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Done with SD…...

omgsaveme's picture

SD22 is a passive aggressive manipulative bitch and Im so done with her. DH has started to see through some of her BS but the rest he excuses. I went from not being able to stand her and letting her take space in my head, to just feeling indifferent and not wanting to deal with her, to lets put the BS aside and try to get along.

Every time I have tried to be nice, she either acts like a catty bitch or does this passive aggressive bullshit. The latest she just had her baby, went and spent a good amount of money on gifts, went to the hospital and congratulated her only for her to act like a bitch. Then she goes on FB and passive aggressively talks crap about me on there but does it in a way that I can't say its definitely her.

Latest she( I KNOW it was her) had some guy call me from a dating site and claim I had been talking to him on there. Im assuming she set up a fake profile for me and gave this guy my number. It happened the day after she took to FB to passively aggressively "talk shit" about me. My DH knows I don't cheat and wouldn't and just laughed it off when the guy called. He has no idea I think (KNOW) its her nor does he think its her. The fact that you even attempted to ruin my marriage is enough for me.

He would never believe it was her unless there was undeniable proof. I want absolutely nothing to do with her, EVER,EVER,EVER. I don't hate her, I don't loathe her, I do NOT want her in my life. She is on my FB and I unfollowed her, I don't even want her on my friends list.

I just don't want people like her in my life, she is toxic, nothing but drama, and when you try to destroy my marriage its unforgivable to me. Fuckin. bitch. If my not wanting her in my life ends my marriage so be it. He can visit her as much as he'd like, I don't want her around me.

Im not going to have the conversation with DH, Im just going to be busy or make plans every time he wants her around.

bug3211's picture

:jawdrop: That is so manipulative. If she loved her dad she wouldn't do something that could hurt him so badly. What a bitch.

omgsaveme's picture

Yes, I am so done. He seems to make some excuses whenever Ive brought up rude stuff she's done, by saying "well you've said this about her" or "you did the same thing". Blah whatever. Just needed to type/vent. Thanks for "listening"

Dizzy's picture

Your DH needs to grow a backbone and stand up for his WIFE, not his bitch adult daughter. I sorry you're dealing with this...

peacemaker's picture


Orange County Ca's picture

What web site? Surely you asked so you could contact the site and have the ad taken down after you let your husband see? Who else would do it and have all the information and a picture and be willing to do such a thing? Comeon husband.

Anyway I support your intentions. Stay away from her Facebook and other such sites. Block her phone (ask your carrier for help) block her from your social sites, if she calls on house phone hand it to Daddy or say you'll have him call back and hang up (if he's not at home). Stay away from her Facebook - its worth repeating.

Almost everybody who reads that crap can see she's out of line but hey they support a friend.

Being liked on Facebook is like sitting at the "cool" table at the insane asylum. Avoid it completely.

omgsaveme's picture

Great post Orange, the guy I talked to couldn't tell me what the name of the profile was. I tried looking through the site for my picture and there was none on there. When the guy called I asked what I looked like, he couldn't remember. He sounded like he was drunk when he called. So Im thinking that she just created some fake profile and used either no picture or someone else's picture and gave my number.

This isn't the first time something like this has happened. The only person that has my number and DHs number is her. She puts on this act for him, that everything is all good but whenever Im around her without him, she acts totally different. She's very sneaky and passive aggressive.

I would like to completely remove her from my Facebook but I know that would cause a huge uproar with him and family. So I just am going to take to "blocking" her from my wall.

I guess Im maturing cause a few years ago, I would have ripped her head off, literally. Now I just don't want to be around her. Talking to my DH about her a lot of the time is like talking to a wall. I know I don't take FB too serious, I feel like an idiot if I argue over Facebook. If I really have something to say to you, I'll just call you or talk to you in person.

AllySkoo's picture

Huh. His responses sort of make me think there IS no profile - he's just some guy that SD asked to call you and make trouble. Which is slightly reassuring. (I would HATE if there were really a profile still up!) Besides, most profiles don't contain phone numbers - you have to message the person and set up some sort of contact (email or phone or whatever), you can't just contact anyone without their permission.

Calypso1977's picture

it most likely is; eharmony (although you have to pay for that one and its pretty involved, so doubtful that your SD did that one) or that site for the over 50's.

omgsaveme's picture

It was plenty offish and when I looked on the site he gave me his profile. He was some guy in his 50s. I think she just set up a fake profile and messaged him and gave him my number.

omgsaveme's picture

Couldn't change my number, Im not too worried about it .It would be too big of a hassle with my kids family and schools. I don't care that I get prank calls, it just pisses me off that she attempts to ruin my marriage. She's just an idiot.