What's with women and step children?
After reading most of the women's comments on here about how they "hate" their step children or are "jealous". My wife is the same way, I just don't get it?
Why is it so easy for a man to accept someone else children and build a family yet the women has SUCH a difficult time with this. Is it something biological in a women to reject someone elses children other than their own? Even if so, it's not a good excuse. It's like saying I killed that person because I had a bad family life and was abused. Every person on earth is responsible for their own actions.
I just don't get it. Maybe I am wrong, but it seems like 80% of women have this problem.
Nailed it.
Nailed it.
Often It's A Two Way Street
What a loaded topic! In many instances it's a two way street. I know many stepdads who don't like their stepchildren. There are numerous reasons why being a stepparent causes animosity between themselves and their stepchildren.
1.) Very often biological dads are extremely defensive about their kids and often times they feel such guilt over their divorce, not being able to see their kids full time, that they tend to parent out of guilt and fail to set proper boundaries when the kids misbehave. On the contrary, they are overly harsh on their stepchildren leading to an unfairness and unequal treatment of all the kids. The bio kids get to do whatever the heck they want and the stepkids are unfairly treated overly harshly.
2.) Stepmoms have to unfairly put up with interference with biomom and often their husbands don't set up appropriate boundaries with her. Stepmoms thus have to put up with unfair treatment between her stepchildren who can get away with any and everything and her kids who are constantly being bi#ched at by her husband AND deal with interference from biomom.
3. Stepmoms also have to often endure their new inlaws who either are cold and unwelcoming or overly attached to a difficult biomom.
I agree a stepmom shouldn't "hate" her stepkids but I understand why thete's so much resentment. Biodads if you want a happier marriage for God's sake set boundaries for your kids and enforce them. Have EQUAL rules for ALL kids bio or not. Grow a pair and set boundaries for your exwife and family. SUPPORT your wife and put her first!
I wish my DH would do this
I wish my DH would do this
Exactly... I expect my DH to
I expect my DH to be polite to my children.
DH expects me to make his children's meals, do their laundry, drive them where ever they need to be, not say anything when they break the rules, have no expectations for them, yet treat them like my own, put up with BM calling the shots in my house, and work full time.
Yep - that pretty much sums it up.
You summed it up perfectly!
That's exactly it. Statistically, more than 50% of kids are happy when their mom remarry but 70% are unhappy when their dad does. A mother is the primary role in the kids' life and they are loyal to her above all else. The next woman (stepmom) to come in is doomed. They have to do all the cooking and cleaning and pretend to be totally oblivious to the stepkids' disrespectfulness and misbehavior while dad sits on his butt and let's the kids treat her like crap. She has to "act" like mom with the acceptance that everything she does is wrong. Be there always like mom, while going away at the same time so they can have dad alone. Step dads are only expected to be civil. No waiting on bratty disrespectful kids hand and foot while being the designated scapegoat.
I couldn't have said it
I couldn't have said it better!!!
Some men (not all, I'm sure) seem to just assume that since you have a uterus, you'll automatically love his children and take care of them as if they were your own. Maybe that worked on the Brady Bunch, but in real life, that's not the way it goes the majority of the time.
My husband was also disappointed to find out that I hadn't instantly bonded with his three kids, and that I wasn't tickled about picking up after the little hellions and putting up with their childish crap every other week. I have two kids of my own that I need to take care of (their dad's not in the picture anymore), and their needs will ALWAYS come first.
I absolutely refuse to indulge my skids' every little whim and cater to them the way DH does. I guess that comes across as being "selfish" or "jealous," but that's not the cause of it.
I just can't love or even really like my skids. Sorry. I'm just being honest. I'm gracious and civil to them, but it's not genuine, and I'm sure they pick up on it. They're rude, annoying, loud, sloppy, whiny, and lazy. It's hard to get all mushy and cuddly with somebody like that.
Totally agree with you! Sorry
Totally agree with you! Sorry but some kids are just not lovable. What about the fact that these stepkids don't like you? Its okay for them to have ill feelings towards you but God forbid you don't like them, it makes you a horrible person. I wrestle with this because I am a BM and I love and nurture my son, we have a bond and a connection. My steps were never open to having a bond with me. What about the fact that they rejected me from the onset? Its just ridiculous.
If you do not like his kids
If you do not like his kids then you shouldn't be together. End of
Then you shouldn't be with
Then you shouldn't be with him then. Why would they want someone so cruel forced upon them?
is that you?
I feel ya. I do not like
I feel ya. I do not like mines, but only becuase they made me this way. they're brats that only a mother/father could love.
Well hate is a strong word, I
Well hate is a strong word, I don't know that I hate her. I do wish she would move to another country never to be seen again }:)
The problem with stepkids is this: this kid was not raised the way I would raise a kid. Now I live with her and I am expected to parent her but she is not my child. If I discipline her everyone is in a tizzy. If I don't, then she gets away with murder.
SD was/is extremely jealous of me and my daughter. She was daddys little girl. She was his mini wife when I met him. It was kinda gross. She made sure I knew that daddy was HERS and she was not sharing. She did everything in her power to make me want to leave. She has spread lies to my MIL and FIL. She tells everyone how I am only nice to my DD which is a lie. I embraced her with open arms and got attacked by her. How am I supposed to love her like my own when she is so mean and cruel to me?
DH has accepted my daughter as his own. But she does not disrespect him at all. She likes him and has accepted him with open arms and they get along great. SD16 is a manipulative, lying brat. She is very entitled and just wants everything handed to her. If I had raised her from a small child I would have done something about that. But she is not my child so I have no control over it.
She would act all sweet to me in front of DH. The minute he turns his back her devil horns go on and she is nasty. After years of this my DH has finally seen the light. He now sees how mean she is to everyone, not just me anymore. He sees how manipulative she is so she can get her way. She is uncaring and selfish. I didn't create that!! I am embarrassed by her actions. I don't want people thinking she is my child.
I was naive and thought she was cute when I met him. It didn't take long for her to show her true colors. I have an ex step daughter from a previous marriage and I am very close with her. She is 17 and she is like my own child!
Many people on here have to deal with a BM that makes the kids hate the SM. Luckily our BM wants nothing to do with SD so I don't have to deal with that end of it.
^^^I could've written this
^^^I could've written this myself...and I was typing as you were posting, since my post shows below here.
And yes, my DH accepted my daughter, also the same age as SD14. Why? Because she's NICE to him. She accepts him and I and our relationship. She treats him with respect. She's never tried to push him away. She makes time to connect with him and bond with him.
SD? Nope, polar opposite. I "stole" her dad from her she says, all because he held my hand and not hers at the mall. Holy hell
Its funny because I was going
Its funny because I was going to comment on your comment! My DD10 is a normal person that you can have a normal conversation with. SD is from planet weirdo. She just stares at you and sometimes shoots daggers out of her evil eyes!!
I showed a picture of SD14 to
I showed a picture of SD14 to a friend of mine out of state. He said "wow, creepy eyes" - YES! This kid is just plain creepy. And she LIES.
My daughter is 6 months older than SD. You'd never know their ages by looking at them. DD14 appears 16-17, very mature, dresses older, carries herself well, is articulate, intelligent and respectful. SD looks 10, acts 10, dresses like a pre-teen (t shirts with kittens and cutesy sayings), is NOT smart or articulate, can't hold a conversation, lies and is disrepectful.
And yes, it's strange just looking at SD sometimes. It's like looking into the eyes of the damn devil. I call her stepdevil (not to her face or DH, but to my friends and here).
Oh and my daughter can't stand her either...
My nickname for SD is evil.
My nickname for SD is evil. If I am texting my sister I will call her evil instead of her name! Hey, I call it like I see it.
My DD10 is way more mature than SD16. I feel comfortable leaving DD with BD4 for a few minutes if I have to run to the store thats close by. I would never leave SD with her.
SD is a complete idiot. She loses and breaks everything she owns. She leaves the freezer door open every morning and leaves for school! How??? And this kid is gonna be driving soon!! So scary! She lies about things she doesn't even have to lie about. Its so weird. When she enters a room we all scramble out of it, even DH does it now!!
YES! Mine too. I won't
YES! Mine too. I won't leave SD14 alone in my apartment for 5 minutes. I've caught her yanking my cat's tail because he's MY cat, trying to poison the fish tank, lighting candles after her father specifically told her NO...
I taught my DD how to drive at age 12, but would never ever trust SD behind the wheel of even a Barbie car!
SD already murdered two
SD already murdered two hamsters. One was hers. She squeezed it to death. We found the video on her cell phone. Then she was so mad it died that she killed DD's hamster!!
I have seen her hit my dogs (we have two adorable, sweet pugs)she screams at them, then locks them in her room. She puts them in a headlock, she dresses them up in a mean way. She put scrunchies on their legs cutting off circulation!!
She is just evil, hence the name!
She should have her permit but I overheard her complaining on the phone to her boyfriend that her father hasn't taken her to get it yet!! DH told me that she hasn't even asked him to get the book for her or schedule the test so until she asks he is not doing it! She is just lazy!!
^^^OMG I wouldn't allow her
^^^OMG I wouldn't allow her near another animal, EVER. Or, I would hope she'd try that kind of bullshit with the wrong animal and get torn the fuck up!
SD14 had 4 guinea pigs when I met her and her father. It's been 2 yrs. They're alllllllll dead...
Oh I we found out she killed
Oh I we found out she killed two of her friends hamsters also!! Of course we find out years later.
The scary thing is we have had a hamster ban in effect since the murders but DH promised DD10 and BD4 hamsters for Christmas. I am afraid SD will get her hands on them or she will cry for her own!!
Poor guinea pigs, they are so cute!!
what???This is so psycho:((((
what???This is so psycho:((((
Step devil!!! LOL you nailed
Step devil!!! LOL you nailed it! I have a step devil too. My husband actually hates me because I would never play mom to the girl. He likes to assign 100 % responsibility with 0 authority. Hey its just him hes always had a circle of women who wanted to be with him so bad that they instantly played mommy to the girl. Well I never did. She's been disrepectful to me since I encountered her and with the blessing of her father and her first step mom plus grandmother. It's a mess my husband has even been abusive to me emotionally and physically because of her. He wants me to play mom but never has once insisted on her respecting me, He blames me for her bizaare behavior, he blames me for her mental issues, he blames and abususes me because his daughter is so very delayed ( still at 15 calls hom DADA, which everyone tinks is cute to me it points to delays) and is such a mess.
To the original poster I invite you to walk 72 hours in most of our shoes and what we endure daily, and then ask yourself why we feel as we do. These children are allowed to abuse us, walk over us, etc with the blessing of all parties involved. When you have biological kids nobody really has the authority to question your every move and decison as it relates to those children, As a step mom you're evil from the very moment you set eyes on the child until the child and all parties involved prove you worthy, guilty until proven innocent. I wouldn;t wish step motherhood and the crazy drama associated with it on my worst enemy.
This is the funniest thing I
This is the funniest thing I have read in a long time. It's SOOOOO stinking true! I LOVE it! PLANET WIERDO! EVIL EYES! AMEN! I'm in the same boat only it's a 4 YEAR OLD! BM is good at raising little demon spawn.
sounds like my SD15. she
sounds like my SD15. she quite a little twat. Likes to make inside jokes about me.
How do you say married?
How do you say married? Apparently, you guys are dealing with it.
My wife and I are not even a 1/10th of what you have and we are about to call it splits.
I've disengaged from SD14
I've disengaged from SD14 altogether. I don't do anything for her. I'm civil and respectful, but for the most part, she's invisible to me as I am to her.
She only visits every other weekend and select Tuesday nights for dinner now after being stuck up her mom's ass all summer and ignoring DH completely. And she only visits now because she's being forced to by her parents.
Frankly, I'd be happy as Hell if DH would go visit her or take her somewhere and never have the kid step foot in my house again, but I'd never tell him she's not welcome (unless she does something HORRID and HE makes that decision).
It's not easy and my stomach's in knots all day the day before I know she's coming over. I do my best to put on a happy face for DH, since he just wants everyone to get along and be a happy family.
Plus, he's started being a disciplinarian and not allowing this little brat to walk all over him and command him around anymore. If that hadn't occurred, I never would've married him in the first place!
I love my DH more than
I love my DH more than anything and we put each other first. When he sees SD doing something, he calls her out on it. Unfortunately he is at work most of the time. I deal with it because I love him and respect him and he is respectful to me.
If he let SD get away with talking to me like shit, then I would have a big issue with him. Thank god he finally sees her ways because we have had many battles over the years with him saying I hate his kid. Its exhausting!
She does get away with alot but I have taken a huge step back. I do not discipline her. I do not tell her to do homework or clean her room. I let him be the bad guy. If he chooses to ignore it then so be it. It is hard because she lives with us but for my own sanity I have to not be so emotionally involved with her at all.
