggles with understanding and maintaining compliance with our domestic alcohol laws. Fortunately she only has 6mos left to avoid MIP issues.
We did not have these issues with our son (my SS-22). He was not a partyer. We did force him to launch though so he enlisted in the USAF at 19 9mos after he graduated from HS. He is growing up the rest of the way on his own time and on his own dime in his own residence.
All IMHO of course.
Good luck.
YOu def need to give her
YOu def need to give her either a curfew, or say a phone call or text to let you know where she is. not ok for her to make you worry like that. if she is under your roof, she owes you that.
If you don't give a kid
If you don't give a kid living in your house rules, what is their motivation to move out? And yes, 20 is a kid if they are YOUR kid.
She needs to inform you if
She needs to inform you if she is going to be out later than whatever time you would start to worry; at that age and where I live it would be about 1am. And I would not want to be called about that either; would want advance notice. If she is going to remain in your home at this age she has to accept that as a mom you are worried for her safety beyond that time and sure, if she were living away from home you would know nothing, but as she is home then you can't switch off your protective concerns that easily. Make it clear if you are coming from that angle and she ought to comply. As for the rest, I think your instinct is right.
She knows my number one
She knows my number one concern is her safety ! She is not a seasoned driver like she thinks she is ~ I worry what about the other drivers n what her reaction would be. I constantly hear I am a good driver.
We live in the woods ~ lots of deer. She already hit a deer as well. In the winter the ice doesn't melt to well due to the trees.
I recently agreed to her going away on a camping trip to see bands for the weekend. I had reservation but I said to myself it's her vacation. I just don't appreciate her making me worry when I shouldn't have to. Abide by the house rules n you will have no problem.
I always told my biological
I always told my biological children that it was more a matter of "courtesy and respect" than anything...LET ME KNOW you're okay, LET ME KNOW you aren't coming home - otherwise, I expect you at a reasonable time so I don't go out of my mind with worry.
That worked both ways - if I was going to be out late or working late or whatever, I always let them know - not that I felt I had to answer to my children - oh HELL NO...but just out of that "courtesy and respect" thing that I preached all the time.
With my (former) step sons - it didn't take me long to learn that I was responsible for two people over whom I had no control so I just threw up my hands and said "whatever...". My kids never complained that it wasn't wouldn't have done them any good.
At this stage I would tell
At this stage I would tell her that you disapprove of her life style and she needs to move. This will leave less funds for booze, tobacco, marijuana, speed, ecstasy, etc. Also it will make a statement. You can quit worrying when she comes in late as you won't know.
She'll outgrow all of this, tobacco being the hardest. I guarantee you she won't listen to you and the harder you try the more adamant she'll become. Tossing her makes a huge statement that she is on the wrong path and consequences even worse could be down the line from work, police and society in general.
Imposing a curfew would be a waste of energy as she won't abide by it and you would have to sit up to enforce it.
I am not alone !!! I refuse
I am not alone !!! I refuse to be contemporary with my rules. I was raised the same way ~ except my curfew was midnight. Also when I came home I had to go to my parents n say good night. Old school yes ~ but it worked for my parents.
Her curfew has been extended to 1am.
Thank you all for not making me think I am crazy. There are times when she has text me to tell me she will be staying over her friends~ this example just put me over the edge.
Absolutely...your house, your
Absolutely...your house, your rules. If you can't sleep til she's home, then she better have a curfew. My mother told me that if I intended to stay out after midnight regularly, I couldn't live there, so I moved out. BM just kicked SD23 out of the house. SD23 did not follow any rules, and BM couldn't take it anymore. I even told DH that even if BM makes up crazy rules like "kiss my feet before bed every night", since SD is an adult, she needs to follow them or get out.
I am so sick of hearing how
I am so sick of hearing how her friends don't have a curfew n how out of my mind I am.
I tell her I could give 2 shits what your friends parents do ~ I am your mother not theirs.
It's good to know some parents are like myself. I am not snubbing other parents ~ I just feel like I have no room for error in raising her. I am strict and I have been this way since their fathee passed away.
Well that conversation was
Well that conversation was useless ~ I am the worse Mom ever n I don't understand how embarrassing it is to have a curfew. According to her I treat her like she is 12. Why do I have to know where she is ?
Can we revisit my curfew ???
Hmmmm I told her ~ I am your mother. You don't have to like me. I do not treat you like you are 12. Does a 12 year old drive ? No. Did you forget when I reluctantly agrees to you camping for a week with friends ( over 300 miles away ) no I didn't in fact we purchased camping stuff ~ a grill , charcoal , citronella candels, bought food n all the food ( yes I m the worse mother ever).
Why do I need to know where you are n who you are with ?? In case I need to contact you or god forbid the police. Is it so difficult for you to punch a few letters in on your phone to send a text. OMG ~ I am the worse.
Sorry but I have the mentality of a police officers daughter. Bad things do happen ~ better to be prepared then not.
I am some what more chill then my parents were ~ drinking was a no no in my house under age. If I was drinking I wasn't coming home ~ often she will be at someone's house n sleep over if they are having a party. I am ok with that because I know where she is.
The curfew of 3am is never going to happen so she can hate me all she wants. Sometimes you gotta hate n be hated for the greater good. Told her you are still dependent on me ~ n when your not you can do as you wish.
Plain and simple I have a right to know if your not coming home. It's called common curtesy ~ I deserve that respect. Getting a little to do entitled for my liking ~ I don't have to respect you ~ respect is a give n take. I don't respect someone who doesn't respect me. Child who took over your brain. Told her I will not revisit this issue of extending your curfew until your self righteous ~ entitlement m attitude changes. And if anything further happens you will be asked to leave my house. There are no more chances being handed out to you. I will not allow you to sweep this issue of not calling me to let me know where you are.
You should thank god you were not my fathers child because your life would suck with your ungrateful attitude.
Sleep is gonna be difficult tonight.