HELP- Skids making me hateful and bitter- I need help and reality check
***I posted this on my blog but since I really need some advice I thought I would post here too. Thanks!
I was pretty successfully disengaged from the skids for the past 9-12 months. I didnt think much about them, didnt have to deal with them. DH wasn't bringing them over to the house. Life was good.
Well the closer we got to the wedding (in October, mine and DH's)I was starting to get anxious about the skids being there and what antics they would pull. I had to deal with them a little more- who was all coming, how they were getting to/from the wedding, what they were going to wear,etc. And the more they had to be in my head, the more I wanted them out. The more I heard their names the more I cringed and was reminded of why I dont like them.
We make it through the wedding (where YSD and MSD gave me dirty looks) and I think- okay things can go back to "normal". Well I still felt very bitter about the skids and I found that I was focusing on them and how much I really dont like the people they are. I think it was the reality of Okay I am now married to their dad. I am now more stuck with them then I was before. So then I think that has just consumed me.
Now its the holidays. DH wants the skids around more. The more he pushes them on me and pushes for them to come over the more I resist and the more resentful I become. The more I just focus on how much I really dont like them.
They came over for Thanksgiving ( and to me it was awful. Now reading the blog I posted about it, it wasn't THAT bad (I know it could be worse) but it's bad enough in my mind.
I just can not stand who the skids are. Period. Dot. I think they are so self entitled. I KNOW they do stuff to push my buttons and they know how to do it. They have a lot of BM qualities. MSD18 who has a baby is already following in her footsteps and getting on the system and trying to use everyone and everything she can. If these kids were anyone else's but my DH's I would never be around these kids again. Heck I wish I could never be around his kids.
Because MSD18 is a thief (has stolen from me on several occassions) I feel that I can't just leave her in the house without me watching over her. So I dont really have the option of just leaving when the skids are over. DH of course doesnt see her stealing as something that should keep her from the house. At one time he saw it that way, but for some reason not anymore.
I told DH before we got married exactly how I felt about his kids. I told him, DO NOT marry me if you cant live with that. When we got married (or leading up to the wedding) things were good with the kids. They didnt come over. DH would take them out to eat, movies, etc to visit with them. It was peaceful. I told DH if you think you're going to marry me and that is going to change anything- then we shouldn't get married. No, no nothing is going to change he says. But that is exactly what has happened. Now he wants them to come over again. In my head though I was preparing for DH to possibly go back on what he said, but in my heart hoping that he wouldnt, since he knew how I felt.
As far as them coming over, its uncomfortable for everyone. Me, the skids and even DH. So why do they come over?
I have turned into someone who is bitter and hateful. I find myself just stewing over how much I cant stand these kids. I am so anxious and stressed, waiting for the next time they are going to come over.
I dont like who I have become when it comes to the skids. I dont like that I am feeding into their b.s when they make snarky comments and actions. I am usually such a forgiving person but with the skids I just cant forgive them for the crap they have done to me. Not anymore. I did forgive and forget many times to be screwed over.
I am so angry with my DH for his lack of understanding. I am angry that he will allow a thief in our home, even though he knows how anxious that makes me. I am sad that we have been married 2 months and we have fought so much over the skids already.
Just to clarify- these feelings are mainly about YSD14 and MSD18. OSD21 I dont have to see or deal with and SS200- him and I are fine.
I need a reality check! I need a come to Jesus Moment before I allow these skids to bother me so much that I ruin my marriage.
If anyone has helpful, constructive advice I would really apperciate. And sorry but I really dont want to hear about how I shouldn't have married DH, blah blah blah. We are married and I am committed to making my marriage work.
I recogonize that this problem is part DH, part skids and part me.
Thank you!
Last Christmas was ruined
Last Christmas was ruined because of the skids (in my mind) and it was our first Christmas in our new home and I was REALLY upset it was ruined. I think I am channeling a lot of that anxiety from last year. Damn it I just want a good holiday!
I told DH flat out yesterday- You had the skids here for Thanksgiving and I did not enjoy the day at all. I REFUSE to have my Xmas ruined as well. I told him he will be taking his kids out for dinner on Xmas Eve. I told him BS8 is only going to be around for the morning of Christmas and then he is heading to his Dad's. Then it will just be us. No SKIDS!
The only "good skid" is SS. He does sympathize with me, but I dont really see him enough to have an ally.
I definetley do not feel like DH has my back. THIS is my biggest issue. I could probably deal with (or at least deal BETTER) with the skids crap if I knew that DH has my back.
It always comes back to me being the one with the problem. The skids are smart enough to not complain directly to DH about me anymore. Or to be as outright rude in front him, just when he turns his back. Or when they do do something or say something it's like DH doesnt even see it, because he is so gone and only sees them as Princessess who do no wrong. Or he just doesn't care that his kids behave and act the way they do.
As far as the stealing- I dont even think it has to be my personal stuff. MSD will take photo frames, blankets, towels, anything she can get her hands on. It's like I would have to lock down my whole house. It's so frustrating.
Thank you for your advice
Yes same girls. And good
Yes same girls.
And good idea about making it a problem he can solve.
anadiller- I like your
I like your thinking. I have tried to tell DH that the home is my "safe zone" and I need it as a place to not feel threatened.
Here are the issues:
DH thinks I am being over dramatic and making a fuss over nothing.
When it comes to the stealing he has told me "It's just material things" and "To get over it"
I do want to compromise with my DH. My BS lives with us full time and is around full time. So I think it's fair that I compromise, somewhere, somehow.
DH raised these kids to act this way, so he does not see what assholes they are. Even though he has acknowledged that it was VERY peaceful when they weren't coming around.
I think DH is so tired of hearing me bitch about it, it's like the message has gotten lost in the delivery. I wouldnt be surprised if he just tuned me out anymore when I talk about it. I am talked out and I know he is on this situation.
I wish my skids would only
I wish my skids would only come over to visit. You have it good, honey -- his messed up brats live with us full-time. Can't wait for our first Christmas together -- with them. They were supposed to be with their loser alcoholic mom but guess what? She is MIA!
Loving the holidays!
I will only say this, and
I will only say this, and this is something I had to really realize in myself, no matter how much it hurt....Things will probably never change...When you marry the man/woman, you marry everything attached to them..and the truth is, they probably will not go away, and if your husband gives you no voice, and expects you to just keep silent and "go with it", then there will be a high amount of resentment.... Good luck, and hope things get better..