I look at it this way. She is 16. I am hoping when she is 18 she will want to live with her mother and he will hopefully let her!! Then I only have to deal with her for holidays and birthdays
^^^This is how I deal/cope
^^^This is how I deal/cope too. I didn't marry this kid and I don't plan on putting up with her bullshit. If DH allowed her to walk all over me like he let her do to him, I never ever would've stuck around!
Now doubt about any of this
Now doubt about any of this at all. As my dad says,"You can snow anyone but yourself."
Understandably. I would NEVER
Understandably. I would NEVER be with a man who hated my children. EVER.
It's possible to have a different story. I have SD22, been in her life since she was 4, and we were both non-custodial and custodial over the years.
I love her like I love my bios, and I never treated her any differently.
Sometimes, women are just jealous bitches and they don't like that "their man" procreated with someone else.
Sometimes, the kids are awful.
or sometimes it's both lol
or sometimes it's both lol
It's not that we come into
It's not that we come into the relationship disliking the skids.. it happens over time.
My skids were a lot better when I first met them.. they had respect for me and didn't show their true colors.. Then when they saw their dad spending more time with me and that I was going to be a part of their lives... whoa nelly, did things change.
Their true colors came out.. all the back talking, yelling, arguing, fighting, nastiness, etc.. showed it's ugly face.
I seriously was like "WTF.. this isn't normal".. I have tried over and over again to get DH to realize how they are monsters and if he doesn't get a handle on it soon all hope of having managable teens will be lost.. some days he is on board, some days he is not.
That inconsistiency, combined with the constant undermining from both DH and Skids causes resentment in us smoms.. I started out all "ready to take this on" even when they were acting like assholes.. I accepted that and wanted to work with DH as a united front to get these kids on the right track.
And, for the record, it isn't just me who thinks these kids are out of control.. aunts, uncles, grandmas, other kids parents are shocked when they witness the flat out disrespect from these kids.. so it's not like "I'm picking on them or am looking for things to dislike." Which DH has accused me of when he gets in one of his "poor kids" defending them modes - which makes me want to puke.
I guess what I am saying is (I tend to take the long way in my replies) that these skids have issues resulting from the divorce - combine that with an enabling, guilty "disney dad" who spoils these kids rotten and sees nothing but puppies and daisies when he looks at them, who refuses to have consistiency, rules, boundaries or discipline .. and on top of that won't give the stepmom any empowerment to parent, yet all of this crap is a dynamic in her life too and it affects her - but at the same time she is expected to do all the "mom" responsibilities and chores.. you get a woman who is frustrated and resentful of her skids. To top it all off.. the skids have all the power to make her life a living hell (because DH gave it to them) and use that power to their fullest capability.
Really.. the blame lies with DH.. that's where it starts.. however, the skids have choices too.. treat smom like crap because they can or view her as a human being because it's the right thing to do...
I agree with everything said
I agree with everything said here! It's not just our opinion. All family and friends know my skids are rotten and bc I'm not their mom, I can't love them regardless of their flaws lol...
The BM also makes your life hell. If she's jealous, and psycho, and emotional, then all problems fall back on the stepmom. Just the other night my DH had a fight with her over a change in the schedule by phone and she went on and on about me and how fucked up it is that he chooses to make me happy over her and what goes around comes around. I had nothing to do with it. I didn't even want them, my DH did. BM's just assume that SM's control everything and it's bullshit. After everything we do for their kids! I might not like them, but I do show them love and attention just like my DS! They don't appreciate anything and it's hard to want to be a part of the children's lives emotionally when the moms say "fuck you" the kids say "fuck you" by being fucked up kids and when the DH's don't pick up the slack enough when they are home to parent their own kids. Sorry the kids have to suffer from it, but like the poster said above here, the blame lies with the DH. He sets the tone for how his family will blend with mine. I've set a nice tone for mine blending with his. Men can be so inefficient. Lol
I feel as if I wrote
I feel as if I wrote this!^^^
This right here is why I myself have resentment towards SD and why I really don't care if she comes around our house or not. While I sould like to have a good relationship it certainly is not top on my list of priorities. Who am I kidding, it's not even 10th.
I suppose you have no idea of
I suppose you have no idea of how manipulative and nasty stepkids can be toward a stepmom? There's a ton of articles written by professionals regarding how much harder it is for a stepmom than a stepdad to come into a family and be accepted by the kids.
In my case, all was well in the beginning with SD14 was 12 and didn't think I was going to be a permanent fixture in her dad's life. She played the role of "mini wife" to him. Would snuggle up and cuddle with him for hours, sit on his lap at the dinner table, hold his hand fingers interlaced in a lover's handhold, spoon with him on the floor, say "MY DADDY" whenever I got close. She'd push herself in between him and I, had a fit and demanded him to stop dating and stop holding my hand or showing me any type of attention or affection. Even demanded he never have sex with me while she was visiting!
I was nothing but nice to this girl. Tried to be her friend. Tried to bond with her. Took her places, bought her things, spent time with her. She consistently undermined me, told lies about me, cried to her dad that I was mean to her when I had never even looked at her sideways.
She tried from day one to break us up. She thought SHE belonged with him, not me. And she was damn sure she was going to try and push me out of the picture. She lied to her therapist about me, continued to treat me horribly and get between her dad and I.
And I'm supposed to LOVE her? Or even LIKE her?
I just don't get it.
Wow. This is so ridiculous
:jawdrop: Wow. This is so ridiculous for someone to ever act this way.
1) She is damn lucky to have a stepmother who seems to be putting effort into a relationship. My stepmom is a total bitch lol.
2) She has no right to demand that you are not allowed to have sex with your husband (at 12 years old she shouldn't have even been open about sex, let alone the sex that her father is having)
3) It's very odd that she would act this affectionate to her father at this age. I am 15 and of course I still give my father a hug and kiss when I greet him, but I don't sit on his lap or snuggle with him anymore. It's very inappropriate for this age.
I think that your SD has a disrespect problem, although I am basing my opinion off of some things that she did when she was younger. I believe there should be a mutual respect between a stepparent and a stepchild. It seems that you are giving her respect, but she is not willing to give respect back. You should talk to your husband about this and there should be a consequence for disrespect. However...remember that there is a difference between disrespect and love. Your stepdaughter needs to respect you, but doesn't need to love you or even like you. Love is something that cannot be forced and as you said you don't really love her, but you do respect her. In time, once a mutual respect develops, your relationship will evolve and become a loving relationship. This has happened to me with my stepfather, but sadly not my stepmother. My stepfather has always treated me the way you treat your SD, and our relationship has grown over the years. My stepmother however, decided to demand that I love her (which I don't know how I could because I was 9 at the time and she never bonded with me and was always disrespectful towards me, my brothers, and my Biological Mom), which made me only resist opening my heart to her. I think your doing the right thing by being nice to her. In time it will get better.
First of all, you're on a
First of all, you're on a site where people come to vent about their step parenting situations. They probably would never be here if all was going great with trying to become a "blended family" so what you get on this site is the worse case scenarios of step parenting.
From what I've read from most of the members here is that it wouldn't be so hard (and many here have tried very hard to get along and "love" their steps) for these step parents if they weren't dealing with situations where the bio parent behaves in ways that isn't benefitting their kids or helping their kids to become independent.
You've heard the guilty daddy complex on here a lot and I see that go on with my own son and his daughter, my granddaughter, who he'll spoil her in a way that he wasn't before the divorce only because he feels bad that he can't see her but EOW and some sporadic days through out the week.
TBSB123 - just a real quick
TBSB123 - just a real quick question - are you a Disney Dad?
Former Disney Dad, when I was
Former Disney Dad, when I was single and had my own place. Since living together it's a different story, I have rules, consquences and expectations.
PS. Your quote about Skids is disturbing.... that is what I am talking about. Men don't general HATE their Skids.
I think all women are biologically challenged in this area, maybe I am wrong but it sure seems that way and you proved it with your quote at the bottom. no love.
My DH was a disney dad and
My DH was a disney dad and didn't see it. It was just him and SD and her life revolved around him taking her shopping, him taking her to dinner, him taking her to do whatever it is she wants to do at that moment. He said he did it because he had nothing better to do. He created a mini wife. She thought she was his wife. Then I came along with my DD5. She was so jealous and refused to accept us. She is so spoiled!! He created the monster and I am left to deal with her. Sucks!
Its been a long, hard road but now she is a teenager and has her own friends and wants to be with us less and less. I pray one day she grows up and is a SM and gets a SD just like her!! Then maybe she will appreciate all the nice things I do and have done for her.
Agree. Happened to me and
Agree. Happened to me and left. He figured it out 11- 12 months later and made an attempt to reach out. Too bad I was already on another continent with a new job and open networking prospects for a new life.I will never ever get involved with a man with kids.
I hear ya! it's pure hell. I
I hear ya! it's pure hell. I have learned that different situations have different outcomes. But, this is not a road I ever want to travel. Men with children are in the "No Way" Zone
Hell, try being a woman that
Hell, try being a woman that doesn't coo and slobber and express undying coochey choo
towards a baby and you are seen as a cold, fish Jezebel.
^^FUNNY but oh so true. Just because us women have vaginas and boobies, we are supposed to automatically be these maternal, loving creatures towards ALL children regardless of how the children treat us.
"Nurturing rainbows" - do
"Nurturing rainbows" - do they smell good??? LMAO
dtzybind, you are soooo funny
dtzybind, you are soooo funny and wise, too!!! agree:))
Heck Dtz, Just being a full
Heck Dtz,
Just being a full time working mother with a career that is demanding is a STRIKE because you can't just drop work (just like 99.9% of dads) to get to every school event during working hours where 'all the other moms' are - then you are shunned not only by the teachers, but by the other moms too.
No, I do not help out in the classroom - I am at work from 730AM-6pm each and every day, some evenings and yes even the odd weekend - I work, I cannot BE in the classroom to help hand out papers or make copies for the classroom, I can't attend every little poem being read, but because I am mom and not dad, which my bios DAD is sitting on his lazy ass AT HOME because he chooses not to work while I bust my ass to try to make it to every other little poem being read, he is excused and I am crucified.
Yep, I got used to it long ago - and now, extend that to skids. The skids need homework help and you are part of their life, now you as an SM are blamed even before the actual parents, I am 1000% sure no teacher has ever thought perhaps my husband, my bios STEPDad should step up ... but the skids teachers all think me, their SM should be stepping up - how is that even a thought.
Stupid society.
2 people make a kid, those 2 people should be the only ones responsible and accountable, anyone else is just bonus IF they choose to participate.
yeah - I think this is it. When my bf and I first got together and knew it was becoming serious he told me straight up that it was HIS job to parent and look after his kids and he would do it that I didn't need to do ANY taking care of them.
That didn't sit right with me, because if I'm taking these kids on I'm taking care of them. What has happened is that I do take care of them, but I get a lot of support from my bf with my son - and because he's only EOW with his - I think he does more for mine. So we take care of each other's kids. But the basic bottom line is that we both brought kids to this relationship and we both have to 'step up' - as they are stair step in ages, it ends up that we sort of take turns doing for all of them and then give each other space to spend good time with our own bio kids because they still and will always need that. Also we have only known each other's kids for about a year, but we are about to move in together and we are starting to discipline each other's kids. Not on major stuff, but on minor stuff, but we talk to each other constantly about where the line should be and how we should be fair. He is stricter than I am - this has meant that he has had to loosen up on his kids and I have had to tighten down on mine. I'm sure my BS resents that - but we are being fair and frankly although he is stricter, he's not exactly super strict and the additional rules have been good for my son and he sees that the same rules apply.
However, I see a LOT of women on here whose husband's seem to expect that because they are the woman they will take on a ridiculous amount of childcare for kids that aren't theirs as well as more of the domestic and emotional burden. That creates a huge well of resentment. I'm not 'expected' to do anything for my steps, but I do and he does for mine. We are a team.
Mine wants me to cook and
Mine wants me to cook and make sure she has snacks that she likes available EOW with us. I'm the normal shopper, so it's not a big deal to me I usually save the most money at the store anyway. Lol . However, my boyfriend of 2 years (we have lived together the whole time) do want discipline and make her clean up behind her self in the living room daily, we have discussed it several times. It's ok to have a little hot of a messy room. The living room is the relaxing room. I ALWAYS have to move her toys or wrappings from the couch, so that I can sit down. Its tiring. She doesn't respect my rules of not coming in the master bedroom either. That's my sanctuary. And I mean, EVER! She will go through my bathroom cabinets and thinks it's ok. I've tried to explain that she has a bathroom, with 7 year old appropriate stuff in it. My cabinets have adults items. I.e. meds, hygiene items, cleaners, and polish remover. I am this way with my 2 kids as well. He doesn't support me in this at all, and let's her basically do whatever, whenever. She is almost 8 and very clingy, jealous, and whiny when she talks to him. I understand the divorce and its affects, my parents divorced when I was young. I never disrespected the step, cause my parents had my respect . I am at a loss. I just want her to keep her toys picked up out of the living room. That's what the play room is for
Really? I know a man who was
Really? I know a man who was engaged and ready to tie the knot with one of my best friends.. he broke it off. Why? His 8 year old stepdaughter and her ability to divide and conquer.
