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Dad needs to nip this in the bud...NOW

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

Ever since the boyfriend broke up with SD15 on Monday, SD15 has gone all emo. And I'm not just talking "emotional"...I'm talking all out emo! She has gone back to wearing her emo clothes, is locking herself in her room, posting pictures of her crying on social media with hash tags like #depressedteen and stuff, and getting all kinds of responses from her old emo friends from her old school that got her in a bunch of trouble in the first place, etc. Last time she went through this emo phase, she was cutting! Yeah, I know it is ALL for attention, but still, DH needs to get on top of this, and not just keep using the excuse that she needs time to grieve her relationship! Seriously...this is a 5-month relationship we are talking about!

When I woke SD15 up this morning (yeah, I know, but I'm the ONLY one this house besides BS19 who can wake up to an alarm...both SD15 and DH sleep right through the alarm blaring), I noticed she was sleeping in a long-sleeve shirt and long PJ pants. Here is the problem, I don't set the thermostat to be cold! I don't want those bills! I'm the one who is always cold in his house, and I sleep in a cami and shorts, and even then, have to stick half my body outside of the covers! There is no way her room is cold enough for her to have to wear winter clothes to bed when it is 75 degrees outside at night! This gets me wondering if she is cutting again, as she was covering herself up like that when it was warm when she was cutting before. The girl who likes to let it all hang out suddenly covering up? Yeah, something is up! She has also been starving herself again...making excuses she is not hungry. I'm sure the "depression" is part of it, but still.

BM is bipolar, and I have pointed out to DH before that he should have SD15 see a doctor, but he refuses to acknowledge that there is even a remote possibility that SD15 inherited the disorder from her mother. He says he refuses to put that label on her, because he doesn't want to speak that over her! Really? She acts just like her mother...not all of that is learned, dear husband...I'm more than certain much of that is her wiring!

thinkthrice's picture


CantKeepDoingThis's picture true! Don't forget:


frustratedstepdad's picture

You should've made her pull up her sleeves. I would've, whether DH wants to get off his ass and do anything about it or not. I would schedule the appt, and then you tell DH and SD that you're going "someplace", and then just drive to the therapist appointment.

GhostWhoCooksDinner's picture

She's 15. She'll have many break ups in her life, especially since she's a selfish bitch. Girlfriend needs to put on her big girl panties and deal!

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

Of course, that would mean taking some kind of responsibility for herself! She doesn't want to be responsible for herself at all...she wants everyone else to. It is everyone else's responsibility to make her happy!

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

I'm thinking my suspicions are correct about the background for the breakup. BS19 was telling me not to fault the boyfriend...he is a good guy and he is going through some stuff. I know he hasn't been himself since the uncle died, and there was some family drama surrounding it all (the uncle was gay, but hadn't come out to his parents or certain siblings, and there was some arguing, etc.). Knowing how SD15 is...self-absorbed, me, me, me and controlling...I'm certain that the guy just finally had enough. I know I would! I had enough the last couple of weeks SD15 truing to turn all his stuff into her own. It is one thing to be is quite another to turn the situation around to be about you, which SD15 is an expert at!