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Anyone feel like more of a family when skids aren't around?

Annoyed1's picture

I was exited today as me and DH are going on a nice day trip with DH family. It was just supposed to be me and him and his family. I was just told that his kids are coming as well!! I was looking forward to a nice time with just me, my DH and his family. Now I get to play second fiddle to his kids. "Yay". Does anyone else feel like this? Does anyone feel like when the skids are around that its the opposite of feeling like a family? Ugh! Just had to vent. Now I'm debating on whether I even want to go! I hate this.

TASHA1983's picture


Our life, home, and family is as close to perfect as it can be and get WHEN there is NO skid or bm in the pic!!! It seriously is Heaven on Earth for me. Smile

dragonfly5's picture

This is me! I am so happy, so complete, life is so easy when it is just DH and me.

Yes a skids trip is a whole other situtation. So sorry Sad

sbm014's picture

I don't know if feeling like a family is the right word - but I do enjoy it a lot more especially since BM has started dating.

I feel like when it just DH and I even if it's just when we are laying in bed and SS is asleep there is a sense of remember why I am in the situation, and it's just a more calming situation.