I don't blame him one bit.. this kid is out of control and her mom thinks it's cute because she has "attitude" and acts like a diva (BRAT). You tell her to do something and she will look right at you, say no and giggle like she's daring you to make her..
He couldn't stand that about her - the same way I can't stand the same thing about my skids.. I don't hate them personally.. I hate the way they act and how they want to manipulate the adults..
Again.. we don't start out with any ill feelings towards these kids.. it happens over time.
When my step kids lie and cause fights I hate it - not them. I hate that they do it on purpose because they want to get back at me for something stupid
Example - sk12 would not come out of the bathroom after his shower so sk14 could take his.. it was already past their bedtimes and we were all tired. sk14 was in just a towel standing outside the door and banging on it saying "get out, you're done" and sk12 wouldn't say anything.. so I intervened (DH was walking dog) and yelled "get out of the bathroom and let your brother in".. no response so I yelled again "what are you doing? I said get out."... no response.. I repeated this 3 more times and finally he gets out)..
15 minutes later DH gets pissed at me for yelling at sk12 repeatedly... WTF?
SK12 went downstairs and sold DH a bunch of lies and told him I was "mean and yelling".. I defended myself and told him the real story, but the damage was already done.. SK12 boo hooed and cried and got DH to feel soooo sorry for his poor kid - this same kid that will not hesitate to yell at anyone in a heartbeat if he feels he isn't getting his way or things aren't fair..
This kind of thing happens often - some days DH is on to it and hands it right back to the skids.. other times they win.. and it's just to get me in trouble and start a fight so I am on the outside and they get daddy all to themselves.
Would you like that happening to you?
You're on a website "where
You're on a website "where stepparents come to vent," so it's pretty obvious that you're going to see a lot of negativity here. Try the Happy Happy Joy Joy Stepparent site if that's what you're after.
As far as your belief that men are more accepting of their spouse's children, one possible explanation is that men aren't typically the primary caregivers to children, so deficiencies in their prior/simultaneous upbringing might not be as obvious to them.
I would go a step further
I would go a step further even. Women are more likely, as the primary care-givers, to be bringing up their OWN kids reasonably well. We set rules, guidance, discipline, rewards, we are trying to raise the best possible little individuals we can.
Along comes Disney Dad and his brood. He isn't so into the whole parenting thing. And we are left to deal with the shit he has created.
So no. Stepmums don't have it as easy, MY children are easy to accept as they are generally fairly polite and well mannered, behave in a socially acceptable manner, and would cop holy hell if they EVER disrespected my (possibly EX) OH. His kids on the other hand are allowed to be ill-mannered, rude, nasty, outright horrible to me and mine, steal, lie. etc etc etc. And they get away with it.
I KNOW in my heart it is NOT the childrens fault, but oh my lord are they hard to like. The blame is actually with BM and (possibly EX) OH. Their parents need to step up and teach these kids how to be responsible for themselves.
Don't Forget
the patented "CP BM Stamp Of Approval" (TM) branded squarely on stepDAD's forehead for BM's kids to see and heed.
Only half of my last comment
Only half of my last comment showed up.
I don't hate my stepkids, and
I don't hate my stepkids, and I am certainly not jealous of them. I really don't think that most woman feel that way about stepkids.
I also do not love them at all. I would never hurt any child, ever. BUT I do love my children, and will do things for them because I love them. I can try to mold them into being functioning, respectful adults by providing them guidance and discipline as I see fit. Something I am not able to do for my stepkids because they have a mom who won't allow me to do so as I see fit.
There is a big difference. I think that men think a woman "hates" his kids because a stepmom won't dote on them like her own. And when they do dote on them, they won't allow the stepmom to guide and discipline a child as she sees fit.
Please read this article to gain a better perspective as why it is easier to be a stepfather as opposed to a stepmother. It is written by a renown psychologist. "Why its easier to love a Stepfather then a Stepmother".
And it isn't just the SD that
And it isn't just the SD that treat SM's like this! In between DH's divorce and me he had told his two boys "It's just us guys now!" and made them to believe that they will get to leave their BM and live happily ever after with dear dad and that the rest of their lives would be sitting on the couch watching whatever they wanted, sratching their asses, farting, burping, never showering or being held accountable for anything in their life.
Then dear dad started dating and met me. The boys were ok with me until they found out that we were engaged. Then the ninja skills came out. The sshit15 started to piss himself everytime I was around and the sshit10 became very violent and would launch into dangerous temper tantrums. If DH and I were walking hand in hand, one of the boys would break apart our hands and get in the middle. They had a blast terorizing our wedding but had fun because it was just a big party and free cake to them. Once they realized I was not going anywhere then the I want my mommy and daddy pshyco drama started with the youngest. He yells at me and tells me "he doesn't have to listen to me because I am not his mommy". The oldest is now at that angry teenage stage and just this last weekend told me to "shut up I didn't ask you".
So "Hate"? Yes I hate my sshits right now.
Would be happy with one day getting to the "I tolerate" stage, but will not hold my breath for it!
I think a lot of it has to do
I think a lot of it has to do with how these kids are parented (or not). It's unfortunate because these kids cannot help how they are parented or who their parents are. But even so, it is hard to not feel resentment when a child is rude to you. Even if you know it is really coming from their bm in most cases.
But then they come to an age where they know deep.down that their actions are wrong but they still continue to act out. They come to an age where they know they can reach out for help but choose not to. Imho, one should only blame mommy and daddy until 18. Then its time to accept full responsibility for your behavior.
OMG, i could not agree with
OMG, i could not agree with you more. especially about the sharing her money part.
Good questions but I think
Good questions but I think you may have opened up a can of worms with this post...
I will answer as best as I can only from my experience though. I have a SS 17 & SD 15, great bond with my SS though it took a few years to get there. Lets see..my SD tried to kill me, tried to kill my mother, hurt 4 different animals just at her dads place, attacked 9 kids all younger accept one was her age, she ripped clothes off on her crush she had, she forced her one & only bf to kiss, all since age 12 & up, she wants her dad all to herself & admits that out loud, jumps the fence between both parents & step parents, & etc.
I'm not really liking her I suppose do to her actions but she may be the closest to a daughter that I may ever have. So yea I'm jealous that my DH has one boy & one girl yet happily married him knowing that. I would remarry him in a heartbeat too for that matter. I'm jealous about the SS cause I wish that I produced such a product!! He is truly a good young man with a decent head on his shoulders. We have certain emotions over step kids usually for one of two reasons. The BM makes it hard or the kid/kids have not been set in their place. Now there are step parents that are just in the wrong such as my ex step dad. I did not mess with him being I feared him. He was very verbally abusive to me & I grew up thinking that he hated me & that he just wanted my mom. Come to find out as an adult, he was angry that he had to play the dad role as my dad did not pay anything for us. He too had 2 kids that he paid child support for as they lived with their mom. So his reasons was that he felt that he had the short end of the stick.
The more posts that you read here, there are a lot of birth parents that don't support their spouse & that makes it hard for them step parents.
Oh me too. Not that my ex
Oh me too. Not that my ex husbands new partner is my BFF but I do really like her. We chat, I discuss the kids needs with both of them, I know she is great with my girls and has my full blessing to discipline etc if so needed.
We met up for coffee before she met the girls, and I discussed my "hard boundaries" if you like, and she told me about herself (a bit like a job interview really LOL) not my idea I hasten to add, but I did it for my kids.
There have been some teething issues in the early days, but on the whole we all get along well, and that is great for the kids.
I don't hate my stepchildren.
I don't hate my stepchildren. I hate the blackhole from which they were birthed and the horrible influence she has over them.
Skids annoy me at times just like every other kid on this planet.
EDIT: I also have younger step children. SD4, SD5, SD10, and SS7.
I haven't had to deal with teenagers or young adults yet. So, hey, my attitude might change.
>>>Every person on earth is
>>>Every person on earth is responsible for their own actions.<<<
Exactly. SD27's actions and verbal diarrhea have made her not welcome in DH's and my home. Funny how that works, isn't it?
I'm not sure. I don't think
I'm not sure. I don't think women are 'wired' to be able to care for another woman's children.
Although I'm not sure men are wired that way either.
Why are you about to call it quits?
I do believe it is a
I do believe it is a biological issue. Although I do not agree 100%, many French psychologists believe that a father, although related to his child, is not so attached because the child did not come from him. This is possibly one of the reasons many feel that fathers can leave their kids and move away more easily than a woman. On the other hand, they also believe that a child and their child, because it was born from her has a high risk of having an incestuous relationship in the sense that being too close is could become incestuous because the child came from her. Whereas in a man's case, even if it was his biological child, it would not be incestuous because the child did not come from his body...YES, I know it's a bit off and a bit weird...BUT, when you put that against this stepmom/stepdad issue, I think it makes sense in that men are not as connected to the kids, their kids, thus they can have a similar connection to a child that is not theirs...yet a women has such a close bond with a bio-child, that any other child is almost impossible to love/get close to that is not biologically theirs.
PS - take it or leave it...yes, it's a bit weird, but honestly, the more I see what happens with smoms and sdads, the more it makes sense to me.
U know why? ill tell u
U know why? ill tell u why..
cause very rarely will an ex-husband make the new guy's life miserable by planting bullshit in the kids head...
My dh never asked questions about her new stepfather of the year...nor did he ever badmouth them...
Unlike women who will talk shit to the kids about the new wife and the dad...ask personnal questions about whats going on in the home when the kid comes back from the weekend..
Thats why!
..."ask personnal questions
..."ask personnal questions about whats going on in the home when the kid comes back from the weekend.."
- oh yes, the skids told us about the questioning periods that BM would put them through - mainly about me and anything to do with how I looked, dressed, acted, what I wore, where I ate, what kinds of foods I liked, what I say, what my hobbies were, who my friends are, when I went to bed, what I say to my bios, what I made for dinner, how I act, when do I go to bed, what side of the bed do I sleep on, where are we going next, what vacations have I decided to go on.....Um, can we say 'not over him yet?'. He's moved on, he's remarried, he has more children and not with you BM!!!! Worst thing for her is there is nothing she could do to attract him! Obsessing over me just got her told off, again, for using this as a PAS tactic
Now she can't get info. Guess she'll have to copy someone else now.
and that is why we, women,
and that is why we, women, start resenting the whole situation...
I didn't resent her
I didn't resent her 'questioning/stalking me' periods. I was surprised that she still wanted to know so much about all of me after so many years. then I got creeped out. REALLY creeped out. Then I realized why the woman suddenly liked all of the tv shows I liked, music, songs, and even started skiing out of the blue, started shopping at the same store and even buying herself the same ski outfit (yes the very same) in the same colour (which is one of my main hobbies and has been since I was 12 yet she has never done it), frequenting a restaurant I particularly enjoy, among other things such as cutting her hair to her chin & visiting the resorts I had mentioned. It's even weirder and I can list years of her imitating me.
I don't resent that. It's weird. Period. Get your own life woman. You can't be me so don't try.
God that is what I am putting
God that is what I am putting up with now. BM asking the kids about everything that we do, where we eat, what kind of make up I wear, and she is now taking up Archery, pistol shooting at a gun range, eating at Asian restaurants ( that she never liked) went and purchase a pick up truck, her last stunt, coloring her hair red!! OMG! I am still waiting for her to get on a Motorcycle. I guess she thinks if she does all these things that I do she will lure my hubby back to her.
Creepy, real creepy.
also, stepdads usually dont
also, stepdads usually dont have to see their new wives dish out money to the ex-husbands...
they see the money coming in...
as we,the stepmoms, see the money going out and out and out!!!!!!!!!!!
Don't we ever. DH and I often
Don't we ever. DH and I often say...money only flows one direction between our household and BMs...no matter what.
It's even worse when, like me, you make a lot more than your DH and are just expected to fork your money over to another woman and her kids. It's all BS.
No kidding
Our monthly child support obligation for one child is almost twice our mortgage.
I do not hate my ss. Decided
I do not hate my ss. Decided easier to only deal with issues that effect my comfort level. He is such a spoiled brat but his dad has created this monster. Lol I'm sleeping in the spare room tonight because I spoke my mind but only on issue that effected me, his dad can deal with the 17 year olds temper tantrums. This relationship works or it doesn't too much chaos if your home makes it a war zone. My bf ignores my son I was thinking the exact same as you but it was men and a woman's biological child
Most of us start out fine
Most of us start out fine with the kids and end up disliking them over time, by proxy of disliking the behavior of the Parents. Very often, Disney Dads push their new wives aside to cater to their children out of guilt, which teaches them to be miscreants all too often because there's no boundaries, respect, consequences, etc. BUT when it comes to real Parenting, they look to their new wives, overburdening with all the menial tasks of child-rearing as well as the "tougher" issues.
