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DH's relatives can SUCK IT!

Goincrazy40's picture

So I find out tonight, that my sister in law, has actively been hanging out with BM.

Goincrazy40's picture

I have totally 'effin HAD
Submitted by Goincrazy40 on Mon, 07/15/2013 - 11:10am.
Ok, I have totally 'effin HAD IT!

So I find out tonight, that my sister in law, has actively been hanging out with BM. And, telling BM that I bad mouth her all the time. WTF? If anyone bad mouths her, it isn't me, it is DH. I am very careful not to say ANYTHING around SIL and BIL - because they are known BM sympathizers. SIL always pulls the "she is the mother of your children" bullshit to her brother, my DH. WTF is WRONG with her??? Does she NOT REMEMBER what BM did to her brother? Cheated on him? Cleaned out the house while he was at work? Wouldn't let him see the kids? And has generally acted like a total bitch for years? BM doesn't let the kids come to family functions where SIL is with their kids (kids cousins). Doesn't she see how disappointed her kids are and DH's kids are about this stuff for years now?

And by the way, WTF did I do to anyone? Oh, right. I only cook, clean, entertain, and provide for BM's kids. Hell of a lot more than she can be bothered with.

She is too busy spouting off about how she is a "poor single mother, struggling to make it in this world." GIve me a break. She is a victim of her own choices. And any problems she has are due to her damn laziness. She treats the kids like shit. ALL THE TIME.

I am sooo fucking pissed off. And DH wont say anything to his sister, because he doesn't want to rock the boat. Says she isn't worth it. Well, I guess I AM NOT WORTH IT.

Fuck Him AND BM,

not2sureimsaneanymore's picture

Ugh that sucks. I hate it when family gets involved in the drama but yeah, neither her nor bm are worth it. Honestly your SIl is a bitch for reating damn drama. Don't understand why some people do this.

ldvilen's picture

That's at the root of what is most annoying about being a SP.  BM (and bio-dad) are "victims" of their own poor choices, and their children are too--true victims of their parents' poor choices.  Yet, who is expected to pay the price for that?  Why, SPs, of course.  BM gets to play any card she wants and DH gets to put his head in the sand as deep as he wants.  But, SPs!?  Nah.  They are considered intruders despite taking care of children that are neither theirs nor their responsibility, free of charge to boot. 

In spite of that, rather than being celebrated (yeah! free babysitting), for some reason SPs are met with suspicion and held liable and accountable for even the slightest perceived infraction. SPs are gifted horses that get kicked in the mouth all the time.