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Harassing ex!!!

3isacharm's picture

Whelp I've come to the conclusion that my husbands ex is a freaking nut job! Over the years, I've received torting emails, drive bys at my job, her friends harassing me at work, her friends following my car, threatening phone calls (three way with her buddies), Facebook trolling, (blocked her but she has someone doing it for her and sends me screenshots of my pictures and posts via text. I've attempted to over and over avoid communication with this ignorant woman. She constantly texts my husband arguing with him. I have no life without this woman tangling it up and causing strife between my husband and I. Recently after I had asked her to stop.... She has texted me everyday since. I've ignored every text. I refuse to even speak to her in person or see her. It freaks me out that I feel I'm under a constant magnifying glass, have no privacy, and I'm annoyed that she will not stop attempting communication. It's aggravating she will not just let me and my husband have our lives. Can I file a restraining order? Go to the cops? This is just drivin me nuts!

sixteensmom's picture

We have the same thing. Never direct conversation with me, but digs and slams about THAT WOMAN or HER in incessant texts to DH. She alo creeps my facebook. for weeks I'd get 'do you know this person' every time i logged in. finally blocked them. sd and ss are completely bought into bms crazy fantazy. it really is nuts. I'm smarter, happier, nicer, cleaner, more thoughtful, more loving and more playful than she is and it drives her nuts. recently we rec'd 'if your life is so good with her, why do you drink so much' we wont respond to her or justify her idiocy with letting itbother us. nutcase.

JValaThorne's picture

SORRY OP, this is O/T but, when you get the suggestions of "do you know this person" comes up is because they've been looking at your page?
I CONSTANTLY get BM and her friends pages under "do you know this person", i always though it was because of FDH but...hes not even FB friends with her friends!!!

3isacharm's picture

Now she's threatening to come here and get the child and is texting non stop saying the cops r headed here she "fears" for the child, stated he's reported kidnapping. It's our chest led weekend. SHe can't do anything. But all this grief upon someone for what purpose? Is there anything I can do legally about her trolling creeping and harassing me?

3isacharm's picture

I called they said if she's shows up that's the only time they cando anything. I'm filing a harassment and restraining order and pressing charges soon. Getting all the evidence lined up. What's pains me is the SD is freaking out. We don't involve her in the grown up disputes, but she knows something's up. Poor kid is the one who's gonna suffer in the long run.

3isacharm's picture

This is also a problem. DH has seen numerous lawyers, all telling him the same thing. Basically to deal with it. He is so scared she will do something to take away his rights. The BM has had child protective on her butt for almost a year now with another open case. She literally tonight, deliberate had my husband waiting in the car for over Half an hour at drop off, she wasn't there. He finally gets ahold of her and she states for him to drive another 20 miles outta the way to where she is. Isn't that against the decree? Theirs stated that she has to be dropped at mothers residence by 6pm. She did this on purpose. He told her he'd be dropping her off at her house at six. I mean this woman literally goes to every extent to piss him off by using the child as leverage. We have stopped contact, she's not. About my fb, I run a business and it's on there. I'm mostly on it for that, my family and I keep contact thru fb. My dad is on the road in a band and I help with his pr as well. I won't stay off fb simply because its one more thing of mine she will not control. I don't lost about we in any way. She does it to make me upset. I'm going to a lawyer tomorrow. To see what his and my rights are. H being paying child support and all he should have some right to protect his child despite what a lawyer says. Regardless the child is a concern, she exhibits the same exact behavior as BM does. Sad really.