All the while, the BioMoms can be total asses, being uncooperative and threatening court action constantly to keep the Ex by the balls all because they are upset that their Ex moved on with his life. So they use their children as pawns of disruption simply out of spite which ultimately teaches the kids to be unbearable. Some Ex-Husbands can be asses of course but mostly Men won't be as spiteful and disruptive as an angry Ex-wife so new husbands have an easier time being accepted by the kids and not harassed by the Ex.
StepDads do get fed up but they can more easily disconnect the emotions to the wife and the kids and leave the whole relationship if the Kids become an issue. So it's not that you all don't dislike the kids as much--I know many of you that are not so amped about their wives kids; it's that you don't vent about it as much as women and you leave more readily than a woman who'll try and try until she has nothing left but bitterness. If we take anything from you guys it's to get the hell out faster before it becomes a situation of hate.
Fuck tht. Poster you are
Fuck tht. Poster you are right. We just don't want to be bothered with SK and rightly so.
1. A good portion of his income and or time goes in to his kids.
2. We are supposed to scheduled everything around them.
3. He still acts like the ex is his wife and wwe don't matter.
4. His kids with that bitch are more important than ours.
And your weekend means your
And your weekend means your weekend. If you are going out Friday night then go get your kids Saturday morning! I don't need them here with me. They are coming to see you!
I am not sure why there seems
I am not sure why there seems to be so many more disgruntled S-Moms than S-Dads. It may be that men are much more able to compartmentalize so the strains of SParenting do not take over our entire lives as seems to be the case with women.
Other than that, I have nothing.
Usually women do most of the
Usually women do most of the childcare. So of course stepdads are happier. Stepkids do mean more for them to do. If they ruun to the store to get a bottle of cough syrup for one he is a hero.
Think about ALL OTHER SPECIES in the animal kingdom. NO MOTHER will EVER even consider caring for another female's baby. It's unnatural in all of the animal kingdom. Females in the animal kingdom will abandon their WEAKEST offspring too, and that IS their DNA....."survival of the fittest", this one's not gonna make it, so she leaves it to die. Not sure why it's so frowned upon in the HUMAN species (not the abandoning an imperfect baby) and why it's EXPECTED that just because it's a "child" it should be loved by an adult with no biological connection to it. It's like saying, "go into Walmart and just pick out a random kid, bring it home, and just start loving it".......nope, not happenin.....I will never love my skid. But I take care of him, I make sure his basic needs are met, i'm kind to him and I advocate for all of his needs (he's autistic). But, cuddling him and kissing him and even touching him....nope, that's what his bio dad is for!
what about stepfathers - do
what about stepfathers - do animals that are males care for other males offspring?
not sure ANY males in the
not sure ANY males in the animal kingdom care for any offspring??? I think maybe Penguins do....good question......not sure???
never mind misunderstood your
never mind misunderstood your statement.
Wowmommy nailed it! When half
Wowmommy nailed it! When half of his income is going to support his starter family, resentment builds. That child support is seen by the second wives (us) as money that could take care of her family. My DH and I struggled early in our relationship, because of his ex wife and her kids. I had to figure out how to make ends meet with what what left of his paychecks after the ex wife got "what her and her children were legally entitled to." Ever watch your kids get leftovers, because your husband's ex doesn't want to get a job? :sick: She also nailed it about leaving skids here with us......they are YOUR kids, spend time with them.
LMAO - I just copied it and
LMAO - I just copied it and emailed it to my OH!!!
All I can really say is A-MEN!
Men sit around farting and
Men sit around farting and the SM's are the ones getting shat upon and run over by the skids.
I'm really beginning to think that the only reason divorced men with kids get married again is so they can pass the parenting gig on to their beloved new spouses.
I dunno but their is a whole
I dunno but their is a whole generation of men in my family who past their part of the parenting right to their moms!!!! meaning the kids ended up over grandmas house. Which I think is kind of shity.
The problem is the FATHER.
The problem is the FATHER. When a single mother marries a man she is looking for a companion for herself. When a single father marries a woman he is looking for a maid for his children.
Just my observation lol
QUOTE : Why is it so easy for
QUOTE : Why is it so easy for a man to accept someone else children and build a family yet the women...
It is NOT easy for a man to accept someone else's children...at least not *THIS* man.
I came into SS's life when he was 6 years old. That's six years of this child's life I needed to catch up on and try to understand.
Yeah, it is easy to have all these fantasy "Rockwellian" images in your head about taking another person's child into your home and treating him as your own.
Not so easy my friend. Not easy at all.
My SS has ADHD. I noticed it almost right away. SS's mother and father did not. They thought SS was normal. When I tried to bring up the subject My DW tried to convince me that I was the one that was being "too harsh" or that my expectations were "too high".
Coming to accept this child for who he is did not come without its set of challenges. I could not just flip a switch and understand the complex set of emotions that I was feeling; namely "why am I breathing a sigh of relief when this child returns to his father for his custody time?"
The answer, was that I could not associate with this kid him on ANY level. I did not resent him, but I resented my time with him. A simple trip to the ice cream parlor became an exercise in testing my virtues. Here I am thinking that a trip for ice cream would be a memorable experience. Kid gets a treat and he'll be happy right? How foolish I was! This child would cry at the drop of a hat, act inappropriately, and if his mother so much as gave me a nano second of attention, SS would would demand that attention back. My DW was more than just a mother, she was this kid's Geisha. I took it upon myself to put a stop to it.
I do not resent or hate my SS, but I do not love him either. The only reason why I did not throw in the towel is because I did a heck of a lot of soul searching and bucket-loads of research. And by research, I don't mean "surf the net". I got my fat-ass up and took trips to the library to pull out books on parenting and children with ADHD. I went out of my way to acquire the tools I believed I needed to make my new family work.
Oh man I know the feeling
Oh man I know the feeling when I read this site. An before anyone says shit I am leaving the site because it is so repulsive.
I am a woman, I am actually only 23 and I have worked as a foster career. Maybe that is why I am okay with having other kids that are not my own around. I have a partner who has a 4 year old son. Of course I love him to bits and though I may not agree with the BM I don't hate her or the child. I introduced myself to the BM before going near her child and made sure she knew I would never take liberties to mothering the child. However I would look out for him and make sure he is always safe. I could never hate an innocent child, NEVER.
Yes children act out, of course they do! Children deal with the immediate, they don't think long term and all of a sudden their immediate future is gone. They feel like it was their fault in most cases. Maybe because I have a step father and came from an abusive home is why I understand these kids. Though I understands their actions more when you see people on here who call the child a mistake, who say they can't understand why the parent shows them so much love and so on. Do they not get that if they hate the child it will show in their daily actions and it will taint their interactions. Children are not stupid and if they feel that hate they will close down. They will shut the person out and make their lives a living hell. Why? because that adult does not deserve their love or affection.
I researched before I ever introduced myself to the child, I made sure that I could do all of it as right as possible. Seems like most the people on here just seem to hook up with the parent and then expect it to be like any other relationship.
"I could never hate an
"I could never hate an innocent child, NEVER."
Me neither, but I can hate an entitled, spoiled, smart-mouthed, bully, bossy, argumentative, manipulative, lying, fake, lazy ass step kid, though.
Doesn't make me a bad person. Just means I have some self-respect left and I am not afraid to say how I really feel.
I AGREE. I express myself and
I AGREE. I express myself and I'm called jealous and hateful. like wtf. I am waiting for my DH to agree to go to counseling so some one else can piut in their 2 cents so I won't seem so "crazy, jealous, or hateful". I have legitimate reasons for not wanting them around
... 4yo son? LOL Try dealing
... 4yo son?
Try dealing with an entitled, rude, bad mannered, mean, spiteful 12 year old daughter... daddeeeeee's mini-wife.
Do not judge that which you do not understand, child.
Shhhhh. She's 23 and she's
Shhhhh. She's 23 and she's got it all figured out.
I mean, she hasn't dealt with a spoiled 16-year-old SD biting, scratching, and being evil to her siblings. Barfing in the shower and cutting herself to get attention...leaving SM to clean up the disgusting mess and dried barf flakes in the bathroom. Literally eating or throwing away ALL of the food in the house one weekend when you and your DH go out...including an over $100 ribeye roast you had just bought. Telling lies to BM and your in-laws, driving a wedge between her dad and his parents for about a year...
No. But she knows all because she loves her 4 yo stepson to bits.
I love my SDs probably
I love my SDs probably because FDH actually parents his children and never allows them to disrespect me. Yeah he has a little bit of that 'guilty daddy' complex because he doesn't see them as much as he wants to, but at the end of the day he cares about how they turn out and disciplines them as needed when they're here. If they are disrespectful to me (which has only happened a couple of times) they are in BIG TROUBLE. The end result is that they're a joy to be around and it's easy to love them like they're mine. If they let them run wild, spoiled them rotten and let them treat me with disrespect I might feel differently. He also gets along well with my kids because likewise they are required to mind him and respect him as a parent/authority figure.
maybe YOU need to learn more
maybe YOU need to learn more about females in the animal kingdom...humans are not the only ones that reject other animal's offspring...it's NATURE.....
I do agree it IS harder for a
I do agree it IS harder for a woman to accept her step children than a man to accept his. i hate to sound sexist but I honestly truly believe its a maternal thing. Starting family, having children is genereally more a deal to women than it is to men. Plus us females i hate to say (again dont mean to be sexist) do over analyse and worry about stuff more where as men are more laid back.
so you think maternal instinct + worrying/analysing = one jealous step mom.
does he favour her kids over mine? does he want more kids? is he just saying yes to mkae me happy? if we have kids will they be as special? list goes on n on
My mother's husband did NOT
My mother's husband did NOT accept me. He hated me, and I knew it. So much for your theory, huh?
Seems like the original
Seems like the original poster is just a troll looking to stir things up, but okay.
Stepdads endure a lot of the same crap, so it's not just a female issue. Especially if the BM has been lax in her parenting skills and her kids are a bunch of spoiled, entitled brats. When I moved to be with my wife, she was letting SD's bf stay the night at our house like 5 nights a week. I quickly put an end to it so you can just about imagine how well that went over with SD. Nobody wants to feel like they are taken for granted or taken advantage of...male or female.
I truly believe there is a
I truly believe there is a biological factor to it. I am the main care giver to my SD8 and yet cannot discipline her and have no rights. She also has the "creepy eyes" like no one is home. She manipulates me by the actions of her BM. Not only that but she cannot seem to do simple things. But I really honestly feel it is biological. I cannot stand the child.
You can not discipline her
You can not discipline her and have no rights!!! This is enough to not like any child. When someone restricts you what makes you think you going to take the energy to like the child? It is not a biological thing.
I am pretty sure if you could adopt a child and put your own imprint into the child ( how you would like to raise it) You could love that child.
I think what beaccountable
I think what beaccountable said is good. And I will add to that and say it is even more important for you to put your marriage first because a) your kids need to learn to get along with people they do not like, b) you are helping them to figure out how they want you to treat their spouse/SO/BF/GF even if you don't like them, and c) if they see you will not tolerating their treating your spouse like crap, they'll have more of an incentive to at least see that your spouse is not a big meanie.
I don't hate my sd's. I
I don't hate my sd's. I certainly don't wish them any harm. I simply want nothing to do with dh's eldest daughter. SHE hates me - not the other way around. SHE is jealous of my relationship with dh. When dh's kids first came into my life, dh and I were in love and happy and I adored his daughters simply based on the fact they were a part of him. I went into my relationship with them with nothing but good intentions and a huge heart. After years of putting up with dh's angry, jealous, spiteful daughter who caused nothing but grief for me and my marriage, I disengaged. I really believe most people - 80% of step-parents and step-kids alike, are good people and don't wake up each day wanting to cause harm to others or even just simply 'hating' others. I think this step situation causes many otherwise good people, kids and adults both, to feel ugly thoughts. From a step-child's perspective, it can be hurtful and devastating when their parent's divorce. Kids can be grieving from losses that sometimes occur as a result of their parent's divorce. Then enter their parent's new partners...ya, kids can understandably be jealous and act out. For a step-parent dealing with it, even step-parents with the absolute best intentions....yes they can start to really dislike/hate these nasty little (sometimes not so little) step-children. So if people come here to vent and express their anger, now you know why. And by the way, it is not just step-mothers. Have you been on the step/bio dad's forum???? Lots of 'I hate my skid' comments there too!
to the original poster, u
to the original poster, u really have no clue, lots of men wont touch a woman if she has a kid by someone else - get with it, because we dont want the product of someone elses realtionship, coz most of us have to put up with rudeness from not only kids but ex partners, we sign up for a relationship with a partner not a ready made family
to put it in simple terms men
to put it in simple terms men are not mothers
their level of involvement with children varies
most women shoulder the majority of the child-rearing and are more prone to being hurt by BM & Sks actions when they do so much for someone else
men seem to let almost anything roll of their backs
Well I've been married for
Well I've been married for about a year now, my husband has a five year-old daughter. When we were dating he would have her once in a while when I would be with him and literally as soon as she was with us he would ignore me, and she would be all over him, and all she would do is talk about her "mommy" "my mommy this, my mommy that" UGH!!! I honestly do not know how I stuck with him. Anyways it was so bad that on our ENGAGEMENT NIGHT he had the nerve to tell my parents and I that she would always be the most important thing in his life and that if one day me and his daughter needed shoes and he could only afford for one of us, that I'd be the one shoeless
. I mean WTH if you think that don't say it, especially not to me and MY PARENTS. After his ex found out we got engaged that's when things got ugly she actually called the cops on us one day when we dropped off his daughter saying that the last time we dropped off his daughter we had beaten her (well she told the police that he beat her, and when she went to the hospital she said that I beat her) I mean this lady is seriously a psyco. He actually spent a night in jail because of this bitch. Here's the funny thing when we went to court for this she came in limping and acting like she had gotten a really bad beating, even though a month had passed since my husband had gone to jail, but when our lawyer confronted her about all her lies all she did was stay quiet and didn't say anything the rest of the court, and the funniest thing is when we left the courtroom she wasn't limping anymore!!!! After we got married nothing changed every time we dropped off his daughter we would have some kind of drama she even tried to attack me at once (while she was pregnant with a kid who she insits is my husbands but the dates don't add up and she lied during the whole pregnancy always giving him new due dates and the kid is like one now and still hasn't asked for child support for him) Oh yeah and for a while he was paying more than 600 a month for child support which made him leave his job and start another job getting paid cash. Thank God because right now I am 4 months pregnant and we will need all the money we can get. I am just glad he's kept his word of not going to get his daughter anymore so we won't have to make that three drive hour to pick her up, and the best no more drama or stress especially right now that I'm expecting. What makes me the happiest is that he changed his priorities like keeping me happy instead of his stupid ex and his bratty ass daughter }:) .
