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You're no father to me

Newimprvmodel's picture

So after two weeks, dh's youngest daughter finally calls back. If you may recall dh had been calling her to tell her that he wants to see that she gets half of a small trust fund his parents had set up for only oldest two children. She would not even pick up the damn phone. And if you recall, she had her mother call dh to tell dh to let her focus on her studies at college and leave her alone. The same college he pays for!
She tells him that mother's boyfriend is more of a father to her than he is. Which had to hurt him deeply. And then he shared he only called again to defend her getting half the money.....and he said goodbye.
How hurtful!!!

Newimprvmodel's picture

While this legal BS was going on, his daughter visited a few colleges that summer that happened to be in resort areas...all out if state. Dh was forced to pay for half of their hotel room and meals. And yes.....other daughters went, as did mother and her boyfriend. I can not imagine being so crass? Oh was played as "educational expenses".

Amber Miller's picture

That's horrible. Sounds similar to my lovely SD who likes to make her dad feel bad by complaining that he wasn't a good father. This is how she manipulates him. Makes him feel like he's inadequate and then he tries harder. Very sick. I'm sorry for your DH. I agree, the BF should pay for her college. I'd cut her off so fast!

Newimprvmodel's picture

This is the same chick that took her father to court to pay for "the college of her choice". No joke......Dh and his ex had divorce agreement stipulating a state college or one that is comparable. So without one discussion......dh gets served with that. Imagine.....and three years later she is still the victim. Likely dh will be forced to pay for her grad school.

Newimprvmodel's picture

I just can not believe how a 21 year old would have her mother contact her father to tell him she wants nothing from him......oh yeah, but keep paying lots of money for me! This is the same girl that denied any responsibility of the diabolical court motion....."mom did it". This is the same girl that told dh she was not going to use her mother against him anymore.
Some things never change.

Newimprvmodel's picture

I know step aside. He keeps validating her as a victim, and he as the bad guy. God only knows where this is going.
I told him no good will come out of rewarding people like this. He and his parents are really creating some very damaged individuals.

Newimprvmodel's picture

Dh is not giving up, and honestly he still gets crazy emails from the ex as to how he needs to step up and reach out to these poor downtrodden angels. It is all a big farce, they likely are engaging in the dance of their marriage I suspect. Ex always saying one thing and her actions say otherwise. I had the pleasure of reading one of dh's letters to ex, which, unless a little bird dropped it out of the sky, it was planted in dh's house for me to see how lovesick my dh was for his ex. Nice people huh?