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HELP.. my perfect life

LoveMyWife's picture

I love my wife.. my wife is an incredible woman.. she's beautiful inside and out.. she had 2 kids(8 and 10), I had one(6) and we have one together(2).. all girls all blonds..

I love them all.. they are all my kids in my eyes..

My wife loves my little girl too.. however my girl has some mommy issues.. her bio mom is someone who is dificult but not in the bitchy way.. she just rather work than spend time with her.. and isn't organised at all.

This leaves my wife to pick up the slack.. but my daughter does not appreciate her.. even not really sure she respect her at times.. she'll be difficult with her.. she'll answer back sometimes.. and she's not organised and forgets everything..

This doesn't go well with my wife..

Like my wife says.. she adores her, but when she has to baby her and isn't getting any respect back, it's taking away from her own kids..

We've started to see a councelor about this.. it's helped..

My wife and I love each other.. a huge amount.. we're loyal and have a great marriage.. but all of our fights have to do with my daughter..

Any of you have any stories or advise for me?.. thanks..

overworkedmom's picture

1st - Great job in realizing where the problem is!!! 2nd- So very proud of you for going to counseling!!!

Now, advice- Show your daughter by example. If you want her to clear her plate and thank your wife for dinner, do it yourself too. If you want your daughter to have a respectful tone, make sure you are using one yourself- with her and your wife. When you daughter does not do the correct behavior correct her and give her a chance to do the right thing. If she doesn't remove her from the situation and send her to her room. She can come out when she wants to be a part of the family. Stress to your daughter that you want her to be a part of this family but in this family we show respect to all the adults in the home.

LoveMyWife's picture

everything you've said i've done.. and she is really good.. however the day that she comes from her mom's house is a different story.. i've approached her bio mom about it too.. and she's just a cunt who couldn't even reply to me saying i'm seeing a counselor for our daughter.. she was more concerned with her boyfriends feelings.. the councelor has even said most of the problem is her mother but her mother doesn't want to understand.. she goes in defense mode..

I do lead by example.. we have rules around the house.. and she is a messy kid but she listens pretty good..

one of the things that sucks.. is when she gets home from school and my wife is there, she'll ask for all sorts of stuff.. do her nails.. change her clothes.. a snack.. something to drink.. i don't know if it's because my wife is a better mom than her bio mom(which she is for sure).. or if it's just her being anoying..

I'm just not sure what to do..

overworkedmom's picture

I agree wholeheartedly - a day or 2 for transition is totally normal. It doesn't excuse the behavior and she needs to be called on it, but expecting it not to be there is not realistic. Eventually it will subside and 2 days becomes one, and one day becomes a few hours. It can get better as long as you have consistency!

Tell you wife about the site- sometimes it helps to vent and get it off your shoulders, that way you don't need to hear/see it and she will feel better!

Jsmom's picture

This will get worse if you don't get your daughter under control. Every single time she is disrespectful to your wife, she needs to be punished. I guarantee she is worse to your wife, than your wife is telling you. This was our life 6 years ago. Same BM and disrespectful SD. Required everyone's attention all the time. Fast forward and my SD is no longer welcome here....