I am a stepdad and I
I am a stepdad and I struggled for the first couple of years with what I describe as a mammalian aversion to the presence of another man's spawn in my home. It was what I can only describe as a visceral reaction. On the surface I was fine but when something bothered me it was like an internal switch was flipped I had no ability to tolerate the kid.
I worked through it but it was a tough period as I addressed my issues.
Ultimately I chose to be his dad. I commited to be his dad when I asked his mom to marry me so it was my issue to work through.
As for the seemingly broader struggles that women have with Skids compared to men ...... I think men are more willing to engage on all levels including disciplining the Skids where it seems women are hesitant to discipline children they do not accept. For this reason many SKid behavior issues fester and grow to a point where from a woman's perspective they feel abandoned by their SO in favor of the SKids.
Men just seem to be able to deal with crap in a more direct manner when it concerns children in our home. Rather than letting crap fester SDads tend to address the unacceptable behavior very directly and in a timely and consistent manner. Often SDads are far better at doing this than BioDads ... for some reason.
Not that I can speak for the ladies.
All IMHO of course.
my bf does...
My bf was very quick to pick up on areas where I was failing to make my kid tow the line - partly because he does have kids around the same age. He wasn't hesitant to address it and directly with my son - if it was an area he wasn't sure about - he addressed it with me first so we could have a solid line. I am also easy with telling my stepkids off, not because I don't like them - I do! But because that is what you have to do with kids all the time if they step out of line, because you want them to be better. But I coach a sport, so I am used to telling off other people's kids! And I think that experience really helped me.
On the other hand, I thought he was a little hard on them partly because his previous gf really didn't like having them around and wasn't used to kids because she didn't have any and didn't really like them (not personal - all kids) and she liked one much more than the other. And I don't hesitate to intervene when I think he's being too hard when it's not necessary or doesn't give them enough control or influence when I think it doesn't matter if they do - not that I think kids should run the show. But if it's no sweat doing it their way, fine by me. I'm open to their opinions. As long as they know we make the final decisions.
<> It's not that we come into
It's not that we come into the relationship disliking the skids.. it happens over time.
My skids were a lot better when I first met them.. they had respect for me and didn't show their true colors.. Then when they saw their dad spending more time with me and that I was going to be a part of their lives... whoa nelly, did things change.
Their true colors came out.. all the back talking, yelling, arguing, fighting, nastiness, etc.. showed it's ugly face.
I seriously was like "WTF.. this isn't normal".. I have tried over and over again to get DH to realize how they are monsters and if he doesn't get a handle on it soon all hope of having managable teens will be lost.. some days he is on board, some days he is not.
That inconsistiency, combined with the constant undermining from both DH and Skids causes resentment in us smoms.. I started out all "ready to take this on" even when they were acting like assholes.. I accepted that and wanted to work with DH as a united front to get these kids on the right track.
And, for the record, it isn't just me who thinks these kids are out of control.. aunts, uncles, grandmas, other kids parents are shocked when they witness the flat out disrespect from these kids.. so it's not like "I'm picking on them or am looking for things to dislike." Which DH has accused me of when he gets in one of his "poor kids" defending them modes - which makes me want to puke.
I guess what I am saying is (I tend to take the long way in my replies) that these skids have issues resulting from the divorce - combine that with an enabling, guilty "disney dad" who spoils these kids rotten and sees nothing but puppies and daisies when he looks at them, who refuses to have consistiency, rules, boundaries or discipline .. and on top of that won't give the stepmom any empowerment to parent, yet all of this crap is a dynamic in her life too and it affects her - but at the same time she is expected to do all the "mom" responsibilities and chores.. you get a woman who is frustrated and resentful of her skids. To top it all off.. the skids have all the power to make her life a living hell (because DH gave it to them) and use that power to their fullest capability.
Really.. the blame lies with DH.. that's where it starts.. however, the skids have choices too.. treat smom like crap because they can or view her as a human being because it's the right thing to do...
I think a lot of y'all are
I think a lot of y'all are not so much dealing with step issues as you are just asshole kids issues.
Hey, what is wrong with using
Hey, what is wrong with using toothpicks?
I use them every day in my office after lunch.
I have been at the SM gig for
I have been at the SM gig for over a year now. It has been tumultuous at best. I entered into marriage with a man who has a daughter that he has been with in a 50/50 agreement for her whole life. BM and him split right after her birth. I came onto the scene when she was about 6/7. She is now 8. WE got married because I got pregnant. We were married and I had my son. Then we began our life as a blended family. My SD8 is not a bad kid. She is polite (mostly) and generally well behaved. But what I have issue with is the relationship with her father. She has grown accustomed to a life of being 100% doted on while in the care of each of her bio parents. Each parent fights to outdo the other in the hope of winning the most loved parent award. Unfortunately, this didn't transfer well to SD8. She is now under the impression in our new family, the lifestyle she has known her whole life haas been ripped away from her courtesy of me, aka, wicked stepmom. SD enjoyed the attentions of her parents like she were the adult in the relationship. A party in her honor everytime she went to her parents (sarc - but something like it). My contribution to our lil fam is in her mind great so long as I do nothing but provide for her and her dad. But if she sees that I am a significant person in my husbands eyes she becomes extremely jealous. In the beginning I really enjoyed my SD's company. Because I didn't live with them . Once they moved in I was no longer just an entertainer that visited them. I lived with them and became a deserving individual of respect and love from my husband. But I find myself most the time feeling like the outsider in our new fam. I feel like their personal servant. Not to mention, I am doing all of this with my own newborn son. And I have deep concerns of how SD behavior may influence my own son's feelings for me, his bio mom. Dad ofcourse enjoys the love and affection of everyone. Everyone is vying for his attention. Unfortunately I am simply vying to get him to acknowledge the error of his ways. He doesn't get to feel ostracized and the pangs of sitting in your own home feeling unwanted or like the third wheel. This is moreorless the tip of the iceberg of issues. Stepmoms are always the wicked ones in the kids eyes. In a way this is natural. I have no expectations that my SD should languish me with affection or the same feelign she has for her BM. That wouldnt' even be healthy. In fact I'd rather her not since it isn't my thing at all. But stepmoms have to carry on pretending to do all a mother should do, but with gloves. We cant' get offended when we are disrespected over and over and dismissed as adults. We can't discipline. We can't even live where we want to! There are virtually no benefits. Yes, are there moments when we feel we are okay.. ofcourse. And that is with all children I expect..peaks and valleys. But when they aren't your own children the feelings are different. It can be said the same with having a fight with your own family member vs a coworker. The more hurtful fight is the family member. Because they are supposed to be your closest ally. But as stepmoms we aren't. We are the coworker/friend/babysitter/invisible guardian to our stepkids. We think ourselves more and then it hurts. Over time, that hurts and builds resentment. The role is nearly doomed for failure. I have done what is recommended by disengaging. And did it help? yes. I no longer hurt as much. I can walk away without mentally draining myself for the next 5 days. Is it bad? at this point I don't care. I call it protection. If you get hurt enough, for long enough something will give. Since I have stopped bending over backwards to please SD and Dad I have freed myself of expecting something in return, like respect. It just doesn't hurt as much. I can move on and focus on my own son with openness and do the things with him I always wanted to do with my own child. I think men expect far too much from stepmoms considering all the realities us stepmoms have to face daily.
We should be friends...
Wow our situations sound similar and you really get it. I've been a stepmom for 5 yrs and it's just not getting that much easier, I'd say it's just up and down, with a general trajectory towards down... And now that SD is 10.5 I think she's starting to feel less obligation to care what I think and even more loyalty towards her own mom (who hates me and thinks I ruined their lives when I came into the picture, even though BM was the one who cheated on DH when SD was 1 and is now married to that guy and seemingly happy. I have no doubt BM has poisoned by SD towards me at least a little.) My SD was also treated that way - the coddled child of divorce who gets 100% of all parental resources on the 50/50 timeline, and she struggles when she isn't considered an equal or being doted on and given special treatment. She constantly tries to one-up her sister, our DD4. I don't hate her by any means, but I struggle to love her, because I feel like I've never been able to influence the things I would correct or change about her behavior or her take on the world, and have never been able to be totally honest with her - like, the only welcome feedback from me is praise or applause for anything she does- and my job (in her eyes) seems to be cooking for her, buying her things, or driving her somewhere, or other special "fun" things, otherwise I have little value to her. That is not a relationship that builds a lasting unconditional bond of love.
My other two children (DD4 and DS2.5- also DH's kids) aren't just bonded to me by biology but because I operate in a full parental role, correcting, guiding, teaching, demonstrating, loving, praising or critiquing... they accept me fully and I accept them fully - and I have no fear of parenting them in an authoritative way. If I could see my SD through a maternal lens in some ways I think we'd both be happier, but the situation on so many levels makes that impossible.
Just sounds like you are dealing with exactly the same things, and you describe it so well.
What's with women and
What's with women and stepdaughters? Hmmmm, there shouldn't be anything wrong. I always wanted a dtr. I have 2 boys-- one adult and one preteen. I thought I was going to have a fantastic family when we moved on with bf and his dtr. Maybe dads should keep a closer eye on their dtrs and their behavior and maybe try parenting them for a change or at least backup their gf, fiancée or wife. Maybe dads should be honest and inform their gf's before they tell them they will have a fantastic life if they move in with them -- marriage, family / commitment. Honesty being that their dtrs are out of control and they are spoiled foul mouth bitches who have no respect for anyone or anything--including "throw away animals". ( I want a kitten-- brings home then ignores it -- I take care of it and somehow pictures of a run over cat of theirs turns" up in their cellphones). Sick !!! Karma will come around though sometime.
I adore my BF's son. I've
I adore my BF's son. I've been with BF for almost 2 years now (son is 7) and I have always gotten along VERY well with him. He does the normal annoying kid stuff sometimes, like throw fits when he doesn't get his way or is losing a videogame. Other than that we have a great bond and I'm hoping it continues to grow.
The only issue that made me join this forum is with the BM.. we don't really have "drama" but it is a big source of insecurity for me that her and my BF had a child together. I'm 23 and this is a new situation for me and I mostly have concerns over issues to do with their previous relationship and how to stop being jealous of it and the fact that they share a child together.
I think part of it IS
I think part of it IS biological actually. I simply cannot feel the same bonds with them nor care or have the same instincts, even though i've known them since they were super young.
It doesn't help that they are selfish brats. It's not my fault, it's their own. And if DH won't control them and fix them then it is out of my hands.
I have to say though, deep down, I do care for them and when we are all together and we have family time and they are not being punished, we act as a nuclear family. It's no different.
How wrong is the OP! SM's
How wrong is the OP!
SM's dont get together with someone, knowing they have kids and instantly dislike them, otherwise we wouldnt be dating/marrying their dad!!! If we have Bio's, we ASSUME that the Skids have been bought up in a normal manner to be polite and respectful, in a manner that is at least someway closer to how we bring our own children up! You cannot have different rules in a home. When the skids arrive where there are bio's, the skids HAVE to follow the rules of the house. To me, when they come to stay at my home with their dad, no matter the age, they WILL follow the rules that my Bio follows or quite frankly they can f**k off!
