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Do you ever feel like youve settled for less?

Stjupmamma's picture

I am disappointed with my husband. We are getting married in church (we already had a civil marriage last year) next month. And we wont have a honeymoon. I told him i am disappointed. I have time off of work and he too. We are getting married in my home country but hed like to hurry back to denmark where his stepdaughter is and stay there for two days. Then ill follow him in denmark and we both continue on to our home here. I told him im disappointed and he started to shout at me saying i complain too much and that im upset jist because i cant have a honeymoon.
Well we didnt have a honeymoon after our civil wedding either. He gave me a small silver necklace that say "best friend" instead of i love you he said meant to buy the one that say i love you. It was soo cheap and thought like he couldve done better but i wore it proudly on my bday. On christmas day i didnt get a gift from him. But on his kids' birthdays and last christmas he showers them with gifts and last christmas it was even my money that was spent on gifts for them cos he didnt have money (3 kids, stepdaughter, parents, brother, sister and sister's two kids)
I hate him sometimes because i feel like im not allowed to feel disappointed or hurt or express how i feel. I work hard and feel like im not getting anything in return. I try to give as much as i can. It wont feel so bad for me though if i cant see how different he is with the kids and with me. I feel like he takrs me for granted.
I feel like sometimes if i was with a man who doesnt have children, Id get all the attention i need from him. I would not get jealous in terms of gifts (it sounds shallow but really who wouldnt be disappointed or hurt even after last christmas). I would have more in terms of finance as we will only have us both to take care of financially and our children.
I dont think hre understands me . I tell him that it was soo difficult for me to come here in this countrt with no friends and family to contact..there is still this awkwardness between me and his family. I cant speak the language here but im learning. He has kids every other weekend. His ex hates me. The weather is cold and depressing. I work hard and cant even enjpy my salaries because i help him with his the expenses..and his money goes to alimony and his debts and our expenses too. He is the only one i can vent out on and tells me not to vent out on him as he cant take it. He even sugested i call red cross and i did just so someone could listen to me! And now i found this site. I am stil praying and hoping that our marriage will last long. But i told him i wont settle for less. So if i want to plan to travel somewhere, whether he can come with me or not id still go. I feel like ive postponed so many plans for him. His many promises brfore we got married didnt come true.

Stjupmamma's picture

Sometimes i wonder what i really am here for. If it is only to help him pay bills?
Before we got married he said that ill be number one that he will take care of me etc. Now i see that without me he wouldnt be able to survive financially.
He is good and very sweet at times but when he has to choose between me or his children , i can sense that its always the children that comes first. He is a very good father but as a husband i dont think so. He is very insensitive to me.
Thanks for your questions. I have asked them before myself and im afraid oc the answers. Plus the embarrassment this will be for me and my family.. we have only been married for nine months.

mannin's picture

If my DH gave me a necklace that said "best friend," I'd hand him his balls.

Your DH sounds very abusive and he's a user. Your feelings on how he treats his kids versus you is not petty. You're supporting him so he can support his kids. This is ridiculous.

You sound miserable and I'm wondering why you even married him in the first place.

I personally wouldn't be having a church wedding, I'd be meeting with a divorce lawyer.

Stjupmamma's picture

The wedding is next month...after two weeks...everything is ready. Church, reception flght tickets. Some friends and family have tickets already to cross continents to be at the wedding and hotels booked.
I dont mind working if it benefits us both and contributes to our future stability..but now i feel like my hardwork just goes dow the drain. Im scared that he will continue on with this for the rest of our lives together...him being cheap on me.

mannin's picture

Cancel the wedding and use the venue, vendors, and so on for a party - not a reception.

You have a choice here: stop this train wreck of a marriage now or keep going in misery's company.

If this man is yelling at you and telling you to call the Red Cross because he can't take how you feel - he doesn't care about you. Period.

He has and is showing you who and what he is - pay attention and listen!

sbm014's picture

^^Haha This. Best friend is a cop out in my opinion for men to use. Yes my DH is *one* of my bestfriends, but I would have told him he was ridiculous if tried to give me a necklace like that.

QueenBeau's picture


SadFairy's picture

There are men with kids who still are thoughtful enough to purchase a present for their wife on Christmas. The problem isn't his being a father so much as it is him being a jackass. It sounds like you are very low on his list priorities. A person behaving this way does not deserve a wife. He had so little regard for you that he didn't even pay attention to the words on the cheap necklace he bought you.

Your mate is supposed to make you feel cherished. He is taking you for granted. Any woman would be hurt and disappointed by the life he is giving you. I hope you realize you deserve better than this, and soon.

sbm014's picture

No, I don't because though I let many things slide. I stand up and tell DH when he is being completely ridiculous. You sound miserable and I would not go through with the church wedding.

Modernworld1011's picture

I am so sorry that you are experiencing such pain. Well forget the RedCross, here we all are. Pretty much everyone here has some degree of crazy. I am sorry that you have so much sadness. Whenever something hits me hard I write it down here. I have received so much sound advice and support, and I try to help others too which always makes me feel better.

I understand wanting to try to work it out, but protect you too! Keep money aside in your name only in case you find you can no longer deal with things. It sounds as if your husband will not be a source of savings, so please save for you. Any little bit... Trust me I know. I have been in the world falling apart and husband controls all the money.

You do not owe your husband your salary to pay for his prior marriage. Your salary should go only towards those things that benefit you both. I would much rather pay for all of the groceries or electricity than know that my money is going to the ex spouse.

Smiles, hugs and best wishes!

Step Witch's picture

One thing i've learned, ALWAYS look out for number 1. You, yourself is number one, if you don't do that, then sorry but you'll be the doormat, the maid, the woman with strong believe but you will always be shut down by him and his family. I'm so sorry for you. I wish we could have known what we know now, maybe we would have run for the hills before these low life jackasses entered our lives.