Support Group - Sydney
Hi all step-mums out there,
I have been looking and have not found a group for step-mums in Sydney (eastern suburbs), so i thought i'd set one up.
I imagine it to be a safe, easy place to have a glass of wine & chat about any issues we're facing and get tips from like-minded people who have been there before (not a place to bitch about the ex, though sometimes i feel like it!).
I have first hand knowledge that being the 'evil step-mother' isn't always fun and it's not easy to discuss with friends who are not in the same situation.
I propose a meeting before Christmas and every few months thereafter.
Let me know if you're interested.
Sounds great, can you fly
Sounds great, can you fly some of that wine down to Melbourne. Good Luck it really sounds like a great idea.
Check out this site if you
Check out this site if you haven't already. I'm not in Australia but have heard it's great:
You can meet some people from Sydney and form a support group with them.
Hey EBU - I think there are a
Hey EBU - I think there are a few of us in Melbourne.
Wine sounds good. Lots of wine.
So over it all at the moment...... :O
I am in Brisbane if there is
I am in Brisbane if there is any other Qld step mums let me know.
Onechoosestosmile is also
Onechoosestosmile is also from Qld I think.
This sounds great!! I'm from
This sounds great!! I'm from Sydney and would LOVE to join!!!!
hello, Luchay, yes , that is
hello, Luchay, yes , that is right:)))))) Sorry I am not here so much anymore since I escaped the insanity!!!! But I am still suffering the after shocks at times and feel as if I have escaped a life of suffering and emotional pain!! Love you sisters here, especially you Aussies, Luchay, lovely EBU..... xxxxxxx
I knew that. One choose to
I knew that. One choose to smile. But I also new you kicked him out. Are you good? I wouldbe more than happy to see the other step talkers in Sydney sometime. Wouldn't that be a laugh.
Sounds like we have some
Sounds like we have some takers. Does anyone have a preference on dates?
I suggest afternoon drink/nibbles in Sydney's CBD (Circular Quay or Darling Harbour) on either:
-9 Nov '13,
-23 Nov '13, or
-30 Nov '13.
Let me know and i'll organise. We'll go with the majority.
That sounds damned awesome!!
That sounds damned awesome!! 30 November would be great for me.. and either DH or CQ is fine - long as there's alcohol!
Hi IslandGal, Since i wrote
Hi IslandGal,
Since i wrote this, i have a commitment 30 Nov. Can we do Sunday 14 Nov arvo or Sat 7 Nov?
Oops meant Sat 7 Dec
Oops meant Sat 7 Dec
I would love to but can't for
I would love to but can't for the whole month of December - due to xmas, DH's birthdays etc.. shall we try for a date round mid Jan??
Hi IslandGirl, Jan is ok by
Hi IslandGirl,
Jan is ok by me. Christmas is coming quickly - can't keep track of the days.
11/12 Jan or 17/18 Jan is ok for me.
Hi LLady I know your post is
Hi LLady
I know your post is quite old now (2013) but I too am searching for an Sydney eastern suburbs support group for stepmothers, and can't seem to find anything suitable.
How have you found the journey since you suggested setting up a group 4 years ago?
Another Melburnian here
Another Melburnian here
Perhaps we should have our
I'm WAY out in the SE Relle, what about you?
I'd be up for that! I'm in
I'd be up for that! I'm in the Eastern suburbs
Will talk to you later -
Will talk to you later - about to do the school pick up - with a 24 cupcake owl tree for dd8's class.
Questioning my sanity now, how am I going to get it to the school with NO kids in the car to hold it LMAO