SD went through a phase of "puppy dog" eyes, it worked on everyone including her dad....anyway one day I was sitting down and she asked me for something and I said no (all in front of her dad might I add!)...so she pulled the "puppy dog" eyes...so I stared straight at her and said "and you can put your face straight cos that look doesnt work on me" and carried on watching the telly....now the next look she gave me of shock was priceless.....especially as NOBODY falls for it anymore now either!
My OH and I discussed that should any of our children be in need of discipline, and the other is not around, then the Step parent has the responsibility to acknowledge the behaviour. Both my daughter and SD accept both my and my partners discipline. SS19 does too, SS17 hates me! lol But as per my blog, I dont give a s**t about him anyway
Many of the comments from
Many of the comments from step mothers here make no sense to me. My wife I know is thinking the same way. That is why I am separating and maybe divorcing her. No point in dealing with a wife who tells your child they hate them and screams at them when they are mad.. All you women who say that to your step children.. Its like you took a knife and jabbed it into your husband..
And that is another thing.. I am under the impression many of you do not even love your husbands.. The way you talk just gives me that impression.
I am guessing if I did walk into your situation, some of what you said is true, but I am guessing that there is a lot on your side as well..
Its ironic.. Everyone but my wife loves my daughter.. I goto the daycare and they are always telling me things they like about her.. My wife, on the other hand, sees my her as a "mini ex-wife".
like it is the child's fault they were born to another parent..
Yes, the daycare, the
Yes, the daycare, the teacher, your friends, etc. they will all love your daughter. Kids always liked me before I became a stepmother. My step kids will hug my friend, sister, cousins, etc no problem. But all those people are not taking her dad away, taking away daddy's attention, ruining daddy reuniting with their biological mother, and they don't piss your ex-wife off or make her jealous so of course she gets along with them. You have to understand what your new wife represents to your daughter who is probably a daddy's girl. My husband will kiss my stepdaughter who is 5 and she will look at my daughter and I to make sure we see as if she is boasting. My stepson who is 6 constantly asks his father about the life they had before I came which is less than the amount of time I have been here and time he spent with the "new family". He refuses to eat my food unless it is hotdogs or chicken when my bio-daughter's friend and the rest of the family eat it all up (I can cook better than the ex). He will say things like, that is not how my mommy makes it and all the sudden I am in competition I didn't sign up for. Stepmothers also usually have to create a relationship every other weekend where they do home and forget the boundaries and rules and their mother may make it a point to tell them they don't have to listen to stepmom because she is not your mother...and stepfathers get their stepkids under their roof where they can create a relationship not to mention how most kids listen to men easier than they listen to women. Don't ask why stepmothers have issues with stepkids because I am sure your wife tried harder than she did with her own children...but instead ask why stepkids resist stepmothers. My stepdaughter sits under me all the time, hugs, kisses, you name it...stepson does too which is surprising because he gives me a hard way to go even calling me fat when his mother is bigger than me...when my husband and I saw them out with their mother, my step daughter did not want to even come to me and at 5 she admitted she did not want to make her mom mad. I'm sorry, but you are not being fair. I met a man and found happiness. I had no idea it would end up being my stepkids unhappiness....and both stepkids have said they want their parents back together (which they were not worried about until I came along). That hurts like hell but the rules of society is that I have to love beyond that. Sorry but I know my daughter loves me unconditionally and it not the same feeling I get from my stepkids. Yes, there are great moments, but there are also painful ones. The most painful is when you have a husband that parents out of guilt and doesn’t support his wife like he would the mother of his children (a woman he is no longer with or wants to be with. And it is even worse when he doesn’t recognize it and is not able to “fix” it.
Why It's Easier to Love a
Why It's Easier to Love a Stepfather Than a Stepmother
The tensions between stepmothers and stepchildren.
When I first began researching my book Stepmonster six years into marrying a man with kids from a previous partnership, one fact hit me square in the forehead: over and over, people with stepparents who heard about my project let me know that they liked their stepdads just fine. In fact, in many cases, they loved them, even considered them "another dad." It was their stepmoms who were the problem, they insisted. As one woman in her thirties told me, "I know it's not about me, because I love my stepdad. He's a great guy. My stepmother on the other hand--I can't stand her."
This theme--nice stepdad, "horrible" stepmom--was remarkably common, as was the tendency to consider a stepfather "another parent" but a stepmother more like "my father's wife," even when the relationship between the stepchild of any age and the stepmother was good. Most notable--and sad--was the marked frequency of strained relations between stepdaughters and stepmothers. Indeed, much of the literature on stepparenting suggests that, broadly speaking, stepmothers and stepchildren are less close than stepfathers and stepchildren. What accounts for these differences?
The common take on tensions between stepmothers and stepchildren in our culture is, of course, that stepmothers are overwhelmingly likely to be nasty, petty, and jealous, creatures right out of the Brothers Grimm. It would only follow, this cultural logic goes, that their stepkids dislike and reject them.
The demographic reality--there are now more stepfamilies than first families in the U.S.--has gone some distance to close the gap between our perceptions of stepmothers as a group, and who they actually are. We know from the research, for example, that my own findings exemplify some important truths about stepfamily life: that many stepmothers actually bend over backwards to try to win over wary stepkids, and that most women who take on life with a man with kids of any age do so with the best intentions. As stepfamilies become statistically normative, we have the opportunity to re-write the stepmothering script along lines that are less fantastical and rooted in myth, and more rooted in the day-to-day realities of stepfamily life.
But that's just the problem. For it turns out that the root of much of the tension between stepmothers and stepchildren is in lived experience, not just in myth. This is particularly true in the case of stepmothers and stepdaughters. As it turns out, it's not just that most women with stepchildren try hard, at least initially. It's that they feel they have to, because they face significant challenges that a stepfather doesn't. The next time you hear a child, young adult, or adult talking about not getting along with his or her stepmother, you can bet one of the following challenges unique to stepmothers is at play:
1. Children, young adults, and adults have a harder time accepting a stepmother than they do a stepfather. This frequently translates into hostile and rejecting behavior. Simply put, the literature on stepparenting bears out the reality that stepmothers generally have a tougher row to hoe than do stepdads, and much of this difficulty steps from feeling rejected by and actually being rejected by their stepchildren of any age.
2. What makes it harder for a stepchild to accept a stepmother? What builds a stepchild's resentment of "dad's new wife"? If you think it's her own wickedness of just plain lack of trying, guess again. It may have more to do with the children's mother than anything the stepmother is doing or not doing. According to researchers including Mavis Hetherington and Constance Ahrons, after a divorce women experience more resentment and anger, and experience it for longer, than do men, who are more likely to nurture fantasies of reconciliation and work for "smooth sailing" with an ex spouse. Based on her 30-year Virginia Longitudinal Study of life post-divorce, Hetherington concludes that stepmothers are frequently singled out for very bad treatment indeed by stepchildren who pick up on their mother's anger and resentment and become her proxy in their father's household. As more than one adult stepchild told me, "My mom wouldn't like it if my stepmom and I were close." Often, a stepchild who "hates" stepmom feels that in doing so she is expressing solidarity with her mother. If mom would explicitly give her permission to like her stepmother, and let her know that being nasty to stepmom is not an option, the behavior, and the resentment it stems from, would likely vanish.
3. Women with stepchildren are more likely to feel compelled to try everything to win his kids over. This too often includes trying to act maternal and loving. And for a child or adult child in a loyalty bind-sensing that liking stepmom is a betrayal of mom-stepmom's overreaching and attempts "to act like she's my mom" will seem especially offensive and threatening. Thus she will be more roundly rejected. Stepfathers, on the other hand, have a wider berth to step back and let things develop on their own with their stepkids. As one man with a stepson told me, "I wanted my wife to be a mother to my son. I even thought it should come to her 'naturally' somehow. But I didn't feel the pressure to be that to my stepsons. They already had a dad and I was clear about that. I was there to be someone extra to do things with them, listen to them, stuff like that." Such double standards break against stepmothers. But with less pressure on them to be "paternal," stepfathers feel less pressure to act just like dads, and stepkids feels less internal conflict about "betraying" dad. Don't forget that having an ex husband is, statistically speaking, generally easier than having an ex wife owing to differences (again, broadly speaking) in anger and resentment post divorce. Since dad is less likely to have a strong agenda about how his kids are "raised" by stepdad (who isn't as likely to feel compelled to do the raising anyway), there are fewer opportunities for conflicts between men across households than there are between women across households. All this contributes to the stepfamily mix, making it more combustible in the case of a stepmother household (husband, wife, and his kids) than in the case of a stepfather household (husband, wife, and her kids).
4. Girls, young women, and adult women in particular are likely to model their mother's feelings and behaviors and subscribe to her beliefs regarding her divorce from their father. This fact, plus the fact of an ex-wife's resentment of her husband repartnering, often fuels the fire of a stepdaughter's hostility toward her stepmother.
5. Divorced and repartnered or remarried fathers often feel fearful of incurring the anger of their ex-wives ("If she gets mad, I might never see my kids again") and of alienating their children if they say "no" or hold the kids to a high standard of behavior. For these reasons, an ex-wife may be a very powerful presence in her ex husband's home, her agenda profoundly felt. And Dad's house may become the "no rules" household-meaning there are few rules about treating stepmom with respect, both because he is fearful of alienating his kids, and because of his ex wife's influence. When a wife or partner with stepchildren attempts to assert her right to being treated fairly in the household under these conditions, her husband or partner may not support her position. This causes tension within the couple, tension which the stepmother may attribute to the stepchildren alone. And so the tension between stepmother and stepchild is further fueled, this time from within the stepparent/stepchild dyad.
6. In spite of increasingly involved dads, mothers are more likely to be awarded full or primary custody in most states according to divorce and custody experts. This means stepmothers are still likely to see their stepchildren exclusively on alternate weekends, holidays, and on vacations. Experts tell us it is harder to build a secure and happy relationship with a stepchild of any age in such "spurts." Stepdads, on the other hands, are likely to live with women who have custody of their children, facilitating daily interaction and a relationship that develops over time rather than in rushed weekends or potentially stressful holiday "visits."
In general, therapists and the rest of us should be aware that, when an accusation of "stepmonster" is leveled, something far more complicated (and common) than a "wicked stepmother" is almost always the root cause. We should also bear in mind that rather than being a question of having "good intentions and a good heart," a stepmother's success with her partner's kids usually hinges on factors (outlined above) beyond her control.
This is exactly it. Blended
This is exactly it. Blended families are difficult, but all these facts are real for most step moms. I can relate to this entirely !! I actually have a few tears in my eyes because it's all to real. The struggle is real. The divorce rate for second marriages are real too, it saddens my heart.
It sounds like it may be a
It sounds like it may be a blessing for your wife- if you divorce her. Perhaps you can reconcile with your daughters mother because she is probably the only women who will love your daughter unconditionally as you wish. It doesn't matter if you get s divorce and find a new wife in your future - problems will arise with your new wife and daughter I can guaranteed it. It sounds like your daughter wants all your attention and she will never like any your girlfriends. Your daughter will only want your wife. Oh by the way... The hole daycare and everyone loving her and thinking she's wonderful probably is true. My bio son is 7 and at school, with friends parents, at baseball, he is such a polite sweet little boy everyone is like ' such a shy sweet little boy' at home he gives me attitude, tells me no all the time, and I am his biological mother
it's funny because kids know how to put acts on with certain people.
I know for a fact a man who
I know for a fact a man who does Hate his SD (my daughter) because she is opinionated, you know what she tried to accept him, he tried, it did not work she has been in the military for awhile now and all I have to say is Im VERY proud of her and I don't care what anyone thinks! it does go both ways but most men don't talk about their feelings just to avoid confrontation.
I would like to think SD's
I would like to think SD's and SS's will eventually grow up but I haven't seen anything yet.
Try supporting your wives 10
Try supporting your wives
10 Ways to Support Your Wife as a Stepmom
Written by M. Jantzen
I just asked my wife how long she has been a stepmom. She knew almost down to the second: “Four years, four months and four days.” She’s done a lot in her life: run half marathons, earned a master’s degree, even changed the oil on fifty trucks a day for a summer job, but nothing has challenged her as much as being a stepmother to my two boys who come every weekend.
She has risen to the challenge remarkably, but it’s been a journey. Sometimes she has felt alone and misunderstood. To stand by her, I’ve had to figure out what she really needs from me. Having a blended family is still incredibly hard, but our teamwork and communication has gotten a whole lot stronger.
Further reading: My wife’s story of finding her way out of resentment.
Here are 10 things to remember as you support your wife as a stepmom:
1. She needs time to grow in unconditional love. This kind of love is twice as hard for her. It doesn’t flow naturally in her veins for your kids. You are able to forgive and have patience with them much more easily because they’re your flesh and blood. Don’t expect her to be a bubbling, joyful, loving stepmother all the time. Give love time to grow.
2. She needs you to listen patiently to her disappointments. She is always settling for less than she hoped for. You may have been a great catch, but what tagged along shattered some of her dreams. No woman dreams of sharing finances between two households, or of always having another woman’s schedule and decisions affect her life. Her romantic ideals did not include having dates with you interrupted with text messages from your ex.
3. She needs you to be her cheerleader, not her critic. The “evil stepmother” is the exception, not the norm. Most stepmoms work really hard at their role; they want this messy thing called the blended family to actually work. Your wife is probably already working on trying to improve. She might even feel like a failure. If you have to bring up a recurring problem, do it over a romantic dinner and first tell her how amazing she is.
4. She and the kids need time to work out their relationship themselves. Men like to fix things, but when it comes to blended family relationships, this can really backfire. Well-intentioned suggestions are easily taken as implied criticism and can make a stepmother feel bad about herself. It can also feel pushy to her and the kids. At the root of such suggestions is often frustration and impatience. This isn’t something you can fix quickly.
5. She needs your back up. Stepmoms don’t gain respect the instant they form a new family unit. Respect is usually earned over the long haul. If she corrects the kids or says ‘no’ to their latest request, tell them, “You heard what your stepmom said!” If you disagree, tell her privately and gently. If the kids act defiantly toward her, make sure they know you are just as much a part of the decision. Form a united front and don’t budge.
6. She needs you to notice her efforts. It’s always a good idea to show appreciation to your partner, but when she’s a stepmom, it’s even more vital. She may not receive hugs and kisses or “I love yous” from the kids too often. Model appreciation: “Thank you for cooking this amazing dinner for us!” Remind your kids to say “thank you” as well. When you’re alone together, layer on the praise and be specific. “You sure work hard at putting those lunches together for school.” “Thank you for being so patient when this place becomes a zoo each weekend.”
7. She needs you to listen without taking things personally. I’m sure you’ve been there—your partner is upset and telling you all about it, but then you suddenly get defensive; your pride takes a hit because you’ve begun to take it personally. You feel like she’s asking for a life that you can’t provide. When this happens, remember: she’s not attacking you. She just needs to express and process her frustrations with blended family dynamics. Keep your skin thick but your heart soft.
8. She needs you to respect her view of the situation. Your take on the situation is incomplete. The way you see things has been shaped by your past experiences with your former spouse. You also have an array of emotions that effect how you communicate with your ex. Your partner can offer fresh perspective and valuable wisdom as you navigate decisions as a team or try to solve conflicts with your former spouse. She’ll feel validated when you seek her advice.
9. She needs a place to call her own. Kids have a way of taking over a house. Every room becomes a playground, and it can feel like they only have two volumes: loud and louder. We all need space to stay sane, but as a stepmom, your wife needs it even more. She may not be used to the chaos, so carve out a space that’s just for her—a room that’s off limits to the kids or buy her a new reading chair for your bedroom. Then she’ll have more energy to offer the family.
10. She needs you all to herself more than once in a while. With the divorce rate for second marriages even higher than for first marriages, it is crucial that you carve out time to be together: book a night away; keep a regular date night; take a trip occasionally. Make sure to schedule it or it won’t happen. When you get away, just focus on each other; don’t talk about the mess. Only respond to emergency calls or texts. Protect your time together so you can stay together and beat the odds.
As you work at remembering and prioritizing your wife’s needs, she will feel respected, understood and cared for. She will become even more motivated to become the very best stepmother she can. Your marriage will become a source of strength and joy as you face even the toughest challenges in your blended family, and your kids will have a greater sense of security as they witness what a healthy marriage looks like.
double post!
double post!
I don't think all do hate the
I don't think all do hate the kids. I don't. I find it really difficult because they are not raised with any expectations and they are self entitled but I definitely don't hate them. Do I love them?? hmmm... probably not though. But I'm ok with them.
It's just the self entitled part that is hard. Want a thank you? DOn't hold your breath. Want their clothes put away? Good luck. How about dishes left in the sink? Yep- continual. My kid does more at 3 than my skids do at 15. The old one just dumps her towel in the middle of her floor. 3 days later, 3 towels (cos she has to get a fresh one every time she has a shower) and eventually the dad will pick it up and we will have this mountain of washing.
ohh- thanks for that supporting thing above. I've never seen that before. Number 9 is dead on true. I really dislike it when the kids come into the bedroom. It's hard enough without having them invade the bedroom.
OMG. This.
OMG. This.
My skids used to use about a dozen towels in a weekend for just 3 kids...all were left sopping wet all over my hardwood floors when they left Monday morning. I tried installing hooks...they were ignored. Eventually, I ended up putting two towels on each bed and hiding the rest for the weekend...and telling them that if I found a towel on the floor, it got taken away. I didn't care if they had to run through the house naked on Monday morning and drip dry before school if they'd lost all their towel privileges. NOT. THEIR. MAID.
Nobody likes bad a$$ kids.
Nobody likes bad a$$ kids. PERIOD. You don't have to be a stepmom to not like misbehaved, spoiled, entitled, rude, disrespectful kids. Unfortunately a lot of stepmoms have stepchildren that display this undesirable behavior.
Stepdads don't have the same problems we do.
Like many on this post have mentioned.... we didn't start off hating our stepkids, it was a gradual process. There just comes a time when you get sick of giving, trying, showing and reaching out to kids that just take, take, take and don't respond favorably to all your efforts. Enough is enough and we end up just not liking the kids. And that's okay. Afterall, the stepkids don't like us and it seems to be acceptable by everyone.
I know this is an old post -
I know this is an old post - but the subject matter is ageless.
I am in my late 60s. I've seen many children grow up over the past 50 decades. I truly believe that some children (and yes in intact homes for the most part) are just born wrong. All other siblings are decent normal human beings.
I don't believe in tossing minor children aside because they have problems - but one should recognize that unfortunately some children are just born to be worthless horrible human beings no matter what efforts their parents make.
Bio parents must keep trying to guide their minor children into a path towards being a decent human being. Step parents should not block this path but they are under no obligation to expend extra efforts to try to rehabilitate worthless spawn.
Do you always show your wife
Do you always show your wife that she is just as IMPORTANT to you as your biological children are. Do you tell her you love her when your biological children are around OR are you afraid your children may feel jealous because your attention is not fully on them. Does your children treat her with respect, even wHen your NOT around? Is your wife's bio children and your bio children equally shown affection love In your home by you.
What is your children's birth mother like Do you have a BM who tries to mingle in your relationship and cause chaos, and involves your biological children. Does your wife ever feel threatened by BM meaning that there is a chance you would reconcile with BM for your children's sake.
Do you have rules at your home when your biological children are there, such as they help clean up their messes, do the dishes, take out the garbage if they are old enough. Or do you spoil them when you have them in your care because you feel guilty that your not around everyday.
When my new spouse and I got together over 4 years ago he accepted my sons kindly, and my sons really adore him and love him. My spouse just was reconnected with his son SS13 almost a year ago, BM and ss13 showed up at the door and ever since then it has been over bearing, over whelming, me and my sons have been pushed to the side. BM tries to call all the shots in our house and lays down rules were me and my kids cannot be around when my spouse has ss13 which means my children and I leave our house for the weekend and sleep else where. My spouse doesn't agree with it obviously but BM holds his son against him.thereofre my spouse has to follow BM wishes to a point in order to see his son. Ss13 eats this up with a smile, enjoys this chaos because he also gets his way with help from BM and wants full attention on him when he is around dad.
We try to do family things like go on a trip, go bike riding, doing a week camping trip bbq with family, go the beach all together and it usually ends up spouse having to only attend to ss13 needs not anybody else. BM is always calling for something, or to just talk or meet up to discuss ss13 BM wants to be with my spouse and my spouse knows this and has told her he was happily married, and still she proceeds to put limitations rules and everything should be by her expectations which spouse and I then fight about. In the end she is basically winning this game of hell. Splitting up a marriage, and ss13 enjoys it every bit too . Therefore leaving me with resent for both BM and SS unfortunately. The feeling of being shoved to the side for SS and BM needs now.
Women need to feel loved, wanted, appreciated, taken care of. Respected, relationships need all this. Kids exes other family members may be apart of this relationship dynamic but in the end it's the two people in the relationship that will have each other for ever and even though children are priority sometimes marriage needs to be a top priority . My opinion.
For me as a Stepmother (my
For me as a Stepmother (my stepchildren are all adults.) I don’t hate my stepchildren despite the hurt they have caused me – especially one in particular.
I went into my marriage with an open (naïve) heart. I never had any intention of being a “mother” to them. They have one – and they are adults. I just wanted them to accept me and see that I make their father happy. I was not the cause of the divorce between BM or with his 2nd wife. The BM and I actually have a decent relationship. We have never had an argument, etc. I will admit I was jealous of her for a while and deep down probably always will be - but to hate her children – NO. I have been told by others that BM actually is happy for my husband and me.
I have made numerous attempts to meet for lunch, invite them over, text messages with b-day wishes/anniversary etc. only to be turned down with excuses and/or lies or completely ignored. When they come over to our home – which is very rare – I am excluded either intentionally or unintentionally in conversations. Out of the 4 – one in particular uses relational aggression. I am purposely excluded and it has been noticed even by my husband that her children act with dislike towards me. After SD’s daughter was born she used to call, send pictures, tag on Facebook, etc. then after she visited with my husband’s second wife…nothing. The exclusion started after she had a visit with my husband’s second wife. I was hurt that she had toyed with my heart/good nature by using a grandchild. Well, from what I have read on here – those type usually use the grandkids.
I disengaged from her in a subtle way as to not cause any waves. Both of my BDs - told me to be smarter at her “game”. If she sends a text – respond but keep in general. If she ignores a text – don’t say anything because that is what she wants. I have also followed the advice of other stepmoms on here – smile and treat them as if they were a distant relative. 3 out of the 4 remembered me on Mother’s Day. I believe in being the bigger person and sent a text to one and it was ignored. Fine by me – like my daughters said…don’t give her any ammunition. Be you and it is her loss. As far as the Sgrandkids – I no longer try. I have my own grandchildren and though I wish I could at least be a part of my Sgrandkids life – I have accepted that will never be. Even my own husband told me to not to expect to bond with them. As hurtful as that was - I appreciated his honesty. I will not keep my husband from his children – I will just step aside…
It is not in my nature to be hateful or cruel – but I also believe it makes it easier to be stepped-on. So to answer your question is it something biological to hate stepchildren – no, not for me…my biological nature was to have open arms and a kind heart – that was not reciprocated. I have chosen to focus on me, my adult children and my grandchildren.
I don’t hate my SD. I used to adore her, in the beginning before her BM started to manipulate via my SD. The dysfunction of a marriage doesn’t end after divorce, some BMs still insist on acting like our DH current wife. Women also tend to stay hurt and angrier longer after divorce, and kids loyalty is usually to their BM. So, most Skids will accept a SF better than a SM. On top of that, BDs tend to be guilty about their children being products of divorce. The skids and BM get catered to, while SM is the expected to be the bigger person, no matter how much we get shunned, verbally and emotionally abused, and disrespected by BM and Skids. In fact, a recent article in Psychology Today explained this all perfectly. It also states that BM is the only one thst can usually stop the conflict by trying to accept BD’s new relationship with the SM and telling the kids that it’s okay for then to love and accept SM. Most BM’s do the opposite and the Skids relationships with the members of their blended family, especially SM suffer.
Also, male partners and husbands often are oblivious to or ignore the manipulative actionss, bad attitudes behaviors of BM and Skids towards the SM and other children in the home. So everyone not related to the Skids feels slighted.
This sounds familiar!
I love my step daughter but also get so frusterated sometimes and can very well see how other women could feel such strong anger against their step children. In my opinion, gender roles play greatly in this matter. Mother's are generally the care takers, the ones who do a lot of the raising, guiding and disciplining with great expectation. Men are quite often the 'fun ones.' It's easy to have a kid in your life when all you have to do is go to work and come home and play for a bit and sleep (at least that's what my boyfriend does.) A lot of the times women have to do a lotttt for the kids. I have a bio baby and can tell you first hand my life revolving around her constant needs simply comes naturally. I don't feel annoyed, fursterated, used. I don't feel underappreciated. Doing everything for my step daughter simply isn't the same. It doesn't come naturally. It doesn't feel like my responsability and quite frankly I feel used. I can do everything for my step daughter but still don't receive the love my boyfriend does. My boyfriend says the very same thing, 'i don't get it.' Which is fine, as long as you understand that you probably will never understand what being a mother is like, especially a step mother. It could be summed up as 'all of the work and none of the love.' in my home lol all I can say is cut your wife some slack. Being a step mom is one of the harded roles in society and its probably a lot less about your step kid and more about the role in general. It's nobody's dream.
Men do not have nearly as many challenges as stepmoms
1. Enters a household where BM already has set schedule and rules. He is only supposed to participate.
2. Weekends and some weekdays without kid. No question. No debate.
3. Extra money in form of child support.
4.bm does all the work of cooking cleaning etc. For which she gets praise and appreciation and gifts.
1. Enters a household with rules set by BM. No rules are set by dad at all. Cannot participate in making rules or a schedule bc that is supposed to be set by the paremts. Cannot make rules as she is not the parent.
2. Weekends off and some weekdays. Always interrupted by Bm phonecalls or exts or impromptu visits because the kid needs this or that. Then dh angry bc he is not being left alone by SM wanting to help with issues.
3. 300- 500 dollars of child support goes to the kid. Sometimes this makes SM the breadwinner in a household where she has no voice.
4. Sm does all the work of cooking and cleaning. After angry dh and ungrateful entitled brats in a household that seems to be against her.
5. Expected to love complete strangers without setting boundaries for acceptable behavior(the very definition of toxic environment)
I'd like to challenge that.
I'd like to challenge that. As the man, I'm finding the situation to be 180 degrees out...
I entered DW's life, my kids are one adult and one living with his mom and about to graduate HS. DW is quite the Disneylander and seems to be trying to win a popularity contest, so although she "sets" the schedules and such, there's no set schedule. Plans? Forget about it.
I make double what she makes. She could work more and make more, but doesn't want to.
I cook plenty, but DW is home A LOT and insists she does most.
I have NO SAY in schedules, plans, anything... if I make any plan, she shoots it down or tells me to "go on and enjoy" without her. Rules? Etiquette? Forget about it.
This isn't a man vs woman thing, it's a Disneyland parent vs Normal parent thing. Not gender specific, it's who PARENTS their kids, and who BUDDIES their kids. I was raised that parents are mentors, not friends; and kids are adults in training.
My ex didn't agree with me, now she has a couple of snowflake losers who can't do squat on their own because she insisted she do it all her way - and this was a major reason I filed for divorce... she didn't believe in PARENTING. DW is this way with her kids, and though I am showing her what my kids turned out to be, she says she doesn't agree with my approach - says she doesn't want her kids "goose-stepping around the house," being "robots," etc. I tell her I'm not expecting anything of them that the whole world doesn't expect - and I'm not a dictator... I do have boundaries and expectations, and if you get it wrong, there needs to be repercussions. But since she doesn't want that, I've disengaged. I know I'm right, that's all I can do.
I agree with you that the
I agree with you that the type of issues you are stating above, can just as easily happen with a step-dad as a step-mom; however, the issues Maria10 stated cannot be ignored Yes, it is a Disneyland parent vs. Normal parent thing, but it is also about all SPs starting out a huge disadvange to begin with--basically being thrown into a foreign environ./ family and expected to make it work with little to no support. In the case of most women (and some men), they also have to deal with all of the issues that Maria10 stated above, so this is why for MOST it is further taxing to be a SM than step-dad. But, there are certainly exceptions to this.
It is 100% a man vs woman
It is 100% a man vs woman thing. Doesn't mean there aren't exceptions...but just read the research, man. Skids themselves are 10X more likely to accept a step-dad than a step-mom.
Like most stepmoms, I went into the relationship wanting to love and have a relationship with my skids. That was not allowed to happen.
Well, this was an interesting
Well, this was an interesting post I never saw before!
I came into this marriage expecting to have a decent cordial relationship with grown SD. I loved my husband. Why wouldn't I want at least that with his daughter? That was not reciprocated from SD.
So I'd turn around the OP's question: is there a biological reason SD couldn't be decent to her father's wife? I didn't expect love, but I hoped for friendship. I got a big pot of crap instead.
After a decade of marriage, I believe step conflict IS rooted in biology. TIME magazine once ran a cover story about how men are biologically designed to cheat (as in spread their seed for maximum offspring). If that is true, and maybe it is, biology probably also dictates that second marriages will be doomed by biology: skids protect BM/BD out of a survival mechanism; stepparents naturally reject offspring that is not their own.
How can any of us win when biology has set us up to lose?
Why are people even
Why are people even responding to this nonsense from an obvious troll? There's tons of information and research available that clearly explains why Stepdads have it easier than Stepmoms...if this guy really wants to know. No need to reiterate here. Or, God forbid, he could just listen to his wife with a little bit of empathy.
Here's my question. How come so many stepdads and boyfriends of single moms molest their stepkids? I mean - statistics show nearly 20% of kids who are molested are molested by the husband or boyfriend of their mother. Stepmoms don't seem to have this problem with their stepkids. What gives?
Oh let’s not shed light on
Oh let’s not shed light on the douchcanoe husbands who not only ignore their own children’s crappy behavior, but target yours and tell them to GTFO. Call your daughters lazy, fat, liars, let’s his son taunt your son and then say “ I’m just making a man out of him” those dear husbands that parasite themselves into your financial means, and bring their parents along so you can support a household size of 10. I mean really wtf is wrong with a woman who gives her husbands daughter a three bedroom house to live in, all she has to do is pay her utilities and it’s not even her paying.. it’s her boyfriend. So she stiffs you for the bills, runs to dear husbands second ex wife and moves in there. Oh and let’s not forget the stepmom who stopped her children’s summer vacations to stay home on her days off from work to tutor her stepson through 7 th grade math, because he wasn’t doing it period and his father was way to busy working to make his son toe the line.. hence why said stepson had been kicked out of public school. Oh and let’s not forget the devoted wife who let her husband quit his job AND fix his back for 15 months, while explaining to sheriff why his son was supposed to be fishing but instead was hanging out with a runaway. Or let’s see, what about the stepdaughter who was trying to have another woman break up our marriage. You mean stuff like that? And that’s only the tip of the iceberg. So while you are asking what’s wrong with “ us women” how about you reevaluate your misogynistic ideas about us and your part that you play in causing the dynamic to unfold...
Yeah i dont know what it is...i thought at first I was just cold towards kids...I even confided in my SO that I was worried I wouldnt be affectionate when our daughter came...but that was further from the truth and ik its terrible i know his kids see me cuddling and being all huggy with my daughter n not even talking to them...but I can not for the life of me bring myself to want his 2 boys around...they are ill mannered, loud, obnoxious brats...they havent managed to make the 5 year old quit swearing and for that im not going to want them around my daughter anyways shes just starting to learn words...thankfully they dont come over but maybe once every 3 months...but i wish I wasnt this way..it doesnt help that i caught him flirting with the mom when he was drunk one day so it made me really resent them and that "woman" for being around so much that i plan on moving us about 40 minutes away from the city..but there are other reasons for that too like bad influences in the city and we need to get away i dont want to raise my daughter in the hood n have her end up like them at the ripe old age of 5 lol...but yeah i hate the fact he has to speak to her n i told him if that EVER happened again im leaving him n at the very least id stay but communication would be cut entirely between them kids or not and no im not gonna be the one to talk to her...they can communicate thru his mom since she is the one with them every weekend....but i dont care if i sound petty keeping them from talking if that stupid stuff happens again lol thats not fair to me.... but yeah they are just so irritating to me...im never mean to them if they ask for something ill get it...but they can be sitting in a room for hours and i wont say a word...it doesnt help either that when i got with him i noticed that when he had his kids yeah he had em but he didnt interact so that made me not care to either...he even said i dont have with my boys what i have with you and my daughter even tho they came first.... n that he didnt really watch them grow up n doesnt have that connection wiith them like me and his daughter...and thats good and well but they are still his kids and he loves them...and id love to be able to love them but i cant..i dont have it in me to be motherly to another womans children...he told me to thats why a lot of people liked the girl he dated before me cuz she would take them to the movies, to the park, etc...she was basically trying to buy his love tho cuz he didnt real like her but she bought him a ton of stuff so he stuck around like an ass lol but i told him that sorry honey im not fake im not gonna sit here and pretend to wanna do stuff when i dont i told him i dont have it in me to get close to yes your children..BUT your children with ANOTHER woman..they arent mine....n i kno he wishes that i was closer but its definitley not make or break for him ....cuz i even get tickets for us for the zoo or the fair or whatever and he doesnt say anything like oh get tickets for the boys n once again i feel bad ill make sure i get me him and my daughter a ticket and not tell him till after they are bought so that i dont have to buy them one n plus he can be like a kid when it comes to money so its hard on me when he doesnt have a job so id just say well sorry but unless somebody else pays for them i cant afford it...at this point im venting lol so im going to stop but yeah it sucks when you wish you werent the way you were but circumstances plus mother nature (certain animals will deny babies who arent theres) make you this way
step kids
n to the subject of gender yes its different in the sense that ive had 2 boyfriends who had kids tell me they wouldnt have dated me if I had a kid ...aint that somethin... and yes one day he mention that he wish she would give him one of his kids n i didnt mince words i said what so i could carry him finacially and watch him too since i know your not gonna watch him its gonna be Melissa get him this! Melissa cook them that! Melissa! Melissa....and again he doesnt work and I CANT AFFORD an 8 year old that has field trips and school things and back to school things...no i told him sorry but unless you were the one to care for him completely its not happening (not that the mom would let it happen anyways she would never give one of them up) but lucky for me she doesnt want them around us n thats why its just me him and my daughter 90% of the time....so yes the step mom will always have more on her plate than a stepdad...mom is a mom is a mom is a mom...she is the caretaker mainly of kids so its harder on her
Noticed this is an old post but heres my thoughts.
There’s actually being research done on this. It is biology? Possibly evolutionary if I remember correct?
Women are more selective when it comes to having children because it cost them more than men.
While men can biologically run around and have as many children as they want, only limited by how much sex they can have, a woman can only have about 1 a year max. Even now males of many animals will have multiple offspring at the same time from multiple females of their group.
Let’ also add that it is still the norm that the female after the divorce has it MUCH easier. Many times she is given a large amount of support from her ex while being given a lot of support from the community around her. If she marries again her partner is PRAISED and seen as the hero coming to rescue her. They can have another child knowing they get a paycheck from the ex subsidizing the first.
On the other end the male is paying a large amount of money meaning he has less to give to his new home. A new wife is seen in a negative light. She’s overstepping her bounds if she loves the children like her own while called a wicked step mom if she doesn’t devote every moment of her life to the child. Many end up unable to have another child or if they do they do so knowing that the struggle will be intensified because again a large amount of the fathers income is going to the other home. In general we look at the step mom as a replacement and her children as replacement children. We don’t ignore or downplay a child’s fears in this area and we tell them it’s perfectly normal.
But remember back at moms everyone’s one big happy family.
Stepmothers may go in with the best intentions but the setup is against them, while stepfathers are given everything to make it easier for them. That can cause resentment, frustration, and yes jealousy.
Never mind. This is a nearly
Never mind. This is a nearly 7yo thread. Ughhh. I need to read the date of the OP before I get all into a response.
As the say, follow the money. In the experience of most StepDads Skids represent either an inflow of cash to the family coffers or at worst it is neutral. Rarely does a StepDad have the stress of his SO paying CS rather than receiving it.
That is IMHO the biggest part of what SMoms struggle with .... compounded with the tendency of BMs to be extremely difficult to deal with for SMs and for the SM's SO.
The solution is for the SM's equity life partner to actually be an equity life partner, to put their wife and marriage first above all else including any children in the home regardless of kid biology and for damned sure they have to keep their X under control. All of this includes managing the drain on finances that the NCP is responsible for. CS and any other CO'd financial responsibilities should be the limit of the financial contribution that an NCP in a subsequent marriage makes to their initial marriage family members. Beyond that, any expenditure for Skids should be a joint decision between the spouses.
Zero money that benefits the X should ever be provided beyond what is ordered by the court.
These elements go a long way to the closeness that a SMom may have with her Skids.
You mentioned rejection of Skids being a biological thing. I believe that at some level that is truth. I equate it to an Animal Planet special on Lions. When a new male takes over a pride the first thing that usually happens is for that new male to kill the young progeny of his predecessors in order to free up resources for his own progeny and to induce estrus in the breeding age lionesses. I struggled with a visceral revulsion to my own SS while his mom and I were dating.
Fortunately humans have intellect and the ability to act beyond pure mammalian instinct. So I changed my response to the presence of the kid, raised him as my own, and love him unconditionally... or at least as long as he keeps his relative behavioral shit together. He asked me to adopt him when he was 22. We made that happen.
It makes sense that unrelated child that takes resources from and injects toxic drama into SM's family would be rejected by the SM at a core mammalian level.
When the idiots in the black harry potter robes repeatedly awarded the SpermIdiot an income reduction credit of $1000/mo for CS calculation purposes due to my income it pissed me off to no end. Even the maximum income reduction credit only reduced his CS obligation by $50/mo We never needed the money but that the morons on the court bench awarded any benefit at all to the SpermClan from my income still chaps my ass many years after my son aged out from under the Custody/Visitation/Support CO. So.... I can understand how absolutely nauseating it must be seeing potentially $thousands/mo of marital income going to support what is highly likely to be a toxic, nasty, ill behaved prior relationship breeding experiment household invader that is a toxic influence in the SM's home, marriage and family.
I would suggest that you look at what influences are in play that drive your brides issues with prior relationship baggage on her acceptance of her Skids. Then do something about those issues and not leave the requirements to deal with it all on your bride's shoulders. She married you. She did not marry your X nor did she marry your kids. Keep that in mind.
IMHO of course.