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Laid off

proudstepmommy's picture

Got laid off today Sad

DH couldn't be more supportive... Just still sucks...

Orange County Ca's picture

Every time I always found a better job and once even took a 9 month break and just collected the unemployment while attending school full time. Consider it an opportunity to learn a new marketable skill. Some state unemployment offices will include re-training as part of the program even extending benefits to cover the school time necessary. Check out this search I made for you:

herewegoagain's picture

Ugh, so sorry. I understand. I too was "laid off" (that's a different story) some months ago. If your DH is supportive, be thankful. Not sure about all the skids issues, your income, how you contributed to the household before, etc. but please, please, please if you ever had issues before, make sure you keep your unemployment or any other money separately.

proudstepmommy's picture

Thanks everyone!

DH has been more of the "bread winner" of the household than I was. I contributed to groceries, utilities, etc., but he took care of the large payments (ie the mortgage).

Our finances have always been separate. But since unemployment will barely cover paying 1 of the 2 bills I take care of (my car & our cellphones) he's gonna help me with those for now.

So we'll see. Thanks again!!!

K.C.'s picture

Hang in there. I was laid off twice from 2 different companies. I have been working at my place now for 10 years but they lay off every year. My DH used to work there too and he was caught in the last round. He took advantage of unemployment for 6 weeks and he always had a cdl license but took refresher courses and upgraded his license with hazmat and other things that I do not understand. Complete career change. Bills sucked but we cut back and dont live like we used to as dh makes less now. But no more work stress for him. He loves his new job. Perhaps you might find something even better than what you had. When one door closes another one opens! Glad your DH is being supportive.

Rags's picture

Been there. You will come out of this in a much better place. Focus on finding something that will redirect your career in to a growth industry and open up new opportunities for you.

I was hit on 9/20 right after 9/11. I was out of work for 365 days exactly. My former coworkers (most were also college class mates) had a 1yr unemployed party and would not let me in ... at least until they were through harassing me for getting a job. Then I networked some of them on to my new company and all was forgiven.

Network, network, network and take some skills classes that you may have been wanting to take. Most states have resources specifically for work force retraining when you get laid off.

Most importantly, take care of yourself.

Congratulations to you and kudos to your DH for his support during this. I know how difficult it can be. My bride was a trooper during my one year self financed involuntary mid career sabbatical. Loosing 60%+ of our income was a knee bender but with my brides career, and my unemployment and severance we were able to stay solvent until I got a new job and eventually transitioned industries. That was one very long year though.

Good luck.