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O/T freak out. Will my bio children be my twins half blood kids?

MamaFox's picture

I am an identical twin. So will my twin sisters kids be my kids half siblings?!

Identical....Identical DNA. If we married and had kids with a set of identical brothers then our kids would be full blood this situation sounds right in my head....

Any biologist on the forum?

queenofthedamned's picture

You and your twin started out with identical DNA, but as each individual ages, changes to DNA occur that actually are unique to the individual (even twins). These are called epigenetic changes, some of which can be passed on to offspring. So in essence, even if you and your sister had children with identical twin men, the children would have different DNA.

Check this article out.

queenofthedamned's picture

No problem! I just finished a genetics course and found it fascinating.... it's pretty cool stuff!!

not2sureimsaneanymore's picture

I believe (could be wrong) epigenetics are only changes to gene activity, not changes to the DNA itself--it just changes which genes express certain characteristics, and how the individual looks--no changes to the genetic sequence. If that's the case, then yes, your kids and your sister's kids will be genetically half siblings if they were to do a DNA test.

Technically if you were to do a DNA test with your nephews or nieces, you would come up as 99.9% their mother.

Would love to see who wins the lotto in a paternity establishment if a woman banged both identical twin brothers.

Orange County Ca's picture

I think that's how Godzilla was made. Of course that was Japanese genes and nothing like that could happen to you. Could it?