Stepdaughter diagnosed with ODD
Hi I'm new to the board, my boyfriend's daughter (7 years old) has recently been diagnosed with Oppositional Defiant Disorder. My boyfriend and I have been together for 4 years, living together for 2. She has show signs of behavior problems (bossiness, being loud, manipulate, defiant, rude...) since she was about 3. The daycare she attended when she was younger is owned by her grandmother. When she would get in trouble for these behaviors, which was often, no one would do anything about it and the behavior was never corrected. i tried talking to my boyfriend about these issues at the time but I think he was way in denial. When she entered kindergarten, he began receiving many emails from her teacher about her behavior. There were instances where she spit on a kid on the bus (she denied), she would correct other children's work, speak out of turn, get up from her seat without asking. My boyfriend recently came to terms with the fact that this is not normal behavior. His daughter was diagnosed last week.
My problem is that I am so frustrated with the situation. Even with the diagnosis, which I'm so happy to finally have a name to the problem, I'm worried things still won't get better. I've researched ODD and found many useful articles that I have forwarded to my boyfriend. When I try to discuss them with him, he either hasn't read them or doesn't want to talk about it. He is showing no signs of moving forward in helping the situation. She is with us during the week (Saturday and Sunday with her mom) and all my boyfriend does is yell at her when she acts up. My stepdaughters mom was diagnosed with ADHD as a child and has many of the same characteristics as my stepdaughter (loud, bossy, argumentative). She is very immature and is already taking care of a younger child on her own. She lives with her parents and doesn't have many responsibilities and doesn't show much interest in her daughter except for doing fun stuff.
Sometimes I feel like a prisoner in my own home. I work with 2 1/2 year olds all day and when I come home I feel like I never left work. I'm constantly worried over what is going to happen next. It's so hard to deal with all the manipulation, the lying, the attitude that comes from her. And at times she's such a sweet and pleasant kid but her attitude turns in a split second. I always worry about what I say to her in fear that she will twist my words around later. I feel so sad for her but so frustrated at the same time. And the worst part is is that no one sees it. My boyfriend knows she's defiant but thinks by telling her to 'stop it" that she will get better. My boyfriend's parents think she is the best kid ever. Has anyone had to deal with anything similar?
ODD is real,its not a label.
ODD is real,its not a label. Children are oppositional when they are seeking attention. Negative or positive they dont care. its comes from poor mothering and poor fathering.
These children go out in the world and do other things for attention and are never happy. They tend to be depressed, and full of rage. My youngest and oldest sd's have this. They have a crappie druggie mom who allows anything goes. No rules no boundaries and children crave these things!
Our 21 yr old has pink hair and eye brows, crazy piercings all over and tattooed head to toe and all her fingers. She is always high, and most of the time drunk. She also has several psych drugs that she mixes with this XANAX in over dose for one! She yells, and trips out all the time, she steals, she is constantly drunk driving. Three times we have had calls from the police to pick her up that she is passed out behind the wheel. The last time I drove her home and her dad drove her car. She told me she is like a cat has nine lives and three are gone now, ( this has happened 3 times) she said she took 4 xanax was high and doesnt know how many shots of vodka she had. She told me whew I guess I was lucky my trunk had a scale in it and is full of pot that I am selling. ( I am thinking shit my husband is currently driving the car)! She had a long time boy friend and has always had boyfriends now for SHOCK attention she has turned lesbian. She works at a pot clinic. We keep getting calls from Vegas where she goes to dance that she ran out of money. She lives in Hollywood and dances there most of the time, her dad doesnt know it she tells me.
This is my 11 yr old sd future!
My 21 yr old is a Ball State Architect Student, a nanny for 7 boys ages 2-12 three of them are 2 ( triplets) and she is also on the Lacrosse team. No tatoos no piercing no drugs.
Its not luck. His 21 yr old on grad day passed out on pcp and almost died. Its choices, its boundaries, its good parenting. The 21 yr old had odd all during her teen years. Dressed slutty, acted slutty, got herpes the first time she had sex at 16. Its not rock science. Its fact POOR PARENTING = Poor Adults. Her dad tells me all the time, I am going to loose her I know it but at least I will have one I wont ( the 11 yr old. ;( oh yeah ..... he has already lost her too!
Honestly I don't know. I've
Honestly I don't know. I've taken psych classes but never went that far with it and I really don't know anyone with the disorder. All I know is there is no peace in the house. SD has to be the center of attention at all times and if she isn't getting that, she will find a way. The simplest things, like her setting the table for dinner or getting ready for bed, become a hassle. And I'm really trying to not to completely shut down when it comes to her cause like I said, her mom really doesn't help much at all and if I'm not there to help with her, my boyfriend will be stuck doing it all on his own and I don't want to do that to him either.
ODD is really more than just
ODD is really more than just a label I agree.
But it is not something that can be fixed.
ODD usually means a worthless pathetic excuse for a human being no matter how old they get. My SS36 was ODD - he ended up a criminal who participated in murder. Not all end up that bad - but ODD does not usually have a happy ending.
It's a tough pill to
It's a tough pill to swallow. We were so worried about a diagnosis of ADD that I don't think we even considered anything else. Now I'm trying to learn as much as I can about it all. I hope somehow my stepdaughter can beat the odds and maybe improve a little.
SS's therapist recommended a
SS's therapist recommended a book called, The Explosive Child.
I read it, DH didn't. She suspected ODD, ADHD when SS was 4 - DH didn't want to know and never followed up.
SS is defiant, rude, loud, center of attention, hurtful and mean spirited. As of late due to school complaints, he did get a diagnosis of ADHD now, he is 7 going to be 8 - he is VERY immature for his age. The parents have medicated him, but have done absolutely NONE of the recommended behaviour changes in the home - neither parent - and to make it worse for me personally, DH complains BM didn't do anything (majority of the household changes were on her) yet he also didn't do any of the ones that he could\should be doing.
The way I see is, SS7 is the boss, he will be an ass as he enters teen years, also because its not polite to call a 7 year old an ass, so I guess he is an ass in the making.
I just hope he moves out sooner than later - its not looking good. The ADHD meds have calmed him somewhat - but didn't change his personality one iota...
I am probably prejudiced
I am probably prejudiced because SS37 (if still alive) was ODD. HE was also involved in murder.
Yeah I'm sure every situation
Yeah I'm sure every situation is different. I am curious to see if any type of therapy will be helpful or if we will see an improvement.