BM had the nerve
Yesterday, BM had the nerve to call my husband to tell him what a piece of shit the car is that we gave SS17. His response: Oh really, compared to the one that you gave him? She hung up on him!! baaaahahaha!
PS Last month she called to complain/ask why he had to pay 60.00 a month for insurance. My husband told her because our insurance went up 120.00 when we added him and he was going to pay half. CRICKETS…..I swear, I don't know why she even speaks!!! MORON!
This made me smile today!
This made me smile today!
Perfect response!!
Perfect response!!
Gotta love an entitled BM.
Gotta love an entitled BM. She is lucky that is all she has to pay. Ours with two teen honor students will be over 2K extra a year. Just priced it to add SS15 and damn near had a heart attack. We even have the extra car suspended while one is away at school.
Our BM put in court documents
Our BM put in court documents that DH bought SD a lemon. DH's response was "If it's a lemon, then why can't I have it back?" BM and SD hid the car when DH told them he was taking it back (it was in his name).
The cars are always junk until they are expected to ante up. SMH
Good luck. Be sure not to
Good luck. Be sure not to blame SD when she continually acts up and works to make your life miserable. Look to your SO, that is the origin of the problem. Again, good luck.
BD doesn't pay a f*&^ing dime
BD doesn't pay a f*&^ing dime for either of the SSs. I'm fed up.
if my SD13 gets a car it will
if my SD13 gets a car it will not be from us. she will also not be on our insurance or allowed to drive either of our cars. luckily my fiance and i are the complete same page with this.
we're fairly certain that Disney BM will buy her a car. Probably a really nice one too that she cant afford.
I'm in the parenting mindset
I'm in the parenting mindset that I will be the parent that helps with/buys the car.
When my DD25 , then 16, figured out Mom holds the keys (literally and figuratively) to her independence, her cooperation with me on other issue improved dramatically. Our relationship was rockiest from age 13-15 but at 16, that all changed with the introduction of a drivers license (which I could have revoked at any time with a simple letter to the State) and a